
Friday 14 June 2013

Summer of colour and Paint Party Friday

I've decided to take part in Kristin's Summer of Color. Last week I wasn't sure I was up to it, but this week I decided I needed to keep busy. And it helps! When I'm painting or creating, it's as if I'm going to another world. The sadness is there, in the background, but it's bearable.

I decided to draw a doodle-like image, and use colour instead of black & white. The colours for this week are citron green and turquoise. Two of my favorite colours, but when I was limited to shades of these two I really started longing for warm orangish colours. I was tempted to put some details in red or orange but decided against it, since the whole challenge is about using certain colours. And in the end I'm glad I didn't. I brought some variations by doodling in some parts, and it doesn't bother me anymore that it's all "cold" colours.

For some reason lately, I'm drawing a lot of big birds with little figures on top....

Have been doodling like crazy, sitting with my daughter on her bed every night. Here's one that I finished:

And this morning I received a mail from Maria who dedicated a blogpost to me and my sister. She made this moving ICAD based on my rainbowstory from 2 posts ago.

I had tears in my eyes reading her post. Thank you so much sweet Maria, I can't tell you what it means to me having the support of so many online friends. So many people have sent me virtual hugs, and even though they're virtual, I can still feel them. There's this song from one of my favorite artists, Noa, and one of the lyrics goes like :"let me wrap my arms around you like a long coat in winter". And that's how it feels to me, all those outpourings of sympathy and support. Like a warm coat against the cold. The cold is still there, but it's more bearable. So thank you all so much, and thank you Maria ♥

Well, that's it for now. I'm linking this to Paint Party Friday, and of course to Summer of Color. Go have a look at all the links there, or better yet, participate too!

Thanks so much for visiting. I hope you're having a wonderful day, and a beautiful sunny weekend surrounded by loved ones ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. These are wonderful Denise, creating does help, a place to go to while you heal. How wonderful of Maria to do that picture for you. I wonder if the birds mean you want to take flight? Whatevedr they are vey poignant pictures. Lots of hugs flying your way.

  2. Creating is such a help and my thoughts are with you... I read Maria's post earlier and thought it was touching... lovely to see sucha wonderful friendship between you... it is why I love the blog world so much... happy PPF and SoC xx

  3. such fabulous detail and awesome coloring!

  4. Beautiful pieces, love the one for summer of color! It looks so fresh and hopefull! Maria's ICAD is so sweet! More hugs for you! <3

  5. I love your art and the piece that Maria did.

    I am so sorry to read about your sadness...

    Much love to you and your family

    Karen x

  6. I knew you would create something beautiful for the summer of colout theme, and you certainly have, Maria's words are so touching. much love x

  7. Beautiful piece, and not at all cold - looks like a sunny day with beach and sea. Love the black and white doodling too! Valerie

  8. Loving your wonderful entry for SOC Denthe. Happy SOC, Hugs Annette x

  9. Your doodles are fantastic! Hope you're doing well.<3

  10. Beautiful works and it is good that you keep yourself creative. Big, big hugs to you and many, many blessings. Thank you for sharing with us.

  11. I love your doodling and how you used the colors for your first piece! So beautiful! I am sending positive thoughts you way, too. HUGS!!!!!

  12. love the doodling and detail and excellent example of how powerful a piece in two colours can be

  13. I love your doodles, so beautiful--and the Summer of Color piece is gorgeous! I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your sister--sending up prayers of comfort and peace for you and your family! ((Hugs!))

  14. Prachtig schilderij Denise. Ben zo blij dat je de draad toch hebt opgepakt, al zal het weleens moeilijk zijn. Je hebt me ook weer op een mooi pad gezet naar The summer of color.... wat een leuke uitdaging en ik ben natuurlijk meteen aan de slag gegaan. Ook je doodle is weer prachtig. Schattig dat je een schilderijtje kreeg van Maria... We leven allemaal met je mee.
    Heel veel liefs!!
    xxx Marianne

  15. beautiful. And that's a lovely quote -- imagine that we are all pockets on that big warm coat and slip your hands in the pockets to feel us holding you...

  16. Wat een schitterend werk Denise. En inderdaad zo creatief bezig zijn verzet even je dachten en werkt echt helend. Het zal echt wel een tijd duren voordat het een plekje bij je heeft gekregen, maar je kunt je uiten in je werk. De kleine mensjes op de vogels zeggen zl zoveel. Blijf dit doen en kun je de verwerking van je verdriet aan.
    Ook je doodle werk is zo mooi en geeft je gevoelens weer.
    het werk van Maria is mooi en zo lief. Fijn dat je dan goede vrienden hebt waarop je kunt steunen.
    lieve groetjes en sterkte

  17. There is so much love and emotion coming from your work. Birds are usually a sigh of dreams and goals, so there may be something to your recurring use of them. Blessings!

  18. Love the cool colors- the way you created the movement with the curves and color is fabulous! Funny that you mention birds- I have had a lot of them showing up in my world lately and they feel like my mother to me that I lost long ago. May your art guide you as you heal- big hugs.

  19. Gorgeous creation, Denthe. Doing what you love and creating art will help you heal. HUGS.

  20. Your art is beautiful...I want to doodle now sounds as though youve had a rough time...hope you find peace...x

  21. Your creations are always so lovely! Those colors are cooling and refreshing for the summer, beautiful work and your doodles are gorgeous works. Sending more hugs and comfort your way!
    Kat xx

  22. Love that first image especially with all its lovely blues and greens.
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  23. Denthe, your doodles are always so beautifully done. I used to do the type of the first colored one in art class over 60 years ago. I don't know what that style is called, but it is always fun to do. Yours is wonderful. Also, I like that you sit on your daughter's bed and doodle. What an example for her!

