
Tuesday 1 April 2014

Painted the whole day today!

Well, I started at 10 am and stopped at 3pm, so it wasn't exactly the whole day, but it was a long time ago that I managed to paint that long. The hours flew by. I thought I would have it almost finished by now, but nooo. I'm always surprised by how long it actually takes.

I worked on the other woman today. I also decided what to do with the birds. I know I wanted birds on there, but the birds that I saw in the paintmarks were too big and not in the right place. And while I usually go with what I see on the canvas, I now decided to paint "my own" birds ... ;-)

This is what I had:

And this is where I am now:

I also decided on painting a tree. Because for me this painting is about our planet, and the sad state it's in today because of us humans.

Can't wait to work on it again, hopefully on Thursday....

I finally listed some of my original miniature-paintings in my Etsyshop. I want to start selling originals there but first had to figure out a way to make it affordable to ship. These small paintings are on canvasboard, which makes the posting and shipping price a LOT lower compared to the stretched canvases I normally work on.

These are the ones that are currently for sale:

I have 2 more that I still need to do the backing of, all the other ones were sold at the Christmasmarket. So I'll have to make some new ones...

Okay, time for bed! Thanks for being here, I'll be back on Friday for the Paint Party :-)


  1. Isn't it amazing how long some pieces take? I love how this one's' coming along, Denise!
    The little canvases are very sweet.

  2. Fabulous piece, love this painting...Glad you got those long hours of joy. xox

  3. Jeetje, wat een werk Denise, maar het gaat je weer lukken om een geweldig mooi tafereel neer te zetten. Mooie kleuren ook! Ik zou dat ook eens moeten proberen... maar lijkt me zoooo moeilijk. Fijn dat je weer een hele dag hebt kunnen schilderen en succes met de verkoop van de canvasboards!!

  4. I'm loving everything!!! I'm so envious that you were able to paint for that long. I wanna do that too!!! Hopefully soon.

  5. Hooray, you had time to paint! Looks beautiful. And your store is great!

  6. Everything is so gorgeous! Glad you got a chunk of time to paint! Good for you!

    Hugs Giggles

  7. wow dit ziet er weer schitterend uit!
    Groetjes Karin

  8. YES!!! What a cool thing to get to do. Happy place! Happy place!

  9. Your little canvases are gorgeous! My fav is the blond girl with the green background!! I too have been in produktion every free minute for my first lil market...never thought that it is so much work ;) Mix It Monthly ♥ Conny

    1. oh yes, it is! It amazes me every single time ...

  10. Gorgeous! They're both looking beautiful already. :)


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