
Wednesday 26 June 2013

Artists that inspire me: Cori Dantini

I got to know Cori Dantini at the end of last year, when I was browsing through some yearplanners and one caught my eye right away. It was the perfect size, it had almost everyting in it that I needed, and it was beautifully illustrated. By Cori Dantini.

So naturally, I googled her. And was fascinated by her work.
Girls and quotes, how could I not love it?

She likes to work on top of old schoolwork and -books.

I love the simplicity of the drawings, and the many layers.

She thinks of her work as visual poems ... (and I agree ...)

There's so much to see and read on her blog. She has a very succesfull Etsy-shop, and has her art licenced on a variety of products.

You can also visit her website, her Facebookpage and her Pinterest.

Hope you enjoy her work as much as I do! I'll see you on Friday for the new Summer of Colour and Paint Party Friday. Thanks for stopping by ♥.


  1. Yes! I have loved her work for quite some time now...but didn't know she had Planners out there, too! Uh oh. :)

  2. EN.... ze heeft ook veel meisjes met vogeltjes :-) Ik zie wel een beetje de gelijkenis, alleen jouw kunst is veel kleurrijker. En daar hou ik wel van.

  3. these illos are awesome!! i will check out her work. thanks for sharing!

  4. I have not seen her work before, It is beautiful!

  5. I have seen her work on ETSY and it is wonderful. How nice of you to showcase her work here!.. by the way I am loving your illustrations particularly the new ones with the birds! gorgeous!

  6. Thank you for the inspiration. I love her work! Beautiful. xoxo Silke

  7. This is a great collection of her art...and now she has a new admirer in me ;) her work is really unique...thank you for the inspiration ♥ Conny


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