
Tuesday 13 May 2014

Sacred Marks with Tracy Verdugo

Two full days of painting ..... what can I say ...? Loved every minute of it, and could've gone on for a few days more.

Although, I admit, at the end of day 2 my back was killing me .... I'm used to working on an easel, and standing bent over a table 2 days in a row is not really that gentle on your back....

But I'm not complaining. We had a wonderful group of artists, all eager to get going, and Tracy herself was wonderful and sweet, and taught us so much. And it was such a surprise to meet 2 bloggers that I've been following for a while, and didn't know were coming: Jenny from A Simpler Life and Cathy from Studio 28. It was lovely to meet them in person, and to go on this art journey together :-)

Plus we were in a beautiful location: Buderim at the Sunshine Coast in Queensland ....
What more can one want ... :-)

We started 2 canvases, and although most of the participants had one canvas finished, mine are far from finished....

The first day we got a lot of prompts from Tracy, and demonstrations on how she does things. Very interesting ....

What I liked most was how diverse the artworks were. Since I'm not sure that the people whose artworks I took pictures of like to have them posted, I won't put them on this blog, but trust me, there was a lot of talent in this group. What I can post are the paintings of Tracy ....

of Jenny ...

of Cathy ...

and mine of course (the one I'm working on right now)

Couldn't help it, I saw faces ... again. And you know what? Something has been bothering me for days about this painting, and I think I finally figured out what it is .... So expect some big and bold changes to come in the next few days ... ;-)

If you ever get a chance to do a live painting workshop: go for it! It's the best way to learn, and there's such an energy in the air with all these people creating that you just can't achieve alone in your studio. I've discovered the live-workshops this year, starting with the one with Orly Avineri in January, and I will be doing another one in June....

Might become a bit addicted ... ;-)

And today I got a nice surprise in the mail: one of the paintings I made in Flora Bowley's online workshop was featured in her newsletter! Very happy about that. This is the painting:

 "Where are you now?" - acrylics on canvas - 60x80 cm - 23,6" x 31,5"

Thanks for being here! I'll be back on Friday with hopefully some progress on my Sacred Marks painting ♥


  1. How exciting for you to be able to do this workshop with Tracy. I love her work. I am looking forward to her new book and her online courses. I like your painting but totally understand how something can bother you. I can't wait to see what changes you make to it.

  2. I'm curious -- why did you paint on a table instead of at an easel?

    1. Well, I seem to have missed the mail where they said you could bring your own easel. As there were only a few easels in the place, and they were all taken by the time I arrived, I had to use a table (like most of us) ....

  3. what a fun workshop!! i always love workshops … they energize me and i always learn something new!

  4. Thanks for sharing these beautiful paintings. You can't help but recognize you individual style. Can't wait to see what changes you make to your canvas.

  5. I giggled when you said you were surprised, your insanely talented, your deserve that and more

  6. Wat een prachtige kleurrijke schilderijen en dat moet je zeker een boost hebben gegeven, waar je weer een hele tijd op kunt teren. Ben benieuwd wat je gaat veranderen in je schilderij. Lieve groetjes,

  7. Look forward to seeing your finished canvas......It was great to meet you at the workshop such a nice surprise.......<3...Cathy

  8. What a wonderful workshop. oh how I would have loved to have been there..... sigh. What fantastic results too from all the artists involved. I visited Cathy to tell her how much I liked her painting! Of course it goes without saying that your individuality shines like a brightly lit beacon of sunshine!

  9. Glad you had fun and created - gorgeous piece, look forward to end result

  10. Was such a beautiful weekend Denise... and so thrilled that we finally got to meet in person.... I love your painting and now you have me intrigued as to what you are going to do... can't wait to see the end result...

    Jenny ♥

  11. your workshop sounds wonderful. perhaps you should get a light easy to pack easel for your next workshop? I have never worked on an easel, I might have to give it a try. But i also do not work standing up, usually on my lap on the couch. These are all so wonderful!! Perhaps an art/yoga retreat would be a fabulous combo.... just sayin' it would help the back.

    1. ha, yes, that's a great idea :-) Might suggest it next time ...


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