
Friday 31 January 2014

Getting ready for my favorite challenge ...

Oh my, this week has been so busy I didn't even find the time to blog .... Coming back from holidays and a few days later the start of the new school year didn't leave much extra time. I'm still having trouble getting into the rhythm of getting up early every day, having to watch the clock again, getting to sleep early (didn't work at all this week!) and generally running around trying to get everything organised for a family of 4. Thank God it's Friday, I NEED the weekend badly ...

Despite not having much time, I managed to paint a bit. I finished another journalpage that I started in Orly's workshop:

This was a collaborative pieve where all the participants in the workshop added a little bit following Orly's prompts. When it came back to me it looked like this:

I didn't really know what to do with it. I'm not used to using a lot of black in my art,and it was a challenge to try to make something out of it. But then I saw a figure running away and went with that. I like how the black makes the colours pop.

The next one is an experiment I did during my holidays. I wanted to try out some ideas, but I didn't like it at all.  In the end I decided to use some black to make some areas more defined, and it made it a bit better. Still don't like it though ....

And do you remember this painting?

I really have been struggling with this one. I kept seeing a face in the upper left corner and despite trying out all kinds of things it didn't go away. So I decided to just use it. But then I still didn't like it.
And then I remembered Flora Bowley's wise advice: "When you're stuck: be brave. Do something drastic. Something that scares you a little bit but do it anyway. After all, it's just another layer".....

So I got rid of the bird and decided to put trees and branches there. This is where I'm now:

And guess what? There's still something bothering me. I think it's the small face. Or her hand. I don't know. I'm not gonna try to get rid of her face altogether, since she'll just come back, but I might get rid of the hand, or make her face more vague.... I'm getting a bit sick of this painting, but I have to finish it since I'll be having an exhibition in March and still need to finish some paintings for that .... What do you think? Should I get rid of the small face in the left corner? Or the hand? I really would like to hear your opinion, it might give me some ideas.

Oh yes, made another doodle especially for Valentine.

Well no, not really. I was just drawing this couple and when I was writing down the words it occured to me that it would be a nice Valentine-present for someone. So I put it in my Society6-shop and made mugs and pillows and totebags out of it. Here's the pillow:

And last but not least: do you know what's starting tomorrow? My favorite challenge..... The 29 faces challenge!

I've thought about skipping it since time seems to be running away from me as it is, but I skippd it in September and didn't like it. So I'm gonna do it anyway, I'll make time, even if it's only 5 minutes. You can find out all about this popular challenge here.

Okay, enough rambling for now. I'm linking this to Paint Party Friday. It was so nice to see you all again last week, thanks for visiting me! Hope you'll have a beautiful Friday and manage to catch up on some rest and relaxation and play during the weekend! See you tomorrow for the first day of the 29 faces challenge! ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Wonderful pieces - I send you a big box with just EXTRA TIME in it - you can use for painting !
    See you soon !
    Happy PPF!

  2. Wonderful work. Love the doodle and all the color pieces. Lovley.

  3. Your art is always so provocative. I wish you many sales in Society Six. I'm wondering if I should do this too.

  4. Lots of gorgeous eye candy Denise... and good on you with 29 faces... hard to believe it has rolled around so quickly... but it is a wonderful challenge... btw... I love the hand in your painting... I think it adds such a lovely caring feel... in my humble opinion... I would lose or at least lighten the face... love your doodle too... and just awesome as a cushion..

    happy weekend
    Jenny ♥

  5. lovely art! regarding the face and hand in above painting, i don't know about the face, but the hand i like - it looks like hand is gently caressing the bird and the bird looks like its in heaven! -- i can see 2 more faces in the trees - maybe add another hand somewhere

  6. I love all of these! The black makes it so defined, love it!
    And the one with the faces and animals is magic!
    The pillow looks great in B&W which is a big contrast with the others.
    And yes... the challenge is just around the corner! I guess you will start soonner on that side of the planet, I'm in the pacific time, so I'm last hahaha

  7. Great work, love all you have made, and how you have used black, very effective. Valerie

  8. you did wonders with That journal page, the black would have scared me off!! It looks beautiful now, I'm really looking forward to following you through the challenge, I would love to take part as I did in september but at the moment am so busy I don't think I will have time :(

  9. That's a lot of work for someone who hasn't had much time! I feel like I've been away from blogland for ages (because I have! ), so I'm trying to catch up with a few folk. Funny as soon as I saw the journal page I thought it was unusual for you because of all the Black then i saw that it came to you that way and you really did wonders with it. I actually really like the piece below it with the Black definitions-the bold colours look striking against it. The piece you are fighting with-i actually liked the bird that you got rid of but it also works with the trees. I think the little face takes away from the serenity of the main characters who really look like they're connecting-she seems out of place perhaps because she isn't exuding the same calm as the rest of the painting does but then maybe that is deliberate as it is intuitive?

  10. You have an amazing collection of art - i dont know if this helps but i see a small face in the right hand corner! Good luck with the painting x

  11. wonderful artwork. Hope to see you at the weekend for the 29 Faces. Happy PPF, Annette x

  12. Great works. Take your time with the painting I am sure that ideas and inspiration will come. It looks great so far! Thank you for sharing!

  13. Lang geleden Denise, maar ik ben erg druk geweest met van alles en nog niets hahaha. Mijn bescheiden mening; ik denk dat het gezichtje EN de hand moeten verdwijnen en plaats moeten maken voor bomen; zo heb je een echte voorgrond en een achtergrond. Misschien kun je dan het gezichtje in een boom verwerken net als je aan de rechterkant hebt gedaan, dat heeft een heel mooi effect. Mij stoorde ook de open ogen een beetje. Ze zijn te prominent aanwezig, maar hé.... dat is wat ik zou doen, maar ik kan het zelf niet zo mooi dus .... Je art journalpage is weer prachtig!! En ik vind je experiment erg leuk. Soms moet je eens van het vertrouwde afstappen en wat uit proberen en je doodle (en kussen) zijn weer super!! Tsja; de 29 faces. Ik zou eigenlijk wel mee willen doen, maar ga er denk ik niet de tijd voor vinden. Maar als ik het niet doe, krijg ik misschien ook wel spijt. Wie weet.... ik zie morgen wel of ik kan starten.
    Fijne dag en tot morgen!!
    xxx Marianne

  14. I love your work! Something bothers me about the hand or the face,too,.. and I think because by eye is drawn to it. . The color seems more intense than the rest of the painting and they seem to be the only small elements in the painting...makes it seem unbalanced.....but, I love your work and I hope you are still considering do an online class this year !

  15. So lovely works with special colors.
    The face is well painted and I like it very much. :-))

  16. Great to know you will participating this time around! Love your work. :)
    Off to add my badge too. :D

  17. well what you don't like I sure love. Fab Valentine's doodles. xox

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I'm going to be brave and say what I think!! I feel these two paintings you don't like are important, cathartic and need completing! The little face looks shocked and distraught...remember the last time you were shocked...the rest of the painting is serene and peaceful...I think there is a message in both your paintings... A healing process you should embrace. Both paintings feel like a story....In the first painting the one lady is very peaceful...she is reaching out to comfort the other who is deeply saddened lady...grappling to hang on to the one moving away from her...she is having difficulty letting go....

    The second one is two of peace, the other of pain...a contrast of emotions. The one lady is completely at peace surrounded by everything she loves, the small image is looking from afar in deep despair and shock! She is looking at things from a distance... I hope that helps! I think it is all so incredible, the compilation and how you share your disdain for the other paintings! You're such an amazing and complex artist. I think your valentines gift is gorgeous and will be loved!! The pillow turned out wonderful!

    Hugs Giggles

  20. Ive been missing your work. You've been very productive!Love your art!

  21. Beautiful, interesting pieces! The pillow looks lovely!

  22. I think your art is pretty spectacular. It always blows me away when I see it. I loved that WIP painting of yours as it was last time and I love it again now with the changes! The journal page is gorgeous. I love the black.

  23. For someone short on time you have accomplished a LOT!!!! I love the journal page ♥ Your painting is doming along and I'm with Giggles on the two emotions showing... perhaps if just fade out the smaller face a bit as if her pain and shock is fading away you will like it more...just keep working it will finish in it's time. So looking forward to 29 Faces too :)

  24. so glad you are making faces in February!! i always enjoy seeing your work!

  25. such fantastic projects!! I though the black unusual for you but it is wonderful!!! Beautiful valentine art too. Happy PPF and hope you get the time you need this weekend :)

  26. Love all your colors and images so much. That pillow is terrific - the black and white just makes the image pop. I forgot about 29 faces - I've had so much trouble getting things done I'm not sure I dare to try again. But then again - I can do what I get to and have a goal in mind. Maybe I will try one more time (knowing that I will likely not be able to get to it every day - oh well)

  27. All your artwork is lovely! Beautiful colors and expression. The pillow is so sweet too! Happy PPF!

  28. I love the faces. . when I first saw 29 faces, I will never be able to do that, now I'm thinking about it! It is difficult with the visits tho, so I may do them on my own. The Valentine doodle/art/pillow is fantastic. Blessings, Janet PPF

  29. Gorgeous and brilliant artwork! I agree with the previous comment ... beautiful colours and expression!

  30. I love your work. Nice job on all. The face on the left seems to be maybe angry about something? Not sure what. Perhaps she doesn't like the birds so close to her friend? Whatever it is, I would leave it because it is a part of what your soul was conveying at the time. Very nice work.

  31. If I had made that painting I would probably leave everything in there because it all somehow belongs there. When I feel bothered about a painting I simply walk away for a day or two, work on something else. Usually this way I find a solution.

  32. I love the refinished very colorful painting. I think the branches at the top left really balance it better. About the round robin thing, sorry, I like the very first one best. Too much black in the finished piece.

    1. Thanks Faye! The very first one is actually the one I made, the one with all the black was how it looked before I finished it .. ;-)

  33. all I can say is WOW!! amazing work!!!!! Happy PPF!!!

  34. I love all of these. I am taking part in 29 Faces for the first time. A face a day, I hope I can keep up!
    Happy PPF x

  35. Such wonderful art, I love that painting with the trees, it's haunting and so beautiful, whispers of the forest! I would probably get rid of that little face as it tends to draw the attention away from that peaceful lady listening to her inner quiet whispers, I love this!

  36. Yes, I think perhaps the face and hand need to go as they draw your eye away and introduce a different theme in a lovely peaceful one. thanks for the reminder about 29 faces!

  37. I have studied and studied the painting you are not happy with. Yes, I think it is the had because it seems disconnected, I can't see it as belonging to the lady on the left. If that vanished I think the painting has a tremendous impact and significance. I agree with what Giggles said, and what I thought is fairly similar.
    I read the painting as a very emotional piece, like a dream. The dreamer is surrounded by loving people/creatures doing their best to comfort her and protect. The face on the left is like the bad fairy in a fairy story, lurking in the background. OK not a good thought, but we all have a bad fairy in the background, and your strong centre tells us that with our surrounding loved ones we are stronger than her.
    Perhaps we all read our own story into an artist's work, but that's what art is about. At a very bad time in my life (half a life-time ago) I bought a large picture with just that feeling, a very mythical picture, and every day when I came home from work I would sit and look at it and it always helped me and calmed me. Perhaps your painting has an intention and a purpose like that.
    Yes, 29 Faces starting today. I found it pretty exhausting in September, but so worth while, so I'm taking it on again, and look forward to your 'Faces'.

  38. Sorry, in the second sentence the word 'had' should read 'hand'.

  39. Well, you sure have been busy! In your holiday experiment, the circles in the middle woman's hair and the patterns around her are simply divine! They are so eye catching. In your last painting, I really like how you added trees to the background with very faint faces. Maybe you could do the same with the face that is bothering you? But on the other hand, no pun intended, the hand does look like it is stroking the bird, and the bird seems to be enjoying it! Does the hand belong to the face that is bothering you? If so, maybe you could just lighten the hand and face like the faces in the trees? Or, keep the face that is bothering because it seems to be lurking in the background like a secret mischievous little nymph drawing the bird's attention away from the main character that is being adored by the bunny and the human. It adds a bit of mystery. Maybe just lighten the eyes and add eyelids that make the face look down lovingly at the bird, like your central character is doing? I am no expert, that is for sure. I know how you feel when you are not "feeling the love" to parts of your painting. I hope my ramblings help???!!!:)

    I always enjoy the emotion that your people and animals show! Congratulations on your up and coming exhibition!

  40. Denthe! I really love all the pieces you've displayed here. So lovely! What really stands out for me is the face that is coming out from the trees and the long arm. The valentine piece is truly beautiful! I love your work!

  41. Love the direction your work is taking. How wise of you to remember Flora's advice too. Looking forward to seeing all your beautiful faces. xo

  42. You say you don't have time...and you have come up so many wonderful art!!!
    Loved each piece! esp the 'renovated' painting and the valentine pillow.
    HPPF Denthe :)

  43. