
Friday 28 June 2013

In the nick of time ....

Phew, the last few days were a rush against time. As always I had planned way too much and underestimated in a BIG way the time it takes to finish things.

It was good I had already drawn an image for the SOC-painting, that way I just had to colour it in. Which was still enough work, mind you. But I got it ready! I'm a bit fanatic that way: when I have intended to do something I just keep going until it's done. Even if I have to skip meals and sleeptime ....

Here it is, another doodle, this week in different shades of lime green and purple.

And I finished 4 pouches from leftover fabrics and painted fabrics, the ones I showed in this post.

The first one was a pouch for my phone, and it was a testcase. I used some tutorials from Terri Stegmiller 's blog. She makes the most amazing things and has a load of free tutorials on her blog. So generous of her. After I finished my testcase, I started on a phonepouch for my niece, who just turned 15.

Frontside ....

and backside. I used a lot of stamps on there as well.

 Tried some freeform stitching, but my machine is a real basic one and doesn't have a special freeform-foot. Which made it a bit hard, and I only tried it out on my pouch. Afraid to mess up the other ones....

After I finished the 2 phone-pouches, I decided to make a small shoulderbag for my niece. After all, what's a teenage girl without a bright shoulderbag, right?

might make one of these for myself ....


And then I was on a roll, and decided to make a toiletbag for my sister.

 and some detail:

I made one of these in a workshop I did a few months ago, and I had it with me when I was in Belgium. Really handy to have on a plane.

And why was I in such a rush to get it ready? Because they're right now on a plane to Brisbane from Belgium! My sister is visiting us with her family, it's the first time they will be in Australia. They will be staying with us for a week, before travelling up north. At the end of their holidays they fly back to Brisbane and will be here for another 4 or 5 days. So looking forward to it!

So I won't be writing on this blog the next week. Too busy catching up, showing the sights, enjoying their company. I might be back next Friday, but not sure yet. We'll see how it goes.

I'm linking this to Summer of Color and Paint Party Friday. Lots and lots of lovely links to find there, check a few out if you have the time, it's worth it.

Thanks so much for visiting and leaving your wonderful comments! Hope your Friday and weekend will be lovely and sweet .... ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Oh have a nice time with you visiting, and showing them around. What you made your niece she will love, just wanted to say how sorry I am about your sister. I lost my sister suddenly a few years ago, so I understand totally what you are going thru

  2. Enjoy your time with family, that's what life is all about. Our family. Denthe these little bags and phone bags are awesome. You should make a lot of them and sell them on Etsy. They are just awesome. You go girl! Have a wonderful day tomorrow.:)

  3. I love the bags!! Gorgeous!
    Oh, have fun with your family, that is wonderful!

  4. What lovely, colourful bags! Great idea. I am sometimes sad that I can't see enough to sew anymore! Valerie

  5. Wat ben je produktief geweest afgelopen week. Je schilderijtje voor de summer of color is weer prachtig geworden en jeetje; jij bent ook van alle markten thuis; een hele verzameling hebbedingetjes van die mooie zelf bedrukte stofjes. Wauw!!
    Heel begrijpelijk dat je aankomende week geen tijd hebt om te bloggen: lekker genieten van je familie, dat is veel belangrijker.
    Lieve groetjes,

  6. Wow! what gorgeous little bags! They are like your paintings but in fabric form! :)

  7. Beautiful and inspiring creations. Have a great time with your family and see you soon back on the blog. Much love to you

  8. Love your bags, Morag is right they are like your paintings. Enjoyyour family time.

  9. Love the cubism art. And I LOVE the little bags - you should sell them. Have a wonderful time with your visitors. Happy PPF to you.

  10. Wat een schitterend en kleurrijk werk weer Denise.
    Je werk met de andere kleuren is echt schitterend.
    groetjes en fijn weekend

  11. So inspirational Denise! I am so happy for you having family visit....You really need that!! I'm sure you'll enjoy their visit!! Have fun...the bags are beautiful!!

    Hug Giggles

  12. Love your painting, so beautiful! Wonderful bags and pouches, love the little swatch with writing amongst the patterned swatches! <3 Have a great time with your sister! :)

  13. I love your green and purple 'doodle', although I would hardly call it doodle - it's fabulous! Your pouches and patchworks are beautiful too.

  14. those purses and pouches are exquisite! And your sketch this week is beautiful too. Have fun with your sister and her family. I know that will be very hard and yet healing too. xoxo and Happy PPF!

  15. Loving all of your gorgeous works, have a wonderful time with the family. Happy PPF, Annette x

  16. Beautiful painting for this weeks SoC. I love the different tones of green and purple and the pattern detail really make it pop. Your bags and pouches are wonderful. Freeform stitching is something I would like to do but I also need a better sewing machine. How lovely to have your sister and her family visiting Australia, I hope you have a great time.
    I have some good news for you too. My son picked your name out to win my SoC week 1 painting. If you email me your address I will post it out to you:))

  17. Love your painting for SOC and your bags are fantastic! HPPF!

  18. Wonderful stitched collage, love them....And your painting - always birds so special and subtle in the colors. Happy PPF xox

  19. Lovely! Truly beautiful! Have a lovely weekend! Xoxoxo

  20. what fabulous projects!! Love your SOC painting. And your fabric pouches and purse are fantastic!! Enjoy your time with your family. Happy PPF!

  21. Your fabric pieces are awesome! I'm checking out your previous post now to learn more about how you painted the fabric.

  22. you are so talented!! everything you touch is amazing!!

    have fun visiting with your family :)

  23. Your piece is very powerful and so vibrant in color!! I love it so much! and the lil bags are amazing too...lucky niece :) ♥ Conny

  24. I love the purple and green doodly girl painting, Denthe. I love this technique and have done the same sort many years ago. Much fun. Also, your pouches are so beautiful. Very creative.

  25. Love your doodles and pouches. Great colors and so summery. Have a very nice trip.

  26. I would love to learn how to do digital art. Love your doodles. I thought the color combo this week was tough. I did Gelli prints and got alot of muddy prints. I really love your pouches and shoulder bag, they are awesome too. Have a great weekend.

    SOC #68

  27. All beautiful work - those pouches are so sweet and fun. Enjoy your visit next week. HPPF

  28. Stunning work!!!. I LOVE all the pouches, beautiful stitching & colors! Enjoy your family :).

  29. Oh great, have a wonderful time with your family, what a wonderful collection you've made here, your niece will love that shoulder bag! Your painting has such a flow to it, beautiful work as always!

  30. Very pretty doodle, makes me want to take my supplies and just color away. Beautiful combination of the SOC colors.

  31. Alweer prachtig! Je hebt er hier absoluut een fan bij ;-)

  32. Denthe,je hebt hard gewerkt je schildering je tasje en de hoesjes
    het zijn prachtige werken.
    nu even niets alleen tijd voor je gezin en familie
    fijn om even bij elkaar te zijn.
    Groetjes en geniet het is zo kostbaar om bij elkaar te zijn.

  33. Wow, what a wonderful post :-) It must be a fantastic feeling of pleasant anticipation, expecting your sister and her family. And what you created for them is just beautiful! I think your free hand stitching came on well!

    Awesome painting for SOC as well

    Happy PPF
    Ilona xx

  34. The sketch is absolutely gorgeous and the pouch makes me drool ... love it :)

  35. Love your patchwork work!! :) Gorgeous. Thank you for linking to the site, I am looking forward to exploring later. Love your use of the colours as well. Your work is incredible.

  36. LOVE LOVE your gorgeous bags Denise... and your doodled sketch is awesome... how wonderful to have your family visit... enjoy your time with your sister and her family....

    Jenny ♥

  37. Beautiful piece of green and purple art, and cute, cute bags! I am so impressed.

  38. Hi Denthe! Long time since I've seen you. I LOVE your pouches. What a lovely gift for your neice...yes, what is a girl without it. And the one for the plane - brilliant! I am sure the toiletry one will be adored. Your stamping on them is beautiful as is your random experimental stitching. (doesn't look so random to meeeee. Looks so professional - which of course is how i think of you!!!!) I love the pieced - piece of art with the purple and green. You do amazing pieced art. It was a joy to be here. Enjoy those flights and your vizzie. Family is a wonderful vizzie when they live far away. Lovies and happy PPF Denthe. Be well. Samara

  39. Wonderful new post, I love your different art works always.
    Have a nice weekend,
    xox Anja

  40. I love your SOC piece this week - those doodles are so lovely. Those pouches and bags are something else - is there no end to your talents!! Did you make the material? Just because it looks very 'you'. If so please tell me how! I've just bought a sewing machine to make curtains (well my husband was going to make them as I can't sew!) but we used bondaweb to turn the hems up instead so I was going to return it to the shop but now you're making me want to try my hand at making these sorts of things - they look so good!


Thanks for taking the time to comment! I love hearing your thoughts about my work. Because I am getting too many spammer comments, l have to use Captcha, sorry. Hope this is not a problem for you !