
Friday 11 April 2014

Quick post

Still in the middle of a gigantic mess trying to get things ready for the market, so this post'll be a quick one...

Yesterday I worked on these boxes:

They're not finished yet, the front ones will get a quote on top, and I need to do the inside and bottom as well, and varnish them. They're a bit different from what I usually do, but I really had fun working on them, and figuring out which patterns to use.

I also started preparing some rocks:

And painted the wooden pieces that I'll be putting quotes on:

I just got back from doing the groceries for this weekend, and on Fridays I never cook (it's leftover day today ... ☺), so that means from now on I can just keep going. Yeah!

I also received word from Jessica that my painting arrived safe and sound in the USA. So happy and relieved. First time ever I posted a (bigger) painting and all went well. Good to know ...

And for those of you who don't know yet: there's another sale in my Society6-shop, until midnight April 13. Free shipping and 5$ off (almost) every item in my shop! If you want to take advantage of this, you'll have to go to my shop through this link.

Okay, can't wait to get back to my worktable, so that's it for now ;-)

Linking this to Paint Party Friday. Thanks for being here and leaving your lovely comments. Hope you'll enjoy today, and the coming weekend! ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Sounds like you're quite busy at the moment. I love the idea of turning rocks into small pieces of art. I'll have to try that once. Happy PPF!

  2. fabulous art always here... HAPPY PPF! love the idea of turning rocks into artpieces !

  3. Your art is beautiful as always. Enjoy your market! Valerie

  4. I was so busy last week. . . I understand. Have fun in the midst of all you are doing. Blessings, Janet PPF

  5. Lekker druk ?? Goed te horen dat het schilderij goed is aangekomen. Heel erg creatief weekend!!
    xxx Marianne

  6. Staying busy creatively is my favorite part of life...keep enjoying my friend !

  7. Lovely work, my friend!You art is always fabulous!

  8. I just love everything you do and I am so happy to own one of your originals! Have a wonderful weekend. Happy PPF!

    1. And I'm so happy you're happy with it Jessica :-) Thanks so much ♥

  9. Your boxes are so lovely and those stones will be great, such colorful ones, here too feels like Spring with such color!

  10. yay rocks! I love your painted rocks. Go kick some art hiney! ;)

  11. I love the look of your painted rocks. Look forward to seeing them finished. Happy PPF!

  12. Beautiful boxes, Denthe. Yes, I was feeling like a novice Denthe when I found the face in my background!

  13. Holy cow! So much productive work going on! Those boxes look like they're going to be super cool! You're so good with color and pattern.

    I love leftover night. Ahhhh! Enjoy your day! :D

  14. Lovely work Denthe. The rocks are wonderful art pieces, their shapes always give inspiration . I have one my daughter did when she was little( very plain) but it always puts a smile on my face when I look at it.. Enjoy your time.
    Annabelle : )

  15. Lots of fab work going on around here Denthe! Yay for you and your creativity. Awesome boxes and all. Have a great day/evening.

  16. Holy cow with all the projects! (Haha, I just saw AnnD also wrote holy cow - but it fits!) Those boxes are fantastically patterned and I look forward to the lettering.

  17. Love that the one rock and the beginnings of a face starting to peek out!
    BTW - I'm loving my mug that I purchased through Society6 - makes me so happy to have some Denthe with my morning coffee!

    1. Oh, thanks so much Michelle! I'm happy to be at your table ;-)

  18. What fun! Those boxes are so colorful and pretty. AND...the rocks, can't wait to see what you do with those. Lots of awesome stuff. Thanks for sharing.

  19. Beautiful patterns on your new boxes. I am still enjoying your calendar.

    1. Thanks so much Gloria! So happy you're enjoying it ♥

  20. luv the colours this week; have a nice weekend

    much love...

  21. you've been busy this week!! happy PPF

  22. wow you are so busy Denthe, have a great weekend. Happy PPF, Annette x

  23. You have been super busy and I just know that you will do great at your market ♥ Lovely works♥♥♥♥♥

  24. You are so busy - but it's all goodness - right? I love the boxes and I know from your past works that the rocks will be terrific too.

  25. Lovely boxes, I hope they and all your other goodies go well. You are an absolute whirlwind, you get through so much work, as well as the normal round of living and loving.

  26. I love that you surround yourself with beautiful, vibrant colors like your boxes and stones.

  27. Good to know you decided to give the markets one more chance.

  28. Hoping the market went really well Denise... loving the deliciousness that you are creating X

    Jenny ♥

  29. Wonderful...really wonderful.
    I love your wide-ranging creativity. You are a special artist!

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts and works.


  30. Wonderful boxes! Congrats on the overseas sale - that is always exciting!! Happy PPF!

  31. Hello,
    I nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award because you and your blog has captured my attention. Thanks for the connection and the inspiration. You can find the nomination here:
    Feel free to accept or ignore, but just wanted to give you a shout out, especially because I think you’re just so talented and everyone needs to see your work.

  32. Have things calmed down any for you yet? Wishing you lots of peace and tranquility as you prepare for your upcoming market. It will be so fun once everything is in place. :)

  33. Ha Dente leuk om mee te kijken ,knap om elke keer iets nieuws neer te zetten
    En echte Dente kleuren !...waar ik van hou......
    Liefs een groetje Christiene.

  34. You are busy with some very wonderful pieces of art. I love the boxes. Well done.


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