
Friday 25 April 2014

Time to celebrate with a giveaway :-)

Thanks so much all of you for the well wishes with regards to my market last Friday. I wrote about it in my previous post here. All went well and I sold quite a few pieces.

The last few days I've been working on my experiments with the gelliplate on canvasboard.
Remember these?

These were drawings that I made into a stencil. Wasn't sure how to continue so I've been looking at it for a few weeks.

I have been experimenting on and off with these, but I completely forgot to take pictures. These are the only in-progress pictures that I have:

I collaged a dog on there, and then saw a second figure and a bird and brought them out. Because the faces were so small I decided to collage 2 of my faces on there.

It's a pity I don't have any other pictures from the one on the right, because she went through quite a few transformations hair-wise :-)

Next time I won't limit myself to one hairdo, I'll just make the stencils without hair.

These are the finished pieces:

They both measure approx. 20x25cm (8"x10") and are made on canvasboard. I will attach a string so it's possible to hang them. And guess what? One of you can win one of these! The other one will be for sale in my Etsyhop. I'll explain the rules at the end of this post.

I've been adding  some new original art to my Etsyshop. These are now for sale, and I'll be adding more in the coming days.

And I've also been experimenting with fabrics that I painted on my gelliplate. Made a little pencilcase and learned a lot.

At first I was disappointed, because it was too thick (I had put some filling in there that wasn't at all necessary for a small bag like this), and there were some other things I didn't like, but then I needed a small pencilcase for my most used black markers and it ended up being perfect for that. So I'll sure experiment some more now :-)

Okay, now for the rules of my giveaway. Only if you're a follower of mine you have a chance of winning one of these paintings.
Following me can be done in different ways: either follow this blog (with RSS, Bloglovin', email (links are in the sidebar)), follow me on Facebook, subscribe to my monthly newsletter (link in sidebar), or follow me on Pinterest. One of these is enough, but of course you can follow me everywhere, don't feel as if you have to limit yourself ;-)

By the way: the giveaway is to celebrate that I have reached over 200 followers on this blog, and over 400 likers on Facebook!

If you are a follower of mine, let me know in the comments, and also let me know which one of the 2 paintings you would like to win. Just say "one girl", or "2 girls", that's enough. Or you can add the quote.

That's all! I will be announcing the winner next Friday night (May 2nd), so you have a whole week to add your comment!

I am linking this to PPF, the weekly party of artists all over the world that everyone can join in. Thanks for visiting, and I hope you are enjoying your Friday and will be looking forward to a restful, relaxing weekend! ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Love what you have made this week, congrats for doing well at the market! Valerie

  2. OMG a giveaway of one of your paintings Denthe........oooh yes please......Number 2. I am not just a follower but a Annette x

  3. I don't know why...but it has been ages since I visited you. Your work is fantastic! Congrats on your market too:)

  4. Beautiful finished and not finished pieces. Beautiful creativity! Well deserved congrats on your market!

  5. Gorgeous work as usual! You are so prolific. I don't know how you get it all done!

  6. Gorgeous paintings, your process is always such a joy to see!! Yes I follow and I would love anything you paint...but number two piqued my interest because I have never seen that quote...but I love anything and everything you do!! Thanks for the wonderful chance!

    Hugs Giggles

  7. Just beautiful Denise... girl number one has my heart... and yes... I follow along... your little pencil case is so sweet too....

    Jenny ♥

  8. Fabulous!
    I love the two girls - especially the girl on the right!!
    I follow via email

  9. Oh I love these paintings. Thank you for the chance to win one. They are both wonderful-so hard to choose-but the two girls i think.

  10. More amazingly colourful fun art from you. Everything looks fabulous. I really like the art in its 'before' state too. I've been meaning to get a gelliplate for ages and now I'm finally going to do it on the weekend. That's it, it's on my list!

    I'm a blog follower and would be ridiculously happy to win either one!

  11. These are again so beautiful and I love them both. But my fav is two girls. I am already your follower. Xx

  12. your gelli prints put mine to shame!! yours ROCK!! tough decision but I think my favorite is two girls.

