
Tuesday 29 April 2014

doodling and an artjournalpage

I am struggling with a new painting at the moment, and didn't get much else done. I have been doodling at night though, while sitting with my daughter. Here's one that I finished:

It's painted on a small canvasboard that I collaged first to make it a bit smoother. I've noticed though that it's also possible to get it smooth enough by adding some layers of gesso and sanding in between.

I also decided I didn't like the cold white so much on these minipaintings, so I used titan buff instead and like it much better. It gives a bit of a warm glow ....

Don't think I showed this artjournalpage yet.

It's also one that I started in Orli Avineri's workshop but finished at home. I'm trying to get more into artjournaling again, trying to find the flow I was in when I was doing that workshop. But I don't take enough time for it. I want to do so many things at the same time, want to start mosaics again, and I want to sew and paint fabrics, and play some more with my gelliplate, and start a new intuitive painting .... Oh, time's always too short ....

Thanks so much for visiting me and leaving comments. Don't forget: you still have time until Friday to give a comment on this post in order to make a chance on winning one of these paintings:

Up till now, "two girls" is by far the favorite ... ;-)

I'll be back on Friday with the results of the giveaway! See you then ♥


  1. I love the art journal spread! The way your figures flow one into another while still maintaining their individual integrity is marvelous and magical to me, as is your impeccable sense of color. The women look super painfully sad, though! I hope you're not feeling that way yourself! :(

    Is it wrong if I completely love the sad, forlorn cat? Because I do. I want to pat his sad little head!

    1. haha, no, don't worry, I'm usually a very happy person :-) But somehow the figures in my paintings usually have something melancholic. Don't know why, they just come out this way ...

  2. I love your doodle canvas, cant wait to see it painted,

  3. Your doodle at and journal pages are lovely. I see what you mean about the titan buff making it less of a cold white. It sounds familiar that whole too many ideas not enough time to execute them in!!

  4. I always enjoy your doodlings. I, too, would like to do more in my art journal. I always seem to be too busy with other projects and the art journal falls last on the priority list. I love the journal spread you have shown here.

  5. Love your funky, inspirational work. Nice color and quotes and if that's called doodling I'm doing it all wrong! lol :)

  6. Your doodle on canvas is beautiful! Thank you also for sharing the good method of collaging it first or put on some gesso layers before doodling. It's so useful. I have also thousands of ideas like you do and never enough time. I never did art journaling up to know but I would love to try it one time. Your girls are so pretty!

  7. Beautiful pieces. I love your doodle work! Thank you for sharing


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