
Wednesday 5 February 2014

29 faces challenge: faces 5 and 6!

When I was drawing this girl, I had the brilliant idea to hang another face on the other side of her hair. So now I have two faces and I can take a break from blogging tomorrow. Isn't that handy!?

I really need to spend some time on other stuff, so if I want to finish this challenge I'll have to cheat every now and then. I'll still be creating every day, just not blogging about it.

Here's the second face (or actually the 6th!):

And here's the 2 faces together. Like Siamese twins, connected by the hair ;-)

Okay, looks a bit weird, I admit, but hey, I love drawing crazy hair.... And sometimes there's a person in there somewhere ... ;-)

Thanks so much for visiting me! I managed to almost finish my painting today. Have to look at it a bit more to see whether I want to change or add anything else.

I'll be back on Friday for Paint Party Friday, and I'll show you the finished painting then. As well as my 7th face of the month ...

Just one quick note: when you're on Google+, I'm not always able to comment since I don't have a Google+-account.

See you on Friday ♥


  1. very cool!! you could make a whole page of faces and twisted/tangled hair!!

  2. Such a brilliant idea, looks amazing with the intertwind hair. Love all your detailed linework as well.

  3. Such a charming way to cheat, well done. I like those lines of yours!

  4. They are magical just like you!! Perfect...I am doing my faces and posting them later too!

    Hugs Giggles

  5. Not cheating, being inventive and creating something very different. The hair is lovely and I love the design on the dress. The second face seems to 'grow' so naturally from the first girl's hair.

  6. Amazing hair, and very creative!

  7. There is nothing that is weird when you are doing art or finishing it .. ok .. ART .. thihi.. I love how you did it!!!

  8. I can see you love drawing crazy hair. Your crazy hair is beautiful and I think this was a very creative idea.

  9. Your ladies have a zentangly look about their clothes and hair. You definitely know how to do hair. I'd love to have just half of that mane.

  10. This is definitely not cheating, we have to divide our time for it all to work out. Loving the entangled girls, so fab. Annette x

  11. Great faces Denise! love how you have used your "daughters" eyes in the second face

  12. Both the girls look beautiful. I especially love their eyes and of course the crazy hair too. I love challenges but find it difficult to blog everyday. I try not to worry about it as it might take away the fun of creating. See you on Friday

  13. wow dit ziet er weer geweldig uit, gaaf idee dat 2e hoofd!
    Groetjes Karin

  14. Fabulous dress, wouldn't mind one myself. xox

  15. what a fun piece Denthe!
    quite awesome, wonderful day off to you!

  16. Last year there were days when I was doing 2, 3 at a time. Life is busy. In fact I'm working on 7 now. Very nice Denthe, very creative.

  17. Not cheating at all!! In fact, unless you did two faces on one day you couldn't get 29 faces in before the month was over. I just hope I don't need to do a crowd scene to catch up - hee hee!
    Love the green eyes on the second girl!!

  18. I don't think you're cheating! You made two faces - so there! They're gorgeous, by the way, and I really like the idea to connect them by the hair. Very creative.

  19. Both gorgeous and I love the style of hair you do. (And I gave in and joined Google+a while back, but I don't like it much. Arrrgh.)

  20. Wow Denthe you are doing so well. Your faces are going from strength to strenght. I am finally back behind the PC and can visits some blogs today and it is so much better to see your faces a bit bigger than on my iphone. I will be round again soon :) ManonX

  21. Fun! and creative way to get a couple faces in one piece. The faces are lovely and the hair is super!

  22. Awww so beautiful all your girls here and I adore the technique how you do the hair! Looks very awesome!!!! Mix It Monthly ♥ Conny

  23. lol..what a super idea!! I think it looks fabulous!! :)))

  24. It reminds me of lying in the garden with a friend on a summer's day reading.


Thanks for taking the time to comment! I love hearing your thoughts about my work. Because I am getting too many spammer comments, l have to use Captcha, sorry. Hope this is not a problem for you !