  13. Hoi Denise, Ik wil ook wel graag meeloten voor een van je schilderijen. Mijn favorietje is twee meisjes MET de hond hahaha. EN ik ben een volger, of liever gezegd : stalker. Ik kom je overal tegen LOL..
    Een heel creatief weekend!!

  14. Hi Denise. Your stencils are great. I too have been meaning to get a gelli plate, perhaps soon. I love how you always find figures in your paintings, it's fun. I've been a follower of you for a while now. I enjoy visiting you and your work. Have a great day.

  15. Oooohhhh!!!!! These are simply amazing!!!!! I am always so impressed with your art and the path you take to complete such wonderful art.

  16. lovely pieces, I'm a follower, I'd like to win '2 girls'! Congrats on 200 followers!

  17. Denise these are so spectacular and happy!!! And to have the chance to win one (I like the two girls especially)-doing the happy dance here:) I do follow you by email-and If I don't already "like" on FB I'll do that-I'm just not on it often at all. And big congrats on your sales-you deserve it!!

  18. Denise, wat 'n prachtige werk weeral!!! Ik vind beide canvas-werken mooi, maar de vrouw alleen heeft toch een lichte voorkeur! Ik plaats je give-away ook even in de zijkant van mijn blogje!

    Fijn weekend,
    Saskia :)

  19. Great pieces! Thank you for a chance to win one of them. I especially like the quote on the 2 girls one.

  20. I am a follower and would love a chance to win one of your paintings. If I am lucky I would choose 'one girl'

  21. Such great colorful pieces, full of fun!

  22. first of all... sorry that I missed some posts..was a bit busy the last weeks..
    I adore your progress of the two women and birds piece ... my gosh..amazing to see this...
    and congrats on so many followers Denthe..
    if I would win I would have fun with whatever piece you send me... both are so wonderful!


    I am follower ...

  23. What a transformation! Great work.

  24. Denise,

    I am a follower of course, and I love all of your work this week, the colours, the meaningful quotes and your details and illustrations! Two girls is my favourite. Thanks for sharing each week!


  25. Love what you have made. I haven't tried the gelliplate (?) yet...actually I know nothing about it. You have made some great stuff, and the pencilcase is so cute. I am following you, this blog, by email and I would love the chance to win the "two girls". Thank you for this giveaway, and the chance to get one of your pieces. Happy PPF!

  26. Your art is always interesting, so it feels like winning each time you post. I follow you and would love two girls if I have the luck on my side. Thanks for the opportunety and be sure to pick ME! Lol!

  27. Your process is fascinating. I love the colors, images and the way you work with words. Thanks for sharing.

  28. this is amazing, beautiful work, I love the way you "discovered" objects within the paintings, the colors are fantastic, beautiful give away also,

  29. I'm a follower on Facebook and would love one of your paintings at my home i Norway! If I am so lucky to win I would choose "two girls" :)

  30. So - that's right - I follow and love your art - but making a choice. I would be happy to have either piece but if I had to choose- I guess I would pick the 2 girls - but I truly love them both. You have inspired me to play with my Gelli plate (which I just found again in my messy studio)

  31. I love what you gave shown this week. Beautiful images and words, how perfect.

  32. "one girl" I love all your artwork you are one creative gal!

  33. The depth you've ended up with in your paintings is lovely, they're such vibrant life filled pieces. I especially like the quote on the second one - it's so true.

  34. Oh wow. I am following you (almost) everywhere, and by that I mean that I'm on Pinterest, but I don't do anything with it. In fact, whenever anyone follows ME over there, I feel like I should inform them that we're not going to go anywhere. (Pinterest doesn't click with me for some reason. I clearly need to see a mechanic.)

    It is supremely awesome of you to be doing this giveaway, because those canvases are both gorgeous. I hear the two girls calling my name. They look like they would love America. ;)

  35. I love the two new pieces!!! I do follow your blog on Feedly and just liked you on FB. Glad to find you there! I love both of these and if I were the lucky winner I think I would like "two girls". Thanks so much for the chance to win. Happy weekend!!!

