
Friday 18 July 2014

Everything comes to an end ....

and yes, also Summer of Color ... Doing a challenge like this makes you realize how fast 6 weeks are over and done with. I really enjoyed experimenting with my "negative" painting, and all the different colours. Thanks Kristin, for another fun SOC!

Here's my last piece: colours are raspberry and tangerine with a touch of lemon.

In reality the colours are less reddish, but somehow my scanner makes it darker. My orange is darker than the tangerine, because I only saw that it had to be light tangerine after I painted the background. Oh well, it's as close as I could get it anyway :-) And I had to use a strong bright orange to make up for all those weeks without it ;-)

And just for the fun of it: here are all my SOC-pieces since I started playing with the challenge (which was 3 years ago...)! Every year I choose a certain technique that I stick to for all 6 paintings.

2014: negative painting

2013: coloured doodles
2012: intuitive painting

So much fun to see them all again!

I will probably put them up for sale in my Etsyshop some time next week. They are all made on canvasboard size 20x25cm (8"x10").

In the meantime, I'm having fun putting new layers on my next canvas. Here are a few detailpictures:

That's it for this week. I'm still looking for some people who want to participate in an artsy bloghop with me (see previous post). All you have to do is answer 4 questions about your art, and link to 3 other bloggers who answer the same questions. I've read some really interesting answers already, so if you want to be a part of it, let me know and I'll link to your blog next Monday/Tuesday.

Linking this for the last time to Summer of Color, and of course to Paint Party Friday.
Thanks so much for visiting, I wish you lots of love today, and a wonderful fun-filled weekend! ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. It's fun to see how you did the color themes each year. I love your work in progress! The more I paint, the more I am challenged by using color well. I love how you are able to use so many bright colors together in a wonderful harmony.

    1. thanks so much! The trick is to let it dry in between, in order to avoid mud...

  2. Oh I love all these colors and characters! So Beautiful!

  3. It's wonderful to see all 3 years' challenges together like that-all so different but all unmistakeably you! I really want to learn more about intuitive painting-it just looks so good.

  4. Lovely to see your past SOC pieces. I posted a few days ago how sometimes I struggle so much with creat5ing backgrounds. I see you have absolutely nooooo problem. They are gorgeous. Can't wait to see what you do with them. Happy PPF.

  5. I love watching your work evolve. I agree with Nic, your style is always there. Thanks for the great post and Happy PPF

  6. Wonderful work, and how fun to see all the others as well. Thanks for sharing.

  7. WOW! Gorgeous work! Thank you for sharing all of the amazing work you have done in past years, too! It has been a wonderful party this year and I have had fun following you with SOC! Thanks for sharing your talents and hugs to you!

  8. wow, what a treat for the eyes!

  9. I always enjoy your bold use of color. Those collages are beautiful. Happy PPF and Blessings!

  10. I loved seeing all of your work from previous year too! How neat! It's cool to see how your style has changed a little year to year.

  11. Wow all of your art this week is fabulous. I love the people you create. I am off to check out your blog hop details.

  12. Gorgeous, gorgeous pieces! They look wonderful all together! Must check out your previous post :)

  13. Your use of so much color makes me SO happy! Love seeing all your themed SOC projects-really brilliant!

  14. Love seeing the 'set' from each year as well! I didn't 'notice' SOC till this week, with Barbara's piece over on PPF, so am interested to go back through the weeks, & see the prompts.
    I just completed an online course, so am ready for some fresh inspiration! I'd love to be part of your Artsy Blog hop!

  15. What striking beautiful pieces! Your SOC series are fabulous Denthe! I can't even pick a year I like best! Beautiful player of color- you are!!

  16. These are wonderful! I love the differences in all the years and seeing the big body of work...gorgeous as always!! I only participated one week this year...I am all about color and it's hard to work with combos that aren't me!! Good for you finally getting your orange...I love orange too!

