
Wednesday 12 June 2013

Etsy-promotion: Carola Bartz - PhotoArt and Mixed Media

Thank you all so much for your ongoing support, it means more to me than I can express ♥

I'm still feeling very emotional and fragile, but I've been keeping myself busy, revamping my website and doodling a lot. Thoughts and memories of my sister keep popping up throughout the day, but I'm getting better at coping with it. Being so far away from family at a time like this makes it even harder, but one of my other sisters (there's 5 of us) will be visiting us with her family at the end of the month, so I'm really looking forward to that.

Today I want to introduce you to Carola's Etsyshop, a well-stocked shop with paintings, prints, journals and cards. Carola started out as a photographer, but gradually added mixed media art to her passions.

This is one of her beautiful handmade cards. She also makes cards using her wonderful photographs.

A set of double tags with an Irish blessing. Clicking on the picture will bring you straight to this listing.

Isn't this gorgeous? Carola loves to alter small composition books and turn them into mini journals or notebooks. She also sells bigger sized journals.

Her mixed media paintings are cute and whimsical.

And her photography is simply amazing.

If you want to see more, go check out her shop,
her blog (the latest post with beautiful pictures of Bryce Canyon), 

It's worth it!

This will be my last Etsy-promotion, from next week on I'll be returning with my inspiring artists posts.

I will  try and link up to Paint Party Friday on Friday, if I get anything painted this week .... Meanwhile, thanks so much for being here. Hugs ♥ ♥ ♥

Within our hearts
the ones we love
are never really gone
In spirit and in memory
their legacy lives on


  1. Ha Denthe,fijn om te lezen dat je weer bezig bent
    een goede afleiding en fijn dat je kunt vinden in het tekenen en schilderen.
    Je zus had het niet anders gewild.
    Ook fijn dat één van je zussen en haar familie bij jou komt zo dat je samen het verdriet kunt delen.
    En vergeet niet ook vrolijke dingen.
    Ik wens jou het beste een knuffel.
    Groetjes Christiene.

  2. Thank you so much for this wonderful post!
    Having your sister and her family over will be good for you. You can talk and remember you sister, cry and laugh together. I know how difficult it is when you live so far away from your family.

  3. Hé Denise, wat fijn dat ik weer wat van je lees op je blog. Vaak denk je even nergens aan als je met je kunst bezig bent en kun je je zinnen even verzetten en ik lees dat je ook weer wat aan het doodlen bent. Goed om bezig te blijven en dat je vaak aan je zus denkt is heel normaal.... het is nog zo vers. Heel fijn dat je andere zus op het einde van de maand komt, dan hebben jullie steun aan elkaar.
    Carola heeft prachtige dingen in haar etsy shop. Haar creaties zijn ook heel lekker kleurrijk. Ik kijk al uit naar je volgend post.

  4. Carola mooie kunst wat je ook laat zien
    je kaarten je foto,s en schilderstukjes
    Mooie Denise, wat je hier van Carola laat zien.
    Liefs Christiene.

  5. wat fijn dat je zus aan het eind van de maand bij je langs komt,
    samen herinneringen ophalen en verwerken.
    Sterkte verder.
    Groeten Karin

  6. Hi Denise - Glad to hear you are finding moments of peace. I believe that the ones we love are never gone -- we just have to find different ways to experience them. If energy cannot be created or destroyed, her energy remains -- just not in the form that was familiar and easy to access. You will find each other, I am sure. Thank you for featuring this lovely artist and her shop. Hugs.

  7. Hi Denise. Just popped to is say hello and hope that you are doing okay. I love your words at the last, so very true. I always feel my son and when outside if I see a butterfly go by, I feel it is my son visiting. What I do is hang painted flag banners outside, which are of canvas with art I have created, sort of like a clothesline leading to the sky. When a gust of wind blows them, I heard it said that it is the spirit of your loved ones now gone coming to visit you. So that helps me to know they are still visiting me, my son, my dad and others. Just keep doing what you are doing.::sending you well wishes::
    I love Carola's work. She's great. Take care.


Thanks for taking the time to comment! I love hearing your thoughts about my work. Because I am getting too many spammer comments, l have to use Captcha, sorry. Hope this is not a problem for you !