
Monday 24 June 2013

finally using my gelliplate ....

Thanks so much for your sweet, warm, supporting comments and emails. I so appreciate it, and it helps me through in rough moments. Warm hug to you all ♥

I finished another doodle, once again with birds and little figures. These images just keep coming to me and I don't want to fight it, I just let it be. But I googled a bit on bird-symbolism, and it seems that since ancient times mankind has considered birds to be signs of eternal life. Many cultures believe that they are the link between heaven and earth. The ability to fly and soar high up in the sky is closely associated with the ability to be near heavens, as well as the ability to serve as messengers from heaven.
I find that really interesting. I had been using a lot of birds in my artwork before, but since my sister's death it really has intensified. And reading about their symbolism now I can understand why. I must've known about this on some subconscious level. And the little figures ...? Well, I think they stand as a symbol for my sister, the feeling that she is around us, even if we don't see her and can't communicate with her, she is there, somewhere, looking out for us, letting us know that everything will be all right.

I find that a comforting feeling, and as long as they want to keep popping up in my art, I will let them. For me it's a way of coping with what happened. I am so glad that I have art to help me cope.

I told you in my last post that I'd been busy with all kinds of creative things last week. One of these things was making prints on fabric with a gelliplate.

After experimenting with a home-made gelliplate (I wrote about it in this post) back in January, I ordered a "real" one. Alas, I never received the parcel, it got lost somewhere in the mail. Luckily, I got my money back, so in February I ordered another one (with registered post this time....), and ever since I got it, it has been standing in my bookcase waiting for me to use it.

Finally last week I got it out to paint some fabric. I want to make a little pouch for my phone, and I want to use painted fabrics for that.

I first used a lot of stencils, but I find it really hard to avoid making mud. It gets too dark very fast, and I wanted light, brightly coloured fabrics. So I got out my daughter's neon paints, and decided to just use colours from the same colourfamily, and not put too many layers on there.

I love the piece of fabric on the bottom at the left. I just put 2 colours (yellow and orange) on the gelliplate, and put some thread on there that came from the side of the fabric. That must be my favorite tool to use when using the gelliplate: string or thread.

I used stamps on the pieces that were too dark or too plain. I would've liked to do more with it, but I didn't have time and I'm in a hurry to make that pouch, since I want to make another one as a birthday present. Mine will be the practice-pouch ....

Today I ironed all the pieces to set the paint, and then threw them in the washingmachine to see whether the paint would hold. And yes, it did, even though I just used normal acrylic paint. Must be all the ironing that I did .... They're still a bit stiff though, but they'll have to do ...

Hopefully I'll be able to show you a finished pouch by Friday ☺

Thanks so much for visiting, I'll be back on Wednesday with another inspiring artist post. Hope to see you then ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Leuke stofjes! Ik vind de oranje en de rode ook het mooiste en die draadjes geven een leuk effekt. Ik zie die gelliplates overal, maar ben er denk ik zelf nog niet aan toe. Vind ze ook erg prijzig. Je doodle is weer prachtig en het is dus niet verwonderlijk dat je telkens weer vogels schildert en tekent: Misschien is het inderdaad een teken. Maar hoe het ook zij, die vogels horen bij jou en bij jouw kunst.
    Lieve groetjes,
    xxx Marianne

  2. Dear Denthe,

    I am just now back in the blog world and read about your sister's sudden death! I am so sorry to hear that!! When my mother died suddenly many years ago, I had some amazing experiences with butterflies (they continue to this day) and when I did research on that I found out that anything that - if you believe that life goes on - anything that flies (birds, butterflies) is an easy way for our departed loved ones to let us know they are around. I believe that!

    Sending much love! Silke

  3. Gelli prints look so much fun. Love it! Hope it's getting easier for you.

  4. hello
    i am glad you are letting your art flow through you
    and that you are curious as to the meaning
    a bit like interpreting your dreams
    your doodle arts are amazing, wonder-full pieces to see

    your fabric pieces are a joy as well.... maybe you will share what you make with them.

    sending light ~

  5. the printed fabrics... amazing! I can't wait to see your pouch! sending love.

  6. Denthe your piece is very deep. I can see a lot of emotion and thought. The symbolism is beautiful and art is a wonderful way to express what we feel. Big hugs!
    The materials are absolutely beautiful!!!!!!! love the bright green! Thank you for your visit to my blog Denthe. I appreciate it. Lovely work and have a lovely rest of the week. :)

  7. Ha Denthe,
    Mooi dat je elke keer andere dingen probeert zo kun je elke keer iets nieuws laten zien.
    Ik hou van de gezichten die je maakt ze zijn prachtig.
    De lapjes zijn klaar nu maar uit kijken naar de mobiel hoesjes.
    veel succes.
    lief groetjes Christiene.

  8. I so enjoy your artwork and your details about it, the history of birds in art. You always inspire with everything you do. I am sorry to hear of your sisters death. I too believe she is still with you, only in another dimension. Thank you for your comment on my blog.

  9. I love what you're doing with your art, your life. As you know I began a similar journey when my sister died last December. Birds immediately began to speak to me through my art as well. Your sister is with you. Se always will be.
    On a lighter note, the gelli prints are awesome. I am so glad you are able to explore something new. Trying new things always helps me recapture a bit of hope. Take care.

  10. Thanks for sharing this. Yours turned out great, and the finished pouches and bags are so cuteI


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