
Monday 27 May 2013


Yesterday I received a phonecall that nobody ever wants to get. One of my sisters had an accident and died.

Just like that. One moment there, the next moment gone.

I have an overwhelming sense of loss, grief, sadness and regret. I can't get my mind to work anymore. Time comes to a standstill at a moment like that. And yet at the same time annoyingly the world outside just goes on.

I'm flying to Belgium for the funeral tomorrow, so I won't be writing on this blog for a while.

Because it's the last week of May, I want to take the time to thank all the participants in the Etsy-promotion for their enthousiasm in sharing and promoting the shops of others. I really hope it brought you all some new likers and customers. I will be promoting my last Etsyshop next week Wednesday.

Meanwhile, give your loved ones a hug and hold them while you still can. Life is too short and too precious not to do that.

I'll be back ... ♥ 


  1. Ha Dente
    Woorden schieten te kort
    ik wens jou en je familie heel veel sterkte
    voor dit inmens verdriet.

  2. I am so sorry for the loss of your sister.

  3. Wat een intens verdrietig bericht. Ik weet niet wat ik hierop moet schrijven, want hier zijn geen woorden voor. Heel veel sterkte in deze moeilijke tijd voor jou en je familie. Liefs,

  4. Denthe what devastating news, so very sorry, unimaginable loss.
    Will wait to hear from you as you go through this terrible time.

  5. Sending you so much love and healing - I am so TERRIBLY sorry. <3

  6. I'm so incredibly sorry for your tragic loss. (((hugs)))

    Each smile, each laugh, each tear, is a moment lived.
    Moments tend to expand when shared.
    May your memories of shared moments bring you comfort in your loss.


  7. Gecondoleerd en heel veel sterkte de aankomende tijd!
    Ik ken het gevoel dat je tijd even stil staat na zulk afgrijselijk nieuws en dat alles om je heen gewoon doorgaat.

  8. i'm so very sorry to hear about your sister.


  9. holding you in all love and light.

  10. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Thinking of you.

  11. Oh Denthe wat erg joh, ik denk aan je! Ik wens je heel veel sterkte schat en huil maar zo veel je wilt. Neem de tijd meisje om terug te komen naar het bloggen. Denk aan je zelf en familie. Dikke knuffel!!

  12. Am so sorry Denthe and can understand your devastation. Sending big hugs, Annette x

  13. I am so very sorry. Losing a sister is losing a piece of yourself. I hope you can find comfort from family and friends. Know that we are thinking of you. Prayers...kathy

  14. So sad, so sad dear friend.. I'm sitting here reading with tears in my eyes..
    what a lovely poem and painting for your sister.

    Take care together, with your family.
    warm warm hug from me.

  15. Oh Denise... SO sorry and sad to read your news... my thoughts and love are with you as you travel to Belgium for your sister's funeral... BIG hugs...

    Jenny ♥

  16. oh my goodness I am so so sorry :(

  17. So very sorry for your loss! A sister is a gift and to lose her must be so hard - please know you are in our thoughts. . .

  18. I'm so sorry about your loss. Take heart!!! She's with the angels now!!!

  19. My thoughts are with you Denise . . .

  20. O Denise wat is dit triest en wat een verdriet. Gecondoleerd en ik wens je onwijs veel kracht en sterkte toe meis. Veel woorden heb ik niet maar weet dat ik aan je denk.
    liefs Marja

  21. I am so very sorry to hear about your sister. My thoughts and prays are with you. x

  22. Denise my heart has fallen to the floor for you and the families involved. I am so sorry...there are no words! Sending love and light your way!!

    Big hugs from Canada

  23. I am so sorry to hear about your loss Denise, such terrible tragic news, and so sorry that your trip to Belgium is for this sad occasion. My thoughts are with you.

  24. Oh Denise.....I am so sorry for your loss. I can't even begin to fathom your pain. Sending Angels to fold you in love and carry you through your grief. Celebrate the love shared and she will remain with you forever.Be brave and strong and know that you are not alone...we are all with help and to carry.

  25. Denise I'm so very sorry for your shocking news and your sad loss. I send my love to you and hope you feel the strength to carry you through this terrible time. Love and hugs,
    Jess xx

  26. Sad news. At a loss for words. {a gentle hug} Thinking of you and your family.

  27. Oh,no! I am thinking of you. I hope that the good memories of the time you had with your sister will help you through this! So sorry. Hugs and prayers!

  28. Denise, I've been in a patchy internet area for a few days and only now able to leave a comment here. I am so very sorry to hear your tragic news. I can only imagine the pain of losing a sister and my heart aches that you are going through this now. Sending you love and healing thoughts. xx

  29. oh my! Denise My Condolences! how truly tragic! I'm truly truly sorry to hear about your news! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. My heart goes out to you. May you and your family be strong and lean on each other for strength. Stay strong Denise. My prayers are with you. Big hugs.

  30. So sorry, just clicked on your blog to see this tragic news, you will be in Belgium by now, my prayers are with you and your family. Stay strong and know we all are sending hugs your way.

  31. I am so very sorry for the horrible news and the loss of your sister, Denthe. It brought tears to my eyes. Such a sad time for you and your family. I am saying a prayer for all of you. Sending hugs from me.

  32. Denthe, you are in my thoughts and prayers. You must be going through so much. I came by again today because you are in my thoughts and I'm praying for you and your family and your sisters soul. sending you my hugs.

  33. What a shock! I am so terribly sorry for your loss and sending you lots of my heartfelt sympathy. Take time to grieve and remember her as she was and as you knew her and grew up with her. Thinking of you lots. xxx

  34. NEE!!
    denise ik draag je
    met mee vandaag
    in mijn hoofd en hart
    en de kaars op tafel
    is voor jou en je zus
    en je familie

  35. Thinking of you Denise in this very difficult time for you and your family. ♥

  36. My thoughts are with you and I hug you warmly from here ♥ Conny

  37. Oh Denise - My heart is aching for you. I completely relate. I am so very sorry for your loss -- there are no words -- may you and your family find peace.

  38. I am so sorry for your loss of your sister Denthe, hugs! <3

  39. Oh Denthe, I so sorry for your loss....I can't imagine. Hugs Hugs Hugs xo Tam

  40. I am so sorry. I only just saw your sad news. I understand a little how you dad died in February, something I have found very difficult to deal with. Such a loss can bring you closer to your i have found with one member of mine. Hugs .


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