
Tuesday 15 July 2014

yes, yes, YES! Finally ....

Orange! And pink! If that isn't summer I don't know what is :-)

I've had to wait until the very last week of Summer of Color before my favorite colour finally came. This is this weeks' combination:

Raspberry and tangerine with a smudge of lemon .... Aaaah, just working with these colours makes me happy :-)

This is my first layer:

Oops .... Now that I see it like this my orange might be a tad too orange ..... I just had a need for these strong colours I guess, after waiting all those weeks ☺

Today I forced myself to leave administration and internet alone and go DO something. And I did. I painted a second and third layer on my new canvas:

 just some random marks
  fun with stencils ...

Do you see that lacy-ish print? That's not a stencil, but a piece of plastic tablecovering that was sold by the metre. I almost squealed when I saw it in the shop. This is the first time I've used it and I love how it looks! Lovelovelove it! There was another similar one like that, might have to get that one too ...

I also made new mosaic pieces:


Worked a bit in my journal, and painted the base for 3 new mosaics. All in all a very productive day. Good thing too, because I was getting frustrated by my lack of progress, and tomorrow I have to work so no time for play ...

And finally: Angelique from Angelic Art and Craft invited me to take part in an artsy bloghop. She answered 4 questions about her art, and linked to a few other artists, who will answer the same questions next Monday. So one of those artists is moi :-)  Next week Monday (or maybe Tuesday since Monday might be a bit difficult for me, and in Australia we are way ahead of everybody else in time, so in other parts of the world it'll still be Monday) I'll post my answers to these questions, and link to other bloggers who want to participate. If you're interested in participating, just let me know, through the comments or via email, and I'll link to your blog next week. If you want to know more about it, visit Angelique's blog here, and read her very interesting answers to these questions. Thought-provoking and informative, definitely worth a read!

That's it for now, time for bed! Thanks so much for visiting, and I'll be back on Friday, with my last piece for Summer of Color! I know I keep repeating myself but I can't believe how fast time flies ....


  1. Gorgeous colors! happy Happy indeed!! And i love your tiles you made- cool!

  2. yea, you are getting all sorts of things made. looking beautiful indeed!

  3. love the lacy print in the painting!! very cool. can't wait to see the finished painting.

    don't you love finding little treasures that you can make texture/art out of?? I found a pair of very cheap flip flops with a really cool pattern on the bottom.

  4. This is one of my favorite color combos too! I haven't had time to paint lately and I'm missing it. Your colorful paintings always inspire me to want to get painting.

  5. Heerlijke kleuren Dente, en ik ben altijd weer benieuwd wat je hier laat zien
    wat het uit eindelijk geworden is of gaat worden.
    En tijd komje altijd te kort....
    liefs een groetje Christiene.

  6. Hi Denise, Thank you for playing along with me in the Artsy Blog Hop.
    Finally orange. I love your canvas you are creating with all the random marks and stencils. It looks like so much fun. Love your use of colour so much. It is so bright and happy.


Thanks for taking the time to comment! I love hearing your thoughts about my work. Because I am getting too many spammer comments, l have to use Captcha, sorry. Hope this is not a problem for you !