
Friday 13 June 2014

Summer of Color week 1

Phew, I made it! Two days ago I didn't think I'd be able to finish my first Summer of Color piece today, but I did. Although I might change some things about it later, for now I'll leave it as it is.

These were the colours for this week:

aqua blue, yellow and a smudge of hot pink ....

Because I'm still working on my big canvas with all the white, I decided to use this same technique for my SOC-pieces,  so I can try out different colours, and also because I really like painting like this.

I completely forgot to take pictures of the first layer, but Wednesday evening, when I started on the second layer, I thought about it and took a picture right then. It's not very clear with the lamplight, you can't even see the difference with the table underneath, and it looks all orange-y, but it's all I have.

I painted most of it with different shades of yellow, scraped out with a credit card, and then I sprayed some pink ink on it. Then I made the drawing, and coloured it in with aqua. Nice opaque colour, but I still had to do 2 layers to get it completely covered. Here's the finished piece:

I wanted to find a way to hang everything together, so I decided to make their legs come out of the tree. Loved making this, looking forward to making more.

I also worked a bit on my canvas that I started in Tricia Reust's workshop on Monday and Tuesday. Put some more glazes on top to deepen the colours, but now I'm officially stuck:

Really don't know what else to do with it. My hubbie says I should leave it like this, but to me it doesn't look finished. Something is bothering me, and I don't really know what. I'll have to take some more time with this one. This coming week I want to work on my other canvas, and finally finish my mosaic mirror.

Well, that's it for now. Have to get my daughter to gymnastics practice now :-)

Hope all's well with you! Thanks for visiting me, and don't forget to also have a look at what the other artists created this week in Paint Party Friday and in the Summer of Color.

Wishing you a lovely peaceful weekend ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Your first piece is so stunning! Love the colors very much!
    About the second one, I think you should leave it like this. You can add something more after some time. :)

  2. Fantastic colours! Love what you have made, Valerie

  3. love the free flow of your image

  4. I absolutely love your SOC piece with the tree ladies and the sweet birds and the lovely quote to live by.
    I like your second piece very much too, maybe it's finished, maybe it's not.

  5. To me it looks finished, but that nagging feeling inside is also so familiar!

  6. I love them both! The creation you made for the SOC is absolutely wonderful and has such an awesome quote!

  7. That SOC-piece is beautiful. I love how you've used the colors. Well done!

  8. Yes that are also my 3 summer colors, love the fresh combination!Wonderful creations. The last reminds me a bit of the great artis August Macke.
    Thanks for your visit and the nice comment:-)
    Have a wonderful weekend,
    big hugs Anja

  9. That aqua, yellow and pink composition of the tree people is AMAZING! I makes me think of people's interconnections, which are not always evident. Happy PPF and Blessings!

  10. Super cool to see the process! Great work.

  11. Beautiful entry for SOC, I love your tree people, fabulous! That final piece is gorgeous, haunting and I the colours make me think of Autumn. I love it like that, there is a spaciousness and floating feeling, it has atmosphere, beautiful work!

  12. Lovely! The quote is so beautiful too :)

  13. Love your women as trees, trees as women piece. xox

  14. i love the way they are all intertwined in your SOC piece, that makes it feel like a forest of trees for me.

    the last piece, the light in the middle is wonderful and she feels to be floating/flying in the sweetest way.

  15. So gorgeous!! I so dig the intertwining people and trees in your SOC art. So cool looking and those colours are just wonderful together.

  16. I really liked the mix of colors and the flying figure in the second canvas. If you feel something more is to be added, just give it some time. I'm sure you will know in due course. The SoC piece is beautiful and has all the grace and poetry that I find in your work!

  17. LOVE what you have painted for the SOC challenge! Your second project is so different but I love it just the same. The collaged papers look like chine colé-translucent, and I think it looks great as it is with the girl coming from the light.

  18. I love both pieces!!! I'm sure that if you decide to do more with the second one I will love it then too ♥

  19. gorgeous, gorgeous! I love them both but the first one is just amazing.

  20. I like the intertwining. Very nice job. Love it!

  21. Those are gorgeous colours you have to work with. I love what you've done with them! Your other painting is changing isn't it? I think have a fresh look in a coule of days and then you'll know what it is that's bothering you. That's what I do anyway! :)
    Have a lovely weekend! Jess xx

  22. Happy soc! Well done i struggle with the colors too

  23. Gorgeous and more gorgeous!!

  24. I would love to come to your studio and watch you work. Your art inspires me so much. The tree leg gals are awesome. I like your second piece too and if you hadn't said anything I would have thought is finished. But knowing your style I can see you pondering over this. It is beautiful!!!!

  25. Your SOC piece is terrific. I love the legs attached to (coming out of) the tree. I like your new painting - you are right to back off a bit - then you will know what you should add, if anything.

  26. Love your SOC and the colors are similar to your blog background....Great quote too! I'm wondering if the colors are too dark for you on that other's very pretty but less your normal style. It does look like it could be finished...but only you know that for sure!! Thanks for always sharing so generously!

    Hugs Giggles

  27. Lovely work on the theme Denthe. And the 2nd looks finished to me too!

  28. I saw this on FB too and think it is incredible! So unique and bright and wonderful. :D

  29. wow ze zijn prachtig!!
    gezellig weekend!
    Groetje Karin

  30. I love those beautiful figures in yellow! Lovely limited palette!

  31. Ha Dente,prachtige vrouwen figuren groeien aan de bomen
    jou fantasie is top ,en de kleuren van jou daar hou ik van!
    Dente voor jou ook een fijne week met veel kleur!
    groetjes Christiene.

  32. Oh I love this! I think it came out lovely!

  33. I adore the SOC piece! It reminds me of a matisse piece called the dance. Full of life and energy! The painting you are working on..well all I know is that I know when a piece is finished because it stops bothering is silent. I would put it aside for a few days away from view and then return to it with fresh eyes and see what the picture tells you. If it is silent its done. X

  34. Oh this is so darling Denthe!

  35. Beautiful! I think it's wise to let your painting sit for a few days while you decide if it needs anything else. Lovely work.

  36. So gorgeous, love the fluidity of this.

  37. Beautiful! I love how the ladies look like they are swaying like a tree.

  38. Everything here is full of interest and lovely to look at and read. I love the unusual tree people. As for the darker piece, I like its 'difference' in your style and colour as it is. You have no text on it, so perhaps that is what you feel is needed.
    Thank you so much for your regular comments on the posts I am managing to make, when I am finding it difficult to visit and comment - very much appreciated.

  39. That painting in summery colors with all the ladies as tree branches is really great - could be a book cover. Very arresting and I love that aqua color. The other painting is intriguing and melancholy....put it away for a bit and come back to it with fresh eyes. Happy PPF! Emma x

  40. This is a favorite of mine! Great!

  41. I love all of these, the colours are so bright. The ladies with the aqua is especially wonderful. I know what you mean by something missing in a painting, drives you crazy doesn't it but I love it just the way it is.

  42. Your talent and creativity is inspirational. Love your work!

  43. Your pieces are full of inspiration and wonderment :-) xxx

  44. What an amazing drawing let alone the SOC colours the image is superb. Love how it all hangs together too. Brilliant BJ

  45. Love your wonderful idea and the amazing colors in this painting, dear Denthe!

  46. Love the top one, those colours are fantastic!

    I agree the second piece isn't fully resolved, maybe you could just sit with it for a while?

  47. Sorry, menat to say thanks for your comment on my blog!


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