
Friday 9 May 2014

finished my painting!

A whole week since I've posted on my blog! Normally I post also on Tuesday but this week my scanner broke down and my computer acted all weird, so I just left it and did other things. The problems seems to have been (almost ) solved now, so hopefully next week I'll be able to scan again ;-)

Meanwhile I finished my "struggle"-painting. Phew! Happy that I got it more or less to my liking in the end. Believe me, there were moments I was ready to throw it out of the window ...

But just the idea of having nothing to lose made me more free in the things I tried out. I played around with colours and collage, with stamps and doodles, and all of a sudden I couldn't add any more, it felt finished.

Despite my blah-moments during the painting-process, when I thought I had completely ruined the vibrancy and colours that were there, in the end I was really happy with the colourcombination. So I thought "break up the dark" was a fitting title for this painting :-)

As always, I'll show you all the progress-steps this painting went through. For me it's also interesting to look back on all the (sometimes frustrating) stages ...

This was the start. I collaged some of my own artwork on there, and some text and poetry. And then I started wiping my leftover-paint from different projects all over the canvas.

Since I was doing so many things at the same time, and I had only one canvas for leftover paint, I put so many layers on top that my collage practically disappeared .... Oh well ....

Decided to add some more collage, and for the first time I used modelling paste through a stencil. That was fun!

Following some of the collage-pieces, I made her a body, but wasn't happy with it. First blah-moment ...

Found 2 arms on the left of her and decided to glue a face on top of that too. Still blah.

This must've been my biggest blah-moment. I wanted to bring it all together a bit more, to bring some calm in the chaos, but I managed to get rid of all my lovely bright colours and make it drab all over ...

Quick, throw some colour on there! I also decided to make her body a different angle, and liked her a bit better already ....

Completely stuck, so playing a bit with stencils and sprays. Still no clue how to proceed. Still blah.

Decided it needed some contrast, so I did what Orli Avineri taught us: take a fat brush and just sweep it across your page like a tennisplayer :-) Uh-oh

Still not sure how to proceed, so I decide to continue with my new-found love: trees and flowers ... And I give the girls some collaged hair from one of my journaldrawings. Love how I can make totally different hairdo's from the same print :-)

I get the idea to make 'Alisa Burke-like" flowers in my trees, to brighten things up a bit (it's still too dark for my liking)

No! No no nooooo .. Don't like it at all, so I take my babywipes and try to wipe them all away. But some don't want to go. What to do?

I decide to use some gelliprinted deli-paper, that I just used to wipe my plate with every time. It's still thin so it collages perfectly, but it's not so transparant anymore because of the many layers of paint. I love how I can suddenly get rid of all those spots I don't like and decide to make flowers all over :-)

And from then on its just play play play. With my paint markers, with collage, with colours, with stamps, and finally it's finished!

"Break up the dark" - mixed media on canvas - 40x40cm (15,7" x 15,7")

And guess what I'll be doing this weekend!? I'll be painting 2 days in a row, in a 2 day workshop with Tracy Verdugo "sacred marks", here at the Sunshine Coast! Can't wait! Must not forget to take lots of pictures.

Meanwhile, I've sent the 2 giveaway-paintings to their new homelands, and keep my fingers crossed that they'll arrive safely.

And before I finish: Society6 has another FREE shipping promotion, from now thru to 11th May. I'm experimenting with making t-shirts now, and using my lyricsgirls in another way. Here are some new products I made:

It's kinda addictive, making these things ;-)
If you want to make use of the promotion, this is the link you should follow.

Okay. Long post, I think I more than made up for not posting on Tuesday ;-) Thanks so much for visiting, and don't forget to have a look at all the artists that participate in Paint Party Friday!

Hope your weekend will be all you wish for, and at least: get some rest and do some things you love ;-) I'll be back on Tuesday with a report of the workshop! Bye for now ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Oh wow... fantastic artwork this time again! AMAZING!

  2. I love how you just keep going till you have it as you want it - wonderful end-result! Valerie

  3. Such great art here as always dear friend, full to bursting with colorful energy!

  4. I also struggle with the idea of throwing my paper away - at least sometimes.
    Alle the stages was really fun to see - and I absolutely LOVE the way this piece turned out.

