
Friday 24 May 2013

Work in progress and collage-tryout

Well, it's Friday already and I still didn't get to paint one of my bigger canvases. I thought about it, but since "The summer of colour" hosted by Kristin will start soon and I want to participate, I thought it was not much use starting one. Plus I had a commission to make.

I decided 2 years ago I wouldn't do commissions anymore. I've done it in the past, and every single time it's more stress and frustration than I need. I just don't enjoy it. I can't follow strict instructions, I need the freedom to do it my way and change things along the way.

But this commission is for someone who saw my work in the gallery, and gave me complete freedom in colours and faces, the only thing I had to commit to was the quote that had to go on there. No problem, I could do that.

And the weird thing is: I still didn't enjoy it. Maybe I'm too insecure about myself, but I keep thinking while I'm working: maybe this is not what he expects, maybe this isn't good enough or big enough of small enough or the wrong colour ..... There's nothing as limiting as that....

Anyway, I finished the faces and the background, I only need to write the quote on there.

I just hope it's what he expects. The stupid thing is: he's the sweetest, kindest man, and he had so much trust in me that he paid me in full up front. But that just makes me want to do it really well, and since I'm a perfectionist, I'm never completely satisfied with my work. So I think I'll keep giving commissions a miss in the future ....

I've also been experimenting a bit more with using my own art in collage. Really struggled with this page, still need to find a way that works for me.

But it's fun. It's amazing how much "old" art you can use in collages.

As always, I'm linking this to Paint Party Friday. Visit their blog to see all the work of other artists, it's worth it!

Well, thanks so much for visiting, and I hope you will have a beautiful day today and lots of nice things to do in the weekend! ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. I am sure the man will be delighted with your art. He really trusts you to pay you without seeing the finished piece, so believe in yourself!

    Your collage page looks a lot of fun....all the textures, lines and colours. I really like how the black background makes everything pop!

    You were right about using your own art for your collage. It is all your own and celebrates your art journey as you grow as an ARTIST! A true representation of who you are! Your collage is "Denthe-fied"!

  2. Wonderful faces, Denthe. And the collage is beautiful. Love all the action you get in your work. Nothing is stagnant. Always colorful and moving.

  3. I think the collage is fantastic just the way it is, but I know you have to make yourself happy. Love the inspiration and will try it myself. Your art is amazing and I am sure the nice gentleman will love what you create for him.

  4. Great faces Denthe. Your collages are excellent. I love them. Thx.

  5. I feel certain that he will love it! It is a signature piece for you, and that must be in part what he was after:-) But I know the stress and ... insecurity? ... that comes with commissions.... I greatly dislike them too!

  6. Oh, commissions. I can understand you so well, Denise. For me it's also really a struggle. I avoid it wherever possible. No fun.

  7. oh yes... commissions, love them or hate them! I love the idea and offer some every once in a while, but feel the same as you, stress of not doing it perfect as they want, whereas when they buy it done, you already know they like it as is....

  8. Love your collage, and I know the feeling about commissions, I refuse to do them, the stress isnt worth it.

  9. I am sure he will be thrilled as they are quite wonderful... and I am with you on the stress of commissions... no matter how they are sorted they are still stressful... these do look fab though so I am sure he will be thrilled... i would be...xx

  10. I absolutely love the way you've done the art with the collage- what a perfect fit. I find commissions very 'tense' too- but I always let them see the finished piece- and decide- if they don't want it- I always say I will sell it on- so far everyone has liked them...whew. What we artists do for work!

  11. And of course a very happy PPF to you.

  12. This collage is lovely and your girls so cute. Saludos

  13. Ik snap precies wat je bedoeld. Ik heb ook wel eens iets in opdracht gemaakt en ik schilderde dan meestal meerdere dingen, zodat ze datgene uit konden zoeken, wat ze het mooiste vonden. Soms pakt het goed uit en nemen ze er meer mee :-) Maar je canvasjes zien er al erg mooi uit en de portretjes zijn weer erg "Denthe" en je collage is ook schitterend. Blijven doen hoor!!

  14. Commissions help pay the bills but takes the heart out of the art, at least thats my point of view and am sure others would say differently.
    Am sure your customer will be delighted with your paintings and I love love love your collage. Happy PPF, Annette x

  15. congrats on your commission, I'm sure he will love it, although it's stressful!

  16. Marvelous collage and I like that you recycle old art. Looking forward to seeing your summer of color...Happy PPF

  17. Your faces and background are beautiful. From the sounds of the comments creating a commission piece is stressful for lots of artists but just think of the happiness you will have provided for this gentleman who already loves your work enough to pay you upfront. It is beautiful and I believe he will think so too.

    Thank you for your comment on my trees today. You helped me to think of them in a much different, kinder way.

  18. i know what you mean about commission really sucks all the fun out of painting!! but your pieces are beautiful...he will love them, i'm sure.

    i'm thinking about participating in the Summer of Color...this will be my first time. can't wait!!

  19. Sounds like your inner critic has given you some grief this week. Don't listen. Your art is just so beautiful. The man who commissioned you trusted you for a reason. He's going to LOVE what you have made for him! I just read about Summer of Color when I linked Kristin's blog on mine. looks like a fun challenge. Happy PPF!

  20. I know exactly what you mean about commissioned work! It's like part of the freedom of not worrying about whether someone likes the piece is removed. I do exactly the same thing--not sure what the solution is--probably to do more commissioned work!

