
Thursday 17 April 2014

Another quickie ;-)

Have been finishing stuff all week for my market tomorrow. We also went to the coast for 3 days with the family, so that didn’t leave much time for making more. It was good that I had prepared a lot of things already, they just needed some finishing touches.

Here are some of my miniature-paintings:

If I don’t sell these at the market, they will be for sale in my Etsyshop.

I experimented with a doodle on a mini-canvasboard (10cm x 10cm – 4”x4”), which gives a nice result I think, but it’s really small for a doodle. I like making doodles with lots of things to see, and there’s not much room for that on these small boards. But it was fun nonetheless.

I also experimented a bit with collage on a mini-painting. And that was so much fun I’ll certainly do it again. I took a face from one of my paintings and glued it on a painted canvasboard. I then painted a neck and changed the background a bit, gave her some long eyelashes, and added a quote, and she was finished! Quick and easy, I like that (certainly when I’m short on time ☺). Here she is:

Painted some more rocks, but didn’t take pictures yet, so I’ll show them next time.
And had fun with these little wooden leftovers that I put quotes on:

Made more magnets:

And finished my boxes:

And that’s about it. The weather is looking good for tomorrow, so there should be a good turnout. It’s the first time I do this market and I have no idea how it’ll be, but let’s hope I sell some things ….. If not, they’ll either go to the gallery or I’ll sell them in my Etsyshop.

I will be linking this to Paint Party Friday tomorrow. Be sure to have a look over there to see the work of approx. 100 artists linking up every week. It’s worth it!

Two more things: Sweet Karla from Poetic Postcards gave me the Liebster Award. For this award I need to answer some questions and nominate some people, but I’ll do that in my next post, otherwise this one will be too long. Thanks so much Carla, I feel honored!

And lastly: be on the lookout for my post next Friday, since I’ll be doing a giveaway, to celebrate that I have reached the 200 followers-mark on this blog, and almost 400 likers on Facebook.

Okay, getting ready for bed now, the market starts early and I had some (very) late nights this week. Don’t want to fall asleep sitting in my stall ;-)

I hope all’s well with you. Thanks so much for visiting my blog, and I hope your  Easterweekend will be full of joy and spring! ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. hello,
    sounds as though you have had a very full week and fun too. must feel good to accomplish so much! Everything is looking fabulous! I wish you a very successful show!

  2. Wishing you lots of happy moments and success at the market!

  3. Good luck! I hope you sell everything! I love those first paintings, so lovely! I love working on top of book pages and seeing the text through the face, so I am extra happy when other people do it too.

  4. Hele mooie spulletjes Denise en ik wens je heel veel succes morgen met de verkoop!!
    Liefs, Marianne

  5. Lots of wonderful projects here Denthe, wishing you every success with your market stall. Happy Easter, Annette x

  6. good luck at the market I know you will sell out your art is fabulous

  7. I hope your art pieces fly off the table! I just took some time to see what you have been up to. Your paintings in your last post are gorgeous and have such meaning. Keep it up! Happy holidays to you! Congrats on reaching 200 followers!

  8. All the best on the have so many very desirable items!! Love them all!!

    Hugs Giggles

  9. Good luck at the market there are some amazing pieces here.

  10. You have so many wonderful things for your stall and they all are very clearly 'you' I love that cohesive signature look regardless of whether it's a canvas a box or a rock! Wishing you the very best of luck tomorrow-hope you sell loads. X

  11. Denise, I love the vibrant colors in your work. You must have a latino heart!Happy Easter,my friend!

  12. Well, for me it looks like you have made a lot of great stuff, enjoy your market and good luck! Valerie

  13. Lots of lovely goodies.Good luck with the market.

  14. All the best on the market, Beautiful stuff to buy and, perhaps, give to someone.

  15. Hope you'll have e successful market!!! Happy Easter!

  16. oohhhh everything looks wonderful. The expression on the girl's faces are fabulous. And the boxes turned out amazing. Well done

  17. lovely work this week Denthe!

  18. LOve the beautiful boxes, Denthe. And the "how soon" painting is gorgeous. Good luck on the market.

  19. WOW!! You have been one busy lady and it's wonderful to catch up with all the beautiful things you have been making. So many fabulous arty bits to see.
    Glad to be catching up with you
    Happy Easter
    Chris xx
    p.s. LOVE your header :)

  20. best of luck at the market-hope it all sells. Your art is extraordinary and very meaningful. And your lettering-gorgeous! Love your idea of pasting a copy of one of your faces on a canvas and altering it too.

  21. wow je hebt niet stil gezeten,haha. Prachtige dingen heb je weer gemaakt!
    Gezellige paasdagen!
    Groetjes Karin

  22. Oh my lord! I love your miniature paintings! That girl in the middle makes me swoon! Can she follow me around reminding me of that? Actually, can she just come over?

    Okay, really, I hope you sell absolutely everything, except maybe her, and have a madly successful time of it! :D

  23. Love the idea of collaging your own work and her eyelashes are gorgeous!

  24. I hope you sell EVERYthing!! I am sure you will, your little pieces are beautiful!!

  25. I love all of your quotes!!

  26. Congratulations on reaching 200 followers! I hope you had a great day at the market today your stall is always so eye catching, I am sure you will have sold lots. Enjoy the rest of the holidays x

  27. Everything so lovely and desirable. I don't kmow how you think up so many thoughtful and interesting quotations to add to your work and give them that special 'ooomph'.
    As it is Saturday today I hope all is going well at the market, and that you will go home tired but happy with the results.

  28. Hi Denthe,
    Love all of the gorgeous colourful art. (How soon "Not Now" Becomes "Never") Great quote!
    Enjoy your day at the market and wishing you lots of sales today!
    Happy Easter,
    Annabelle : )

  29. Beautiful art here as always! xx

  30. Lots of juicy stuff today. I love the faces with quotes. I resonate with several of them. The boxes are great too. That getting old quote reminds me of my friend Ruthie. She never got old but always got older. When she turned 75 she turned her birthday the other way so each year she became younger.

  31. Hi Denthe. Hope you have plenty of sales at the market, also hope all is well with you. Love all your beautiful art and your quotes are taken to heart, all of them. Hope your weekend is great and thank you for your nice comment on my blog. Happy Easter, PPF.

  32. Wow, so much beautiful art. I agree with AnnD, the middle face is my favorite. Love the hair! And I love the effect you got with the collage using your own image.

    The boxes are so cool! And I particularly like the quote about getting older.

  33. These are all wonderful - I hope they sell well!

  34. How wonderful, I love them all, I hope the market goes very well. I especially like the girls with quotes, very inspirational!

  35. So much wonderful work. You should do well at the market. The girls with quotes will sell I'm sure -- we all need beautiful inspirations. Thanks for sharing your work.

  36. All your creations look wonderful and great quotes too! Best of luck!

  37. Love the 'doodle' Zentangle, the mini Collage and the little wooden quotes. What fun, but hectic. Good luck and Blessings, Janet PPF

  38. Oh! SUCH such beautiful, colorful, inspiring work! You've been busy! Good luck, I'll be thing of you and rooting for your success, xoxo

  39. ha ha I hear you I can really relate to 'Reality Keeps Ruining My Life' I am inspired by your girl with her eyes closed. Yes indeed I must seize the day! Happy PPF


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