
Saturday 1 February 2014

29 faces challenge: day 1

The start of the 29 faces challenge on a Saturday, well, THAT is a challenge. Somehow the weekends in this house always seem to fly by without getting a chance to do any art.

I managed to finish a sketch I had started already, so at least I have something to show.

I had bought this little notebook with brown paper years ago, and every now and then I took it out and lovelingly gazed at the pages and then put it back again, saving it for I don't know what.

So when we were going on holidays I decided to take it with me and USE it. What good is a notebook when it's just sitting in your bookcase, right?

I like working on these pages. Might try to make a white doodle or something on it. 

That's it for today. Tomorrow I'll try and visit the other participants, see who's participating this time around. I'm kinda curious ;-)

Thanks for visiting! See you tomorrow ♥


  1. hello honey I hope you are keeping well. So nice to see taking part again. Yes why do we keep things for best? Great start to the face Challenge I am looking forward to see the next one. ManonX

  2. Hi Denise, glad ur taking part in this challenge again! great start for day 1, looking forward to checking all your Feb days

  3. Het is je toch maar mooi gelukt!! Dag 1 geslaagd. Ik heb nog even, want de dag is nog jong. Dus misschien kan ik een gaatje vinden. Je schets is erg mooi!!
    Tot morgen!!
    xxx Marianne

  4. Lovely face! Isn't this challenge fun (and it has only just started!) :))

  5. Beautiful face Denise, such a fab start to this great challenge. Annette x

  6. Lovely sketch Denise. I will look forward to seeing your faces for this challenge :)

  7. What a great challenge and a beautiful face you sketched! I can never make it through these challenges - life always seems to get in the way... xoxo Silke

  8. Beautiful face, I have one of those sketchbooks too, hoping to use it next. I am new to the challenge, enjoying new faces and blogs to see.

  9. Happy Feb 1st!! A beautiful beginning!! Really beautiful Denthe! Have a lovely month!!

  10. I am so glad your blog is in my reader ... the faces challenge is just the spark that I need. Thank you.

  11. Such a regal looking face, Denthe. Very lovely.

  12. interesting, a number of us are finding little books for this challenge.

    great start!

  13. fantastic - I am really curious about what you will surprise us with every day!



  14. Lovely and exotic! Hooray for putting your brown paper journal to good use, (and I think using white in it will be terrific).

  15. You are so right about the "Saturdays" hahaha Your lady here is such a dreamer, I love her! Good for you that you took the notebook!

  16. Beautiful! Love her pretty face looking upwards. I love drawing on brown paper. I buy most of my sketchbooks with it now. It's most wonderful for sketching with a brown colored pencil and using whites for highlights.

  17. .A lovely face. For this challenge I am using a book I have kept for years for the same reason.

  18. She's beautiful .... I love the angle of her face.

  19. This a beautiful lady you have created to start the 29 faces challenge.

  20. I love the paper! The hat band is really cool on your drawing. Her eyes are so pretty with those long lashes!

  21. She's beautiful!!! It's going to be a fun month :)

  22. I will try an get started on my first face today. My book only has 26 pages, so I'm giving myself a bit of maneuvering space. Love your start!

  23. wonderful long face
    big eyes
    sweet to see the tan paper

  24. YUP - you made me do it - I've signed up again - hopefully, I will make it through! LOVE your face!

  25. so glad to see you are participating again….can't wait to see your faces this month.

  26. A true Denthe face, serene and beautiful, and very effective on the brown paper.


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