  36. Such beautiful canvases this week, Denthe. Your colors are so vibrant. Love the Better to have loved and lost painting.

  37. Lovely new pieces and great colors! Happy PPF!

  38. Great pieces Denise - love that you made your own stencils! If I were to win I'd love "two girls" - glad things went well with the market - must feel really gratifying when your work sells!

  39. I follow you on Pinterest Facebook and I would be happy with either one I love them both

  40. Denise these are absolutely gorgeous. I really like how they turned out. I'd love to win one-2 girls and the dog of course! !

  41. These are great pieces! I believe I follow you as well on fb. Good idea re no hair to leave options open

  42. Beautiful pieces Denise.So happy to hear the market went well for you, you deserve it .
    Love the lost painting.

  43. I love both of them! so gorgeous and colourful - glad you had some success at markets (may there be many more to come) I would LOVE to win the "one girl" painting if i should be so lucky! I reckon you should do an on-line course at some point (i bet you have some great techniques to share) - bye for now

    1. sorry, same comment as below from Joyce - this is my new wordpress blog

    2. I'm working on it Joyce :-)

  44. I love both of them! so gorgeous and colourful - glad you had some success at markets (may there be many more to come) I would LOVE to win the "one girl" painting if i should be so lucky! I reckon you should do an on-line course at some point (i bet you have some great techniques to share) - bye for now

  45. Fantastic! I like the before images as well as the final. The shapes and composition are terrific. I love the color, their long limbs and half shirts. So pretty and fun! I love the stripey skirt and that great bird! And your little marker case is too cute. I AM a follower but I need to do more Spring cleaning before more art enters this mess. Haha. :D

  46. Thanks for having the giveaway - I would love to win the painting of 2 girls. I really enjoy seeing your work in progress and how you 'find' the images lurking within the background. Really love your quotes as well.

  47. I love your work. already own one your boxes which after a couple of years still fascinates me! love the paintings above, especially with the two girls on it. The quotes are particularly relavent to my life. I follow you on facebook.

  48. Interesting textures. Glad you had a successful sale.

  49. This gelliplate technique how you are doing it, looks fantastic! You created wonderful artwork! I also want to thank you for sharing your market experience in your previous post. It was so interesting to read something about such an event.

  50. Love everything you do!!! One girl!

  51. Two Girls!!!!! So glad the market went well for you ♥ I can totally relate to the mixed emotions involved with them. People don't often realize all the work involved in getting ready and setting up and how just being there all day can drain you to the core and then you have to close up and tear done. The interaction with the people who do buy your art is the best part of the whole process.

  52. Your paintings are amazing! I love how you experiment until the painting comes together. And congratulation on a successful market. All in all, it was a successful week for you!

  53. Denise met refersen bedoel ik een tijdschrift pagina ingesmeerd met modge podge, op je papier leggen, aanwrijven en dan er af trekken. Blijft als het goed is de afbeelding op je papier staan. Daaaag liefs Marja

  54. Love your beautiful paintings! The girls and colors are wonderful :)

  55. Congrats!!! I am already a follower, I will cross my fingers for "2 girls"

  56. Awe yay! Congratulations on your Facebook and blog numbers. AND congrats on the success of your last show. I would be thrilled to participate, thank you. I love both pieces, but am really drawn to the one with 2 girls :) xoxo

  57. That is fabulous! Congrats on all the followers! :) I love your art and those quotes are amazing!

  58. Very cool! Just started following you on FB! Love your art! I like the 2 girls!

  59. Ha Dente, ik probeer ook een kansje te maken op één van je mooie
    kunst werken.....maar wie wil dat nou niet...
    de twee meisjes vind ik mooi....en ja ik volg je.
    Veel succes met jou keus.....
    liefs een groetje Christiene.


Thanks for taking the time to comment! I love hearing your thoughts about my work. Because I am getting too many spammer comments, l have to use Captcha, sorry. Hope this is not a problem for you !