    Happy Paint Party Friday

  21. Commissioned work can be tricky! Lucky for me I'm not a perfectionist and I kinda like the restrictions, otherwise I get to willy nilly with my work. Boy I'm so attracted to perfectionists. All my family except my sis are perfectionists. The fear to start something and the obsession to get it right at every point....I know you guys! I love you guys!! You make the world a little more perfect. hehehe By the way I adore your work, as always wonderful!!

  22. Beauitful art and beautiful art style. Thank you for sharing and good luck with commissions

  23. Beautiful! I use old art in collage all the time. I know what you mean about commissions,it seems to make the creative process so hard when deadlines and criteria are involved! Thanks for dropping by earlier ;) Happy PPF

  24. I think your customer will be very happy with your pretty art! Also, the collage art is so cool!

  25. Wonderful art! I'm sure he will be delighted!
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  26. hello,

    i agree, commissions are unnerving. I have had one client not accept 3 commissions. I do believe i won't do that with her again. lesson learned. But she did purchase a number of other pieces....

    all of these are wonderful and your collage is amazing.
    lovely weekend to you ~

  27. Yep I hear you on the commissions ...too much pressure...I wouldn't do it either. I had a friend who invested herself in a huge commission and they never paid her...I even get stressed when it's for charity.

    I am shocked to read your quote, when I was just going to do a piece of art on that!! Love that journal page, and your commission work...good job..

    Hugs Giggles

  28. The faces are gorgeous - I am sure you put yourself down too much :-)
    Fabulous art journal page :-D
    IKE xxx

  29. Wow! I just popped over to see your PPF, and look at that! Thank you so much for helping me spread the word about SOC - I'm SO happy that you'll be playing along!
    AND YES, although I've never really done a commission, I've done many things in the past for others and the feeling is not the same. I too feel so unsure and it feels so stressful! Having said that, your pieces are gorgeous. Those lashes! He will love them, xoxo

  30. I love your collage and lovely ladies and bet your buyer will too. But I hear you about the stress and worry. Easier just to sell what we already did for the love of doing it! HPPF!

  31. Denthe your art is an inspiration to us all, you have such a way with painting and creating! I do understand your feelings though, I agree with Lynn to just paint and enjoy with no stress!

  32. The way I see it is that the guy commissioned you because he likes your style, therefore he will be happy with whatever you do. That's why he paid you up front. Try not to stress too much, the work you have done is beautiful, as it always is, you have nothing to worry about! Love what you are doing with the collage too, it's such a great way to revisit older pieces and give them new life!

  33. Beautiful artwork. Have courage! Your work is so beautiful and I'm sure your client will be more than thrilled. Love your collage piece too -- it inspires me to "repurpose" some of my art as well.

  34. Oh Denthe, you are a truly beautiful artist. I love your work, and so will your commissionaire. It is good that you "caved" to do it. Lucky them! And your collage piece. I am swooning. I swoon over all your work. When I see your name, I HAVe to come here. It is a must! Lovies, Samara

  35. I think your faces are wonderful and that person is going to love it. But I understand the pressure that you feel. Even when I try a handmade gift I'm so anxious about whether the person will like it or not.
    Your collage work also looks awesome. Have a wonderful holiday weekend

  36. Your collage work is great! I got a commission to paint an abstract over 6 months ago - the canvas sits unfinished in my living room since it freaks me out that she may not like the direction I took. Everyone is their own worst critic!

  37. I agree about commissions, but I am happy to do them for my friends as they have given me so much support over the last two years since I 'came out' so to speak. I love the idea of using old art in the new - I had never really thought about it before x

  38. I can share your thought on commission so well...I feel the same way :) your new piece looks very interisting because of the black you use...looking forward which way it goes ♥ Conny

  39. Dear Denthe, your woman Portraits are beautiful as ever! I love the background color and both Girls. Your Collage is also great, wonderful turquise!
    Happy Weekend ♥

  40. I can relate to your feelings about commissions but in this case you need not have any fears because your paintings are just awesomely cool and the person who is getting them will be more than delighted! Your collage looks interesting!

  41. it is super and I love the use of the black in this piece... it really makes the color stand out!

  42. Your commissions are gorgeous... but I understand and echo your feelings. Problem is, I have a terrible time saying no, then I'm kicking myself afterward. Maybe I'll figure it out someday!

  43. Great faces for the commission. Are you doing two works for the customer?

    1. Thnx Tracey! Yes, he wants to attach these to a sculpture he has, one on each side ...

  44. Not that I have every done a commision but I completely understand your feelings. He is going to LOVE them though for sure.

    Karen x

  45. He'll be thrilled with them!!!! But I do understand how you feel about commissions.... I hate them with a passion. Love the collage bunches :)

  46. He has seen your work and loves it, take it like that. . whatever you do, he will be thrilled with it. I am NOT a perfectionist and I hate my work for awhile, come back to it and wondered, who did that!!? So, it's ingrained in all of us I guess. The collage is so great. . you should teach it. Blessings, Janet PPF

  47. I'm sure he will love it and I adore your collaged piece, wonderful! HPPF!

  48. Hi Denthe!
    Don't worry, he will love it. He already likes what you do.
    Your collage is AWESOME. it's simply beautiful. Great job!

    Have a wonderful day!


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