
Friday 7 February 2014

Circle of comfort and faces nr 7 and 8!

First of all, I want to thank all of you who took the time last week to give your opinion about my painting. I was really stuck and reading all your comments really helped me to get a new perspective on the painting.

I was surprised that so many of you saw the little face that was there as distraught and even evil. That was not how I had meant it at all. But looking closer at my painting I understood that that was probably what had been bothering me about it.

So pretty early on I decided she'd have to go. And boy, that felt so good! All of a sudden it was fun to work on the painting again, while before it had just been a struggle.

The trees were a lot of detailed work, so it took me quite a while to finish it. But now I feel good about it and I declare it done!

As always, I'll show you all the pics from start to finish. But I have to warn you: there's a lot of pictures.... So if you came here to look at my 7th face, you better scroll right to the end of the post ;-)

I realized I don't have a picture from the start of the canvas. That's because this canvas was on my easel all the time while I was working on other stuff, and every time I had leftover paint (which was almost always) I put it on this canvas. So the first time I made a picture of it there were already quite some layers on it.

 adding some contrast

 playing with my beloved Golden high flow acrylics again. Aahh, the brightness of those colours ....*sigh*

 starting my mark making

 the going overboard again with the dripping and dribbling. Will I ever learn?
So I need to start making marks again. Oh well .....

Finally getting somewhere

Can't find any figures in there, so mark making once again ....

I'm starting to see a rabbit. Not sure I want to go with it .... I also see a face with a long neck.

I was so intent on getting out my images that popped up everywhere, that I forgot to take in-progress-pics .... All of a sudden, they're there ;-)

Too dark, don't like it. Dribbling again to lighten it up ....

 Bit better ...

The small face .... She insisted on being there but I don't know whether I like it or not ....

I decide to get rid of the big bird

Nah, I'm stuck! This is where I asked your opinion last week. 

Going, going, gone! YES! I feel so much better ....

Getting the bird out again and starting to work on the trees

And yes, I had to add some more faces .... I felt they belonged there ....

Brought some more sun and warmth into the painting and declared it done!

I call it "Circle of comfort", because it feels like she's surrounded by beings that want to comfort her. I feel as if the trees are all around her protecting her from harm, enclosing their little circle with warmth.

So happy it came together at last. I am now planning on making some "easy" paintings for the upcoming exhibition. I love making these intuitive paintings, but they can sometimes take very long to get where I want them to be. So I hope by next week I can show you another finished painting!

And this week I discovered the ease of posting 2 faces at once for the 29 faces challenge, and then having "a night off" the next day. Way easier that way, while I'm not really cheating since I still create a face every day.

So for the rest of the month I will do that :-)

I had wanted to post a review of all the faces I did this week, but since this is already such a picture-heavy post (and getting waaaayyy too long ...) I'll do that on Sunday, when I'll post faces 9 and 10.

Today I post faces 7 and 8. While I had my paints out I decided to paint some more rocks, since they're selling pretty rapidly in the gallery and I need to make some new stock.

This is day 7:

and day 8:

And both of them together, so you get an idea of the size:

Now I'll finish, I promise ;-)

Linking this as always to Paint Party Friday. If you're not familiar with PPF, go have a look here, and you'll discover lots of talented artists who share every Friday the artwork they did during the week. Lots of inspiration, lots of creativity, lots of eye-candy. And the best part: you can join in if you want!

The link for the 29 faces is here. 152 people have signed up for it, and I haven't even visited half of them. Oh time ... where do you run to!?

Thanks so much for visiting me! I hope you're having a wonderful day, and I wish you a weekend full of creativity and fun. I'll be back on Sunday! ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. beautiful painting! I love seeing the process of your work. the intermediary stages are wonderful, too. And I am loving your painted stones!

  2. denthe your work is so spiritual and beautiful! I love your work! oh my and those rocks!!!!!!! lovely!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Wow!! Thank you so much for taking us on your journey! That was an awesome progression series. Love your Rocks too!!

  4. oh my gosh the rocks are awesome!!
    And please never stop going overboard with your paint... it is simply fantastic!