  5. Thank you so much for showing your process in such detail! I know how much work that is! Oh and if your scanner doesn't work just take a photo's a quick upload too!! Funny how we all see different things in the paint...there was a green blob that looked like an Elvis hair... Your new society 6 items are very cool! Enjoy the seminar can't wait to see what come of it!!

    Hugs Giggles

  6. Wow so many layers-i absolutely love this and seeing all the changes it went through as I'm going through a similar prices at the moment with a large impasto Highland cow - I've used so much paint already just in the background so it's good to know you just keep going until you get there! The end result is beautiful as always! Everytime toy mention society 6 I remember I opened a shop there but never actually stocked it-do you find it better than etsy?

  7. Your paintings are so,so beautiful and inspiring. Well done! Good luck with society 6, these items are lovely!

  8. A great result on such a difficult process! :-)
    Enjoy your workshop, that will be good!
    Happy PPF

  9. oh wow Denise! this is so fabulous, lots different to what you usually do and i love it very much. your work is amazing! Always look forward to what you are creating, thanks for sharing

  10. Love to read about other's struggles, I'm not alone!

    So many magnificent layers, you do have patience!!!

    That T-shirt is cool.

  11. What a fabulous painting! Love seeing how it progressed. :)

  12. I love to see your works in progress. It's always so interesting how many changes you seem to make and then end up with something so gorgeous. Your new painting is just wonderful! Best of luck with the Society6 sales!

  13. your painting turned out amazing!! have fun at your workshop!

  14. I just love,love,love your work! I admire most your gorgeous colors and your drawing ability.

  15. I always love your steps and how you go about them. Awesome work and love that t-shirt.

  16. I would love to be in your studio when you work. It amazes me how you work, how you combine and change and then come up with the most extraordinary pieces of art.

  17. I am blown away by how many steps it took you before the finished painting-which is superb!! Sounds like a fabulous weekend workshop you'll be attending. I'll be anxious to hear about it. Have a great time!

  18. What an amazing process! And I can't believe how you stuck with it! Very inspiring to me, because I'd have given up on mine and missed-out on the stunning creation you ended up with when you finished :)) Thanks for sharing this Denise!

  19. Holy wow, girl! Look at how you persisted and poked and painted and brushed your way straight to brilliance! Your final piece is completely stunning - a multi-course feast for the eyes! Bravo!

  20. Though you struggled a lot with this painting, the end result is awesome. I love everything about it. There are so many different elements to it yet there is a unity to the whole piece. Love the girls, their hair, the colors you have used, the flowers... This is very beautiful.
    Have a great time at the workshop.

  21. Great piece. I love seeing your process and I'm so glad you persevered. It was well worth it.

  22. Awesome paintings with vibrant colors as always!
    Wish you a wonderful weekend,
    hugs Anja

  23. I just love seeing the process. I am in awe. Your work is simply stunning. Wow! I'd love to take a class/workshop with you.

  24. Love how different the two girls are in this painting - your hair work astounds me as always!!

  25. I'm glad you didn't throw the painting out of the window but did stick with it until you were happy. It's always interesting to follow your process. The painting is lovely, I like the colors, especially the darker parts. The bird's head (a goose?) is fantastic.

  26. I loved seeing your stages! So amazing at the the outcome, the depth of feeling and a joy to take to heart the details!

  27. Beautiful! Your colours and composition are totally perfect! Enjoy your workshop.

    Annabelle : )

  28. Your process, as always is inspiring. The color scheme totally changed over the course. I really like this lovely work.

  29. Love it! The journey of creating can be a hard one some times, but most times one will land safely with a good result.

  30. wow wat een schitterend eindresultaat, erg mooi weer!!
    Groetjes Karin

  31. loved the process and the journey and its beautiful....

  32. I love each stage..and of course the final art. Beautiful and inspiring. Your site looks great too!

  33. LOVE seeing your painting progression Denise... the different stages and the glorious finish... absolutely beautiful... and was SO lovely to meet you at Tracy's workshop... what a magical two days....

    Jenny ♥

  34. Hey you - How cool is it that you are featured as part of Flora Bowley's e-mail today?! Whoo hoo!

    1. yes, isn't it great!? I feel honored ... :-)

  35. i so loved seeing those progress shots!!! Your work is amazing. And those products! omg... how exciting is THAT?! Bravo to you. Your work is so inspiring to me. xx


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