    Hugs Giggles

  17. Wow stunning art Denise - love seeing them together as a collage - i must say i really love last year's doodles, they are my favourite

  18. I enjoyed seeing your past SOC works as well as the ones for this year. You are talented to do so many different techniques. I like the latest thing you have started. That's my favorite of your styles. Looking forward to seeing how you proceed with it.

  19. Simply gorgeous work is all I can say. :)

  20. These vibrant "doodles" of yours are so vibrant. They fill my eyes. Which is the greatest compliment I can give.

  21. How terrific to see all 3 years of SOC entries. I this is my 3rd year as well. But I am not organized enough to have them all. When I think of what I was doing then - and what I am doing now - I feel very blessed that my art is going in new directions. I loved your negative paintings for this SOC and I am reminded all over again of how much I loved your entries for the 2 years before that!

  22. Its just too beautiful for words! :-) Love your work! The intuitive series are my favorites and that red canvas in it takes my breath away! It was great fu to do the SoC colors!

  23. How amazing to see all 3 years up at once! I love that so much, thank you for always making it fun for me too! xo

  24. This week's entry is AWESOME, but I was also impressed with your showing not just THIS year's art, but that from previous years. You have always made it colorful, that's for sure!

  25. Oh yes, we got Orange at last. Your final SOC piece is as glorious as the others, love the free bird.
    Fascinating to see all together and your previous SOC years too and what a good idea to have a theme of your own.

  26. Wonderful work Denise. Its great to see them all together like that and to see the different themes over the years :) Love the colours you are using on your new canvas, I look forward to seeing what you do next. We have settled back in the UK now. The boys are at school and just about to start their second summer holiday of the year!!

  27. I love seeing all of these entries together, bit i most especially love the new canvas you are starting, that is the best part i think of intuitive art, the start of all those wonderful colors! And i will join in on your blog hop if you need another person.... Thanks

  28. it was good to see your previous years' posts for SOC. I remember those from last year. always so beautiful...each and every one.

  29. This is wonderful! I love seeing the previous year's work in Summer of Color! You have a wonderful, unique style! Love it! Happy PPF!

  30. Seeing all your paintings for SOC here together looks fantastic. Also love all the layers on your new art work. The colours are fabulous.

  31. I love this year's technique, Denthe!
    Each time I visit your blog I feel inspired! ♥

  32. When I saw this week's colours, my first thought was "denthe will be happy"! Which just shows what a great community-building event this is because this is my first year participating and my first exposure to you and your beautiful art work. I love this week's entry and enjoyed seeing all of this year's pieces as well as those from the other years. Your WIP is sure to be another stunner too. Hope to keep up with your work after the challenge.

  33. I have always adored what you do with colour, and in particular in regards to challenges like this. Awesome!

  34. SO GREAT to see all your series together like that! All gorgeous but I particularly like those closeups from the first series and then all your wonderfully joyful long-limbed women from this year too.

  35. I've always enjoyed how you employ a theme each year with the summer of Color challenge. So gorgeous seeing them all grouped together!

  36. I love your negative space paintings and your intuitive ones, especially the one you're currently working on! I'd love to join in the blog hop too but we're going away for a few days, I'm going to miss blogging! I'll look forward to when I can come back and see what you've all been doing!
    Jess xx

  37. It's fantastic seeing all of the work that you've done for SOC all together like this! Really fabulous stuff all of it is. I think that choosing a theme and sticking with it is a very cool idea. Happy (late I know) PPF :)

  38. Ha Dente,je zomer kleuren schilderen is voor bij, gelukkig is de zomer nog niet voorbij.
    Zo als je al schrijft dat kleuren niet altijd worden weer geven als je zou willen
    het gebeurd ook wel met foto,s maken....door het licht.....
    met plezier mee gekeken het is zo mooi wat je maakt!!
    lieve groetjes Christiene.

  39. I love this one! The colours are just so amazing!

  40. Also I really love the bird at the top, he looks so happy and like he is dancing!!


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