
Friday 19 July 2013

Paint Party Friday and last week of Summer of Color !

Sage and sepia .....
When I read what the colours for the last week of Summer of Color were, my first thought was "UGH".
These are sooo not my colours. Sage is in my opinion a bit of a drab green, and sepia, well, ..... even more drab. And, to be perfectly honest, a bit of a shit-colour, excuse the language ..... Good for photos, but for painting, no. I only ever use it for shadows, and even then very sparsely. Lately I prefer blues and purples for my shadows.

Anyway, at the same time I was a bit excited, because I really wondered how it would look together. I had a hard time mixing the colours, most colours I have are very bright, try making some drab colours with that.... So I'm not sure I got the colours completely right, but this is the best I could do with what I had:

I like the combination of the colours, they work well together. And I got a nice surprise mixing one of my darker greens with white. I got a really nice blue-ish green that I'll probably use again in the future. Something I'd never have known if it wasn't for this challenge. Aaaah, the things one can learn from challenges ... ☺

I'm also still painting stones. Here are some in progress pieces:

And the rock my daughter finished for her dad:

And with this the Summer of Color has come to an end. Next week I'll post a mosaic of all the pieces that I made. How fast 6 weeks can go by. When I just started the challenge I had just returned from Belgium and was feeling very fragile. I'm feeling a lot stronger now, but every now and then reality hits me again full-force, and leaves me sad and empty and shaken. It's often the small little things, like coming across the last email she wrote, or remembering something I wanted to tell her, or having to remove her name from my list of newsletter-subscribers. It makes it all so final. It's weird, with sisters and brothers, you just expect them to always be there. And when suddenly one of them gets ripped away life loses its security. It forces you to acknowledge that life is short and fragile, that you don't know what's coming next, that it can be over in a second. It's not a nice feeling, and it makes me worry all the time that anything will happen to anybody else. It'll take time to get over that sense of fragility.

Marianne wrote on her blog yesterday about a song of the Bee Gees that inspired her to make another beautiful card, and she said the song made her think of me. I'm so happy she introduced me to this song, I'd never heard it. Here are some of the lyrics, so beautiful:

Go on with your song, bird - you can't go wrong bird
You will go on and on bird, like you did before
though your wings are broken, the sky is so wide open
And the wind is waiting for you like an open door.

Next week my other sister will be here again with her family, after travelling up north. They'll stay here another 5 days before flying back. Looking forward to that!

And in the meantime I have my art. And it's such a relief to lose myself in it, and to be able to pour out all my feelings of grief and helplessness onto the canvas or the page, to find comfort in a good quote or poetry. I started a new painting when SOC started, and every week I put the leftover colours from my palette on there. This is where it is now. And no: you won't find any sepia or sage on there. Only a bit of the surprise blue-ish green ... ☺

Looking forward to finishing this .....

Well, thanks so much for being here, and for the advice with Google+. Seems I'm not the only one who doesn't understand it ;-) I'm still not sure what to do. I'll let you know when/if I try it.

Linking this as always to Paint Party Friday and to Summer of Color. Hope you are having a fantastic day, and a weekend full of warmth and joy.  ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Denthe, how horrible it must be to lose someone so close! You are wise to immerse yourself in art. Your art is always so expressive and beautiful. Even the sage and sepia, which don't seem like summer colors to me at all.
    Your last very colorful piece is really gorgeous.

  2. I agree whole heartedly with Faye re family loss.
    Loving your painting for SOC and of course your fabulous stones. Happy PPF, Annette x

  3. Your sage and sepia came out very well!!

    Glad to hear that you are feeling stronger and less fragile. Enjoy the time with your sister who is visiting.

    :: sue ::

  4. you did well with sepia and sage! cute rock your daughter made too. Your thoughts on life's fragility moved me, so true. Time will bring some healing.

