
Friday 28 March 2014

Working on my painting and more gelliplate fun

Oh, this has been a bit of a frustrating week. Very busy with work, and at the same time my head was overflowing with ideas that I wanted to try out but didn't have time for. But when it itches, you scratch, so I made time for it and as a result I have been diving in my bed after midnight every single day while having to get up early. And now I'm starting to feel it ....

The only day I've been able to paint for a few hours was Wednesday. Remember the picture of last week where I asked you whether you could see the images in there?

I admit it's not easy to see them, I only saw them when I was standing really close to my canvas. I've circled the 2 figures, the 2 birds and the face that I saw (click to see it better):

But when I started to bring out the face, I saw a third figure and decided to get rid of the face. I'm still in doubt about the birds. Asked my housemates, and my daughter reckons I should keep the bird on the left, my son thinks I should keep both birds, and my hubbie thinks I should get rid of all the birds ....

Hmm, not much help this way ;-)

Here's what I have so far:

And a bit of detail:

I have also been experimenting with my gelliplate. Just had to try out some things. These were made last night with selfmade stencils, and the more I look at them, the more I think of things I can do with these. Ooh, if only I could lock myself in a studio one day and not surface again until I've truly painted my heart out ....

These were made on canvasboards, but I noticed they are a bit harder to use on the gelliplate. They don't pick up all the paint because they're too stiff to make really good contact with the plate. Which gives some interesting results too, but is not always what you want. I'll be back with more of these ...

Remember the painting I finished last week? This one?

It's sold! The very next day! Never had a sale that quick :-) Thanks so much Jessica! I have been giving it some coats of varnish, and now I'm leaving it to dry completely before I'm sending it off to the United States. The first time I'm sending a painting by post. I'm a bit nervous about it, have been trying out all kinds of packaging materials, and I'm still not sure what to use. I just hope it'll arrive safely ...

And last but not least: 2 days ago I started the 100 happy days challenge. For 100 days in a row, you post a picture of something that made you happy that day. Here's more information if you would like to join. The purpose is to make you more mindful of the moment that you're in, to notice the things that make you happy. Sounds like fun to me. I'm posting my pics on my Facebookpage every day, so feel free to follow my daily journey here :-)

And I'll also make a new board on Pinterest with all the pictures. Looking forward to putting them all in a book at the end of the challenge...

Okay, that's it for now. Linking this as always to Paint Party Friday, the wonderful community of artists that come together every week and share what they've been doing artwise.

Thanks for being here and thanks for commenting. It makes me happy .... (see, I found another thing that makes me happy ☺. When you start thinking about it you can find a lot of things actually).

I'm wishing you a wonderful Friday, and a restful and peaceful weekend! ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Lovely work again, you used your few hours well to produce beautiful things again. Valerie

  2. I am always amazed at what you find in your canvases!
    I have been feeling a bit stressed lately, too. Perhaps a bit of gelli printing is just what I need!

  3. Proficiat met de verkoop van je schilderij!! Goed gedaan! En je nieuwe schilderij is erg mooi aan het worden en ik ben benieuwd naar het eindresultaat.
    Alvast een heel fijn weekend!
    xxx Marianne

  4. Phew you have been busy Denthe. Love how you see pictures within pictures and always produce beautiful results. I tried the Gelliplate on canvas and as you say it doesn't pick up the paint well, but at least gives you something to work with. Good luck with the challenge. Happy PPF, Annette x

  5. Work is such a nuisance, it takes too much time from other, interesting stuff!

    Luckily you've defeated time and produced enchanting things! Grats for the sale!!!

  6. Well done with your painting. It is beautiful. Huge congrats on your sale as well. It is also great that you managed to find time during the busy week to paint!

  7. Your paintings are always so gorgeous! I saw a toucan and that was all,...even after you pointed it out and painted the ladies in.....I couldn't see them. I think we tend to find images that speak to us. It would be so interesting to splash paint on the page...copy it and see what several artist come up with. I bet none would be the same! Wishing you some creative days! Ask for a few uninterrupted days off from your family. All they can say is no!!

    Hugs Giggles

  8. I'm like you … i wish i could lock myself away for a day (or two!) and just paint! That would be heaven!

    I love your painting so far. And you gelli prints are fantastic! I have made a few, still not sure what the next step is though. I keep looking at them to see what emerges :)

  9. These are beautiful. A gelli plate is on my long list of must have's. I must invest in one soon. Happy PPF.

  10. congrats on your sale! love your prints!

  11. Congrats on your sale....Love your process for the new painting and I quite like your gelli prints. I do like the unexpected results, but most of mine get used in backgrounds in other it's doesn't always matter. xox

  12. Big Congrats on the sale!!!! They are always exciting and I'm sure you'l work out the shipping details. Love the art for this week ♥

  13. Great art, love how your painting is coming on. The geli plate art looks interesting and congrats on selling

  14. I'm not surprised that it sold so quickly. It's a beautiful piece. Congratulations!!

  15. congrats on such a quick sale-though I'm not surprised :) Your paintings are always so soothing and beautiful , along with being open for interpretation by the viewer. Nice silhouettes on your gelli plate prints too. Happy PPF!

  16. Lovely art work once again Denthe!
    You seem to be very prolific even when limited with time. I wish you more creative hours in your day and congrats on your sale, a very special piece.

  17. Hi Denthe. Good day to you and all your fab work.congrats on the sale, it doesn't surprise me. Love the colors.

  18. I love the first painting. The two figures seem to conspire about something. It is so rich in color too. Congrats on selling your painting that quick. I love the gelli plate too. Hope to see more gelli prints dear friend.
    Happy PPF and have a wonderful weekend. Hope you get some undisturbed quality time to be in your studio. I totally understand that.

  19. this is so beautiful! I love the colors and the images of the 2 women facing each other is just perfect! love your other paintings too, and congrats on the sale of the pretty painting!

  20. Beautiful work! I love the silhouette of that yellow woman on the red. And congratulations on the quick sale! I hope you find more time for all your projects. :)

  21. Congrats on your speedy sale!!! That must be gratifying!
    BTW - I believe I see the big-eyed bird in the painting! I never see anything so that is a huge step in the right direction for me! I'm always amazing and thrilled by what you see in your work!

  22. it outs so much fun tho watch the figures emerge and develop!
    As Giggles says, wouldn't it be fun for several artists to begin with the same "background" and see where it took each one?
    Congrads on the quick sale!

  23. Beautiful works again,love the colors and figures you are find in your wonderful backround,wonderful colors and texture loved too.
    superb art works you created, i love that to much.

    Greetings Jeannette

  24. What beautiful things you have going, that first one is so interesting, can't wait to see it finished. Congrats on your quick sale, well done.

  25. Brilliant! I love following along with you on your process of discovery. Congratulations on your quick sale!

  26. Wow wow wow...that's all I can think of !!

  27. your top painting, i love what you are doing with it! such depth of feeling and mystery!

    congrats on selling your beautiful painting! have you considered double boxing it with light weight cushioning between?

    1. thanks for the suggestion Tammie! I have already packed it, but this is certainly something I'll keep in mind for next time ....

  28. I remember seeing one bird in the painting last week, but not much more (perhaps this takes a bit more practice?). Anyway, I like what you saw and worked out of the painting - I'm not quite sure whether to leave the birds or not (sorry, not much help either), but I know that I like the women! Beautiful.

    I will now go and see what's the 100 happy days challenge is about...

  29. Just found you! Your art is gorgeous! Love the shapes and themes throughout. Can't wait to see what you create next. ~Karen Fields

  30. Your new painting is looking amazing! I really love how you find things in such colorful canvases. Such pretty artwork. And congrats on selling a painting! That's fantastic :)

  31. Wonderful! I love the flow of the three women - the poses are beautiful - and make me wonder what their story is! Thought provoking! Happy PPF!


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