  5. Beautiful work on your paintings and love those stony faces! Valerie

  6. Prachtig Denise.... je schilderij is werkelijk super geworden en je stenen zijn ook weer heel gaaf. Ik herken je een beetje in nummer 7; ik heb wel eens gelezen dat men automatisch iets van je eigen gezicht in portretten legt, dus zou het zomaar kunnen :-) Veel schilder plezier en succes met de 29 faces.
    xxx Marianne

    1. Haha, echt!? Nou, enkel de haarkleur dan min of meer. Ik zou wel zo'n mooie volle lippen willen hebben maar dat heb ik helaas niet .... Mss schilder je eerder hoe je zou willen dat je uitziet ... ;-)

  7. This is such a beautiful painting, expressive, creative. Wonderful!
    Thank you for showing the single steps. I like it!


  8. your painting turned out fantastic! thanks for showing all the pics of the process and how you got rid of the face that was bothering you. I love it and the little faces on the rocks are so cute and colourful and unique

  9. Your faces are FANTABULOUS! ANd I love the Colors of your painting. Thanks for sharing the whole process. Happy PPF!

  10. The painting turned out wonderfully and I love your rocks! I painted some with my kid's art group (obviously not at this level!) but someone stole them whilst they were drying!

    1. Geeez, the nerve of some people! Who does something like that ...?

  11. wow, love the way your painting turned out Denthe, the two new faces on the stones are beautiful.
    Annette x

  12. there is such a magical and spiritual quality to your paintings Denise and I am amazed at all the layers and steps! It turned out magnificently! And those rocks-what a great way to show your painted faces-beautiful.

  13. This is such an amazing piece of art - and very interesting looking at the process of the work. Thank you for this inspiring and insightful post.

  14. I have just to say a big enormous thank you because you share yiur steps with. I was just wondering about you paint it because it was so beautiful. Your stones are amazing too such a wonderful art

  15. Stunningly beautiful art works. Thank you for sharing and definitely keep creating!!! Big hugs!

  16. It's pure magic to look at this process! The art of making art is something you really have!

    Those faces on the palm of the hand are so tiny!

  17. beautiful faces all around! i love the little ones in the trees, too.

  18. Wow! This painting really turned out beautifully! I love how it went from colorful splotches and marks to something really coherent. It's gorgeous :)

  19. I'm so glad you showed all of your progress pics. So cool! I love all of your color choices....and I'm glad you added those extra tree faces at the end. I love them!

  20. I love viewing progression photos. It's amazing how works can change and take on new life. The rock faces are just too fun.

  21. Ah, you made the right choices with your painting! Now I see peace and comfort for sure! Thank you for taking the time to show us all of the steps. You are so right about this type of painting taking time. I have two paintings on the easel waiting to tell me which direction to go, I keep looking at them and wondering when I will be able to hear their stories. Day 7 face is really tugging at my heart strings, such a powerful message and the face is so connected to the message! You are amazing, Denise!

  22. one of these days, i'll venture into faces

    (◕‿◕。) have a nice Friday
    Much Love…

  23. Oh so pretty! All of your faces! Happy PPF - Irma

  24. Thank you so much for sharing your process. I love your art and really enjoyed seeing how it emerged.
    Happy PPF

  25. You have such a wonderful post today, Denthe. Of course, I love the simple beauty of your hand painted rocks. About your painting, adding the other faces somehow makes the painting more balanced in design. Your colors as always are exciting and beautiful.

  26. I do loe your art work!

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. What a gorgeous post!! I have a tear.... My first thought when I saw the first picture was "Comfort"...then watching your process was amazing...inspiring and beautiful! I adore your conclusion, the depth, perspective, and!! Love your rock faces and quotes too!!

    Big hugs for a good job!

  29. I love that you share your progress (or sometimes lack of) with us. The painting is gorgeous. And your lady "rockers" are fabulous.