  5. so far i have not done google + either. i don't like when i click on someones name that it takes me to their google + page and then i have to click on their blog post and then leave a comment - too much time to do all that.

    you work beautifully with sage and sepia, wonderful piece!

  6. I am very impressed with the Sage and Sepia. As for your loss it does get better. I lost my sister and brother with in 6 months of each other. I still pick up the phone to call them and then realize....
    Big hugs to you and wishing you blessings

  7. Hi Denthe. My thoughts are with you. Great work as always. gloria

  8. Love your sage and green, that blue is quite something. So pleased you are feeling stronger. I find art brings a lot of solace in bad times. Enjoy the visit of your other sister. Oh and the stone your daughter painted is great.

  9. wonderful sage and sepia - and your daughter's stone is wonderful too...
    what fab art family!
    xxx Susi
    Happy PPF!


  10. Ahh Denthe, you share my sentiments, like me you are a rainbow colour person! Saying that though you have created a lovely piece with surprising contrast, I found both colours very muddy when used together.I adore the 'left over ' canvas and your collection of stones, quite beautiful... I am so happy your strength is returning.

  11. Beautiful work again, love how you used sage and sepia. Valerie

  12. I know what you mean about the colours. I love them as cours for a vintage feel or for a room perhaps but I also tend to prefer bright vibrant colours when painting these days. That siad they worked well on my illustration and I have to say I adore them in your piece and that duck egg blue colour you came up with is one of my favourite colours (as you can tell from our newly redecorated kitchen!) I'd never heard those lyrics before but they are perfect for you both for your love of birds in your art and for the pain you're feeling over your loss. I had such a good week with my sister recently and I can't imagine her suddenly not being there, it is something I guess that will hit you, like you say, at the most random of times. Life really is so very short.

  13. You've made sage and sienna look great!

  14. So funny Denthe I felt exactly like you about those soc colors and handled it a little different yet similar! You did end up with a nice piece in the end!! Glad things are looking up, but yes grief is sneaky and can check in just while you are enjoying life!! If does diminish in time...thankfully! Or we would all go crazy!! Love the fun and your daughters is amazing...she's her mothers daughter!!

    Hugs Giggles

  15. I have to agree that sage and sepia are yukky colours but you managed to make them seem nice an bright. Excellent that you discovered a new colour. Your rocks are fantastic. So sorry about your sister.

  16. Beautiful, as always--I so love your geometric paintings! I brought home a few rocks from the beach since you've inspired me to paint them and I'm wondering what paints you use--the colors are so beautiful and vibrant! I've been telling hubby I need new paint...want to make sure I get the right things! =0)
    Hugs to you as you continue to is fragile, we have to cherish every moment...Give yourself time. My dad passed away almost five years ago and there are still days that crush me, missing him. We will see them again--all in time. <3

    1. thanks so much! I just use normal acrylics for my rocks, different brands, and if necessary more than one layer. And I first put white gesso on them. First a layer of white often gives the colours more vibrance. Good luck with your rocks, I hope you'll post them!

    2. Aaahh!! Thanks Denise!! I'll be sure to post pics--off to the beach probably Monday to grab some more! =0)

  17. Love your sage/sepia artwork - I think it turned out quite lovely. Your daughter's stone is fabulous, too. May each day bring a bit more healing for you - creating art of any kind is such good therapy!

  18. Working with sorrow and learning to live on after a loved person has left your life and the world is a process that takes time and is so different for every person.

    Your comments about the SOC colour-combination made me smile, as sage and sepia are some of my favorites! But I love the colourful too. Your stones are awesome and your daughters stone!!!

    I hope your art may help healing you

    Ilona xx

  19. Not a fan of those last challenge colors either but it IS nice to be challenged and leave the comfort zone sometimes. You did such a FAB job with yours!! Loving the painted stones. I wish you continued healing and strength. It really does knock you for a loop when you lose someone you love.

