
Wednesday 11 June 2014

workshop with Tricia Reust

Monday and Tuesday I've been doing another workshop :-) Yes, I've really gotten the taste of live workshops and I want more more more ;-)

This time  it was a workshop with a local artist, who exhibits in the same gallery that I have my work. Tricia Reust has won many prizes with her art and is a gifted and gentle teacher. I've learned so much in those 2 days, not only about techniques but also about materials and which product to use for what. I really enjoyed it.

This workshop was about incorporating drawings on a textured canvas. Lots of collage, and I made myself try out the heavier and thicker pieces of collage as well. Guess what? I think I still don't like thick pieces of collage. I prefer to make texture by using stencils and molding paste, or by dripping paint on canvas. But I'm glad I tried it out, because I would forever be wondering about it. You see, I really like these collage-bits in other people's work. But somehow, in mine, I prefer collage that almost disappears into the whole of the painting.

Here's what I did in those 2 days:

Not finished yet, and not really sure how to continue. I'm not used to having so much white space on my canvas, and I'll have to keep myself from fillling it up. I've put it on my easel in the livingroom, so I can look at it every time I pass, and I hope I'll get some bright ideas that way ;-)

Today I started my little canvas for the Summer of Color. I forgot to make a picture of the first layer, and only thought about it at night when I was working on the second layer. So I took a picture then, but it's really bad quality because of the lamp-light. But it's all I have at the moment. I hope I'll be able to finish it by Friday.

The colours for this week are aqua blue, yellow and a dash of hot pink. I know it doesn't look like this on this picture, but that's because of the lamp light. When I finish it, I'll make a picture in daylight, and hopefully the colours will be better then. Stay tuned ....

That's it for now.  I'll be back on Friday with hopefully my finished piece for Summer of Color!
And don't forget: you can still join in. It's a wonderful challenge, and lots of people are participating.
Hope to see you there! Thanks so much for visiting ♥


  1. You've done a great job, I love the girl, she looks like she's floating. I love all your collage elements too. It sounds like a really fun workshop, I'd love to do one like that. :) I'll look forward to seeing your finished piece on Friday!
    Jess xx

  2. I love the floaty girl too. Your SOC entry is coming along great, you are putting far more time and effort than my quick sketch.... feeling guilty!! Missed your last post, was looking at it.... wow... beautiful colours, I love it!

  3. Your collage piece looks very interesting and I am sure you will find out how to finish it....I too love collage, but like you in a more indirect way in my art ;) and a BIG YESSS for workshops! They always are so inspiring for the muse ♥ Conny
    Piaroms Art Journaling

  4. cant wait to see the rest of both pieces of art

  5. As always great art. I was going to join in for SOC but just don't have time. I will look forward to seeing what all the artists come up with

  6. I am glad you will join too it is always great to see people you have played with before. Hugs ManonX


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