  24. Love all your art this week, the SOC is fantastic!! HPPF!

  25. I love that first one with the SoC color combo. I'm with you, its hard to stay to just two colors :) Nicely done. I honestly believe that birds are special little messengers and they appear in our lives and our art for a reason - that which you have to figure out what it means for you :)
    I read Maria's post - beautiful friendship and so much love.

  26. First let me say that my thoughts and prayers are with you. I'm so sorry for your loss. I just read that post-don't know how I had missed it. What a touching post by Maria.
    I just LOVE your SOC art!!!! and your doodling is so incredibly detailed and beautiful. Happy PPF

  27. Love those colors and your doodles are just over the top wonderful. Art really does heal...Happy PPF xox

  28. Though it's all cool colors that lady looks absolutely stunning. Your doodles are great source of inspiration. It was so thoughtful of Maria to write a blog post about you and your sister.
    Take Care

  29. It's amazing how you captured that perplexed look of grief on her it truly is a poignant beautiful piece of art... looks like the little character is grappling onto the bird for comfort, hoping to take flight...Gorgeous colors, I love that combination too!! Maria's post was very are in the hearts of many. I am so glad you can feel the love directed your way!!

    Big hugs Giggles

  30. Love the look on her face.The colors are perfect for SOC and your doodles don't look like doodles to me.:) May the sun shine bright on you and yours. take care.

  31. Your pictures are fantastic! They look so wonderful! And when I read the virtual hugs from Maria and saw the cute little loving flowers she sent you I was deeply touched! Get well soon!

  32. lovely soc piece and doodle! Glad you are feeling up to it.

  33. Your citron/turquoise painting in the style of your tutorial on this technique that I love so much, is beautiful. I love the figure on the bird and feel it has a hidden meaning.
    I have just read your post about your dear sister, and my heart goes out to you, with the tears in my eyes. Like you I am blogging like mad for very similar reasons and my husband says I go off into a different world - who would have thought blogging could be so therapeutic. Just now we are waiting for my dear daughter's last moments, which is all that can be done, so please know my thoughts for you are heartfelt.

  34. Love the doodles and your color one is super!!! I am still busy in the yard and garden and not doing in any art but I'm missing it. Hopefully I'll be caught up outside very soon and can art away ♥♥♥♥♥

  35. I can see your heart and soul in your beautiful work! Love your colour piece xxx

  36. Your piece this week is amazing!! LOVE that you kept so strictly to the color combo.
    So sorry for the loss of your sister - time helps but will never replace a special person in our lives. Thinking of you. . .

  37. This piece is fabulous. Sorry for the loss of your sister. Online friends can become a great blessing and comfort. Take care.

  38. Hugs to you Denise...All my prayers are with you.
    Such thoughtful friends are the boon of our lives.
    Love your SOC painting...<3

  39. Rainbows are biblically a sign of God's promise to Noah - I pray that will find peace and healing -- but know that it takes time for the pain to abate. Your painting and doodles are wonderful - when my mom had her stroke 3.5 years ago - that is when I started doodling. It kept my mind totally occupied and abated the pain. I keep writing paint when I mean to write pain - and that fits - for creative souls the paint at least keeps the pain at bay for a time. Sending a big hug from the other end of the earth

  40. Hello! Your citron and turquoise piece is so unbelievably gorgeous! You put such feeling into the details...amazing. I am thinking about you, your sister, your family. I've felt a bit out of touch online lately, but I am almost finished with my school year and am excited about summer and this Summer of Color 3! Glad you are doing it, too. Kathy

  41. I am speechless and so sorry, Denthe. My heart goes out to you.

    The citron & turquoise piece is one of your best, I think. It is absolutely stunning.

    (I adore Noa's music -- it is soothing and so healing.)


  42. Your work is so beautiful and harmonious. Art can help make us happy...and what a great theme "the summer of colour". I must visit it as well as PPF:) Thank you for your visit.

  43. Ha Denthe,twee zo verschillende schilder-werken maar o zo mooi!
    Een prachtig gebaar van Maria een mooi schilderstukje
    en ook zo mooi de regenboog er in verwerkt.
    Mooi als mensen aan je denken en je steunen in je verdriet.
    Liefs groetjes

  44. Great every bit of it !!Hugs and fond wishes from this friend of yours !!

  45. Denthe, I am extremely sorry about your loss...I read all about it only today and extend my warm hugs to comfort you. I know arting is the best way to cope with grief and pour out your heart until you are ready to face the world again. I love the SOC painting and also your amazing doodle! Sending you lots of love.

  46. I'm so so sorry to hear about the loss of your Sister. I know that there are no words, but the post dedicated to you was just beautiful. Thank you for playing along, it must be challenging right now. Your work is just gorgeous and I'm honored that you're sharing it with us, xoxo

  47. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your doodles. Your choice of color for the SOC challenge is spot on. Also, I'd like to convey my deepest sympathy at the loss of your sister. Sending you a cyber hug!! ((((( )))))

  48. Your SOC piece is just beautiful - I love the graphic nature of it, and the use of colors so beautiful. My heart goes out to you, and I hope arts healing nature helps you, even if just a little.

  49. Your SOC piece is quite stunning!!! I love it so much ♥ Conny

  50. Your work reminds me of a puzzle or even quilt pieces. I love the look. Blessings, Janet PPF


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