  20. It's dreadful to lose someone you love. I lost my mom when I was just 17th, barely made it to college!. I was numb for several years, I think to protect me from being so sad and failing college. But soon after I made it out grad school, and started working, I have all these bottle-up emotion came out all at once, I was a wreck, but art saves me :). I hope you're going through this with all the support you can get, please know you that you are never alone and much loved!.

    On a bright note, I LOL when you said the shit word!. Totally true, they look great on photographs but maybe not on watercolor/painting so much. One needs to outsmart these sedate colors to bring out their beauty :). You did great with adding complex drawings over the colors, so good work!!.

  21. I must admite they aren't my colours of preference either- but your result was awesome. And the rocks are great too. Happy PPF.

  22. Jeetje wat een prachtig schilderijtje en ik herkende het probleem van de kleuren.... eigenlijk vond ik het geen "zomerse kleuren", maar ik wilde toch persé iets maken en ben ermee aan de slag gegaan. Mijn kaart heeft ook inderdaad iets smoezeligs en dat zie ik niet bij jouw schilderij. Zo strak en helder en een prachtige quote. Dankjewel voor het plaatsen van de link naar mijn blog en de tekst.... ik heb dit nummer van de Bee Gees vroeger helemaal grijs gedraaid (op de platenspeler-toen nog) en nu ik het weer hoorde moest ik meteen aan jou en je vogels denken en hoe moeilijk het is om door te gaan en je gewone leventje weer op te pakken. Maar gelukkig vind je troost in je kunst en kun je je daarin goed uiten en helemaal geweldig dat je zus nog enkele dagen komt.
    Je kunt ook goed zien waar je dochter het talent van heeft!! Haar steen is geweldig mooi geworden. Heerlijk als je samen lekker kunt schilderen. Geniet ervan!!

  23. Yikes! Sage and sepia....I think my reaction to that would be similar to yours. Your results turned out very well considering this palette of color. I love that colorful face your daughter painted on the rock!

  24. Love your sage/sepia piece and hugs to you. xo

  25. Your opening statement about sepia made me laugh. I don't use sage much, but I love using sepia, especially in my icons. I LOVE those rocks you and your daughter made. May you find peace during your time of grief - Blessings!

  26. Beautiful work my friend!Happy PPF and hugs from Brazil.

  27. The top painting is so subtle and beautiful.... it is still you in a way, but I would miss the strong color palette you always use :o)
    Happy PPF!

  28. I feel so sorry for your loss, but am glad you have your art to help get you through this time of sorrow. And look at the positive side. You found a new color when mixing the sage. And I personally believe you created a great sage and sepia entry.

  29. Sage and Sepia is very good. A pity that challenge has finished now, I will miss seeing what people have done.

  30. I really love how your piece turned out - so good to get out of our comfort zones sometimes!

    So glad you have art and family to help you through this...

  31. I thought that sage and sepia would be easy since I am an earthy color kinda girl but found them surprisingly difficult - your mosaic picture is perfect!! I hope you continue making them even though SOC is over!

  32. I'm glad you're feeling stronger, my dear. Grieving is such a long, unpredictable process, isn't it? Every so-often I'll want to call my sister and tell her something so bad I can hardly stand it. What a huge blessing it is to have loved and been loved by someone so deeply. Your artwork is definitely your saving grace. I see your work evolving and widening into this new space you have entered and it is a glorious testament to the love you have for your sister. Blessings to you.

  33. Dente ,de mooiste kleuren komen hier voorbij.
    En uitdagingen zijn om aan te pakken.
    Het soms de kleine dingen....
    die je helpen sterk te maken in je verdriet
    muziek mooie woorden een arm om je heen
    maar het heeft zijn tijd nodig.
    Je stenen zijn mooi,ook die van dochter lief.
    Een groet

  34. Your final piece for SOC using this week's colors is so creative and absolutely beautiful. And I have loved seeing your rock art, too! Thank you so much for sharing your talents with all of us!

  35. your final soc turned out really cool. love the stones you and your daughter made! I turn to art when i'm down too, as it really helps me to focus on something fun! hugs!

  36. I really like the sage and sepia piece. It has the lovely soft Earthy tones that I love and you have done a wonderful job in combining them in your special way. Your daughters stone is very good, she has definitely inherited your creative talent:) I am sure her Dad will love it! I will look forward to seeing your new work:)

  37. Gorgeous work - even with "yucky" colors - not my favs either. Love those rocks and the one your daughter made is so cute. Art is a great healer -

  38. Here on the prairies in Alberta, sage is a summer colour. The top of the velvety leaves are a greeny silver colour and the bottoms of the leaves are a silvery grey with a little yellow. When the leaves dance in the wind, they almost sparkle and the fragrance fills the air. The silver sage stems twist and turn into dramatic sculptures! The flowers, depending on the type of sage, can be orangey, and a somewhat sepia colour. A lovely contrast to the sage. So, depending where you are from, sage and sepia, can be summer colours!:0)

    I am glad to see that you got around to painting rocks! They are so colourful and fun!

    Keep strong, thinking about you in Canada!

  39. xo
    And your SOC palette! LOVE that idea ;) xoxo

  40. De SOC-kleuren deze week waren inderdaad niet zo makkelijk en ook niet meteen mijn favoriet, maar je hebt er toch weer iets moois van gemaakt :-)
    Prachtige stenen: die met het meisje met het blauwe haar is absoluut mijn favoriet! En je dochter heeft duidelijk jouw artistiek talent geërfd ;-)
    Ik wens je nog veel kracht toe en ik weet zeker dat je kunst je hierbij zal helpen!
    Verder ben ik heel blij dat ik via SOC jouw blog heb leren kennen en zal ik hier in de toekomst nog vaak komen piepen naar al het moois dat je maakt :-D

  41. I felt the same way about sage green and sepia, but you did wonderful artwork with them! Love it!

  42. Love what you did with the sage and sepia Denise... turned out really lovely... and always good to try something new... your stone paintings are beautiful... and love your daughters also... happy to hear you are feeling a little stronger... it will certainly take time still... enjoy your visit again with your sister and family... big hugs..

    Jenny ♥

  43. wow schitterende creaties zijn het weer, prachtige kleurencombinaties!
    Fijne zomer verder!
    Groetjes Karin

  44. Isn't it wonderful that we have art to turn to to comfort us. You have a beautiful spirit. Such lovely art and lyrics. And I love those stones, they look so joyful.

  45. I can see why you don't like the colour combination - but I just love what you have done this week. It is so earthy. Although your positive happy colours are my all time favourites :)

    I love your pretty stones again this week

    Karen x

  46. I am so very sorry for your loss Denthe. You are a strong and courageous womyn for putting it out there so that you may be supported with love and genuine care. I admire you. Your art is again lovely. The stones, spectacular. Your daughter is following mommy's art I very much love your work. Again, I am praying for you lovely. Heartfully, samara

  47. I am so sorry for your loss, I think you have been very brave showing up here at week as you work your way through your grief. My thoughts have been with you.

    As for your work, I love the muted colours, and the blue green is stunning as well!! Love happy discoveries. :)

    Take care.

  48. Denthe love, your image for the Summer of Color has become beautiful again. I love how you have mixed the different shades of green - and also, the beautiful structures. Beautifully! Lovely wishes and a creative week! Erika

  49. Wonderful SOC piece and the stones have stolen my heart...for sure I will make some of it in my big summer holiday :) ♥ Conny

  50. Hi again!
    I wanted to thank you once again for all of the time and energy you gave to the SOC this year. I know that it is a hard time for you and I so appreciate your efforts. I have been thinking of you and hope you and your family are well.
    On another note, I love that you are planning to use some of the other color prompts - your work is just gorgeous and I have loved having you play along. Thank you!! Kristin xoxo


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