  30. I loved seeing the stages of your painting, it is such a beautiful piece full of deep feeling.

    lovely stones too ~

  31. I absolutely love this and so enjoyed seeing your process, It is fascinating watching your colourful creative journey.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. I think it's great to see all those process photos (dripping is lots of fun!)
    I love the variety of faces you've been creating...
    I think your rocks are spectacular, and it is so cool that you were inspired by your daughter's drawing (I bet she thought it was pretty cool too!)
    And, of course it is always wonderful to see your beautiful drawings and paintings in more traditional media :)

  34. Love seeing your process, all the gorgeous color is so inspiring. HPPF!

  35. Wonderful paintings, thanks for the lot of images of the progress, also the both faces below are amazing.
    Big hugs Anja

  36. Your work in process is so amazing to me. I never thought about going over and over something. You are truly inspiring. Thank you. Blessings, Janet PPF

  37. I always love seeing your work and those rocks - ooooh love them (want to buy one!)!

    I have not ventured into the intuitive painting much, it freaks me out (!) but is something I would like to work on, it's important to me. That said, it's great to see your process through from beginning to end. I love the time you take and it seems to just flow from one step to the next. The fact that you use left-over paint for another canvas is a great idea - love that too.

    The final painting is beautiful and as much as I saw the smaller face as a wood spirit it did seem a bit off as you say and where you went from there with the trees and faces was so nice. As always, beautiful work!

  38. I think this might be my new favourite piece of yours. It really speaks to me with the connection that the girl has with these animals. It's calm and serene and the title is perfect.

  39. beautiful work, and your process is so interesting to see! xo

  40. Love the little faces hiding in the trees. You made the trees come alive with colour and spirit. Loved reading about your artful journey .

    Annabelle : )

  41. Wow, what a crazy cool process! It's really beautiful. I am a sucker for animals and that sweet bunny in particular kills me!

  42. I love, love, love where your painting ended up after last week. And I totally love your name for it! Amazing. I also love your rock portraits I didn't realise how big they were until the photo in your hand x

  43. Wow, wow, wow!!! The painting is amazing and I am so glad you shared all of the process. It was also nice to read your challenges with the painting. It helps me (and I am sure others too) remember that nothing is always easy and all artists, no matter how good they are, face challenges with their art.

    Your face rocks are so cool. I love the sayings on the back. I used to do "It's okay"...girls and my sissy's been trying to get me back into it,

    Have a great weekend! I'm so glad I ended up here at your blog! You have a new follower!

  44. My goodness but that's an amazing process for your painting, I never realised there were so many layers, so thank you for taking us through it. I am lost in admiration for the way you work, and it's no wonder your paintings are always so marvellous. What a good idea to combine your painted stones with the 29 Faces challenge. They are gorgeous, no wonder they sell rapidly!

  45. Fabulous work! Love the painted stone, cool idea!

  46. Just one word: STUNNING!!!!
    Thanks for sharing the process, too!

  47. I am with Lonetta. One word Amazing.
    You are so skilled at your art. OK that was more words.

  48. The stones are amazing. I loved seeing how your painting evolved. I think that finding the characters in the patterns is an intriguing idea. I have never tried this technique. I think it looks great fun.

  49. Your artwork is phenomenal! I loved seeing your progress-I'm not sure that I saw the little face as evil but the painting loos very nice without her. Maybe her location is what lent her a sinister feel? The rocks are really great too,love that idea!

  50. Thank you for sharing the process.Wish I could do something like this-:) Love the piece and I felt your interpretation of the painting is so apt.Your stone faces are very pretty.
    Happy PPF

  51. Your faces are beautiful, I like that you painted them on rocks.
    But what truly amazes me is to see your progress with your painting. It is so fascinating to see the different steps and read about your thoughts. I feel I am learning something here!

  52. Fantastic paintings! It's really beautiful.Thanks for sharing the process.

  53. Truthfully your post is NOT too long, I was intrigued and inspired the whole way, and love the finished work, just utterly fabulous, also love the rock faces, I did a few a while ago and they were a lot of fun, at the moment I am painting on anything but canvas LOL, but have a heap from 'Gone Bonkers' patiently waiting. Have a wonderful weekend and so impressed your faces are up to date :)

  54. You are so incredibly talented!! Love seeing the evolution and the stories behind the progress of your painting - your rocks are amazing too!

  55. Beautiful pieces!!!!!
    Loved to see the progression :)
    Great work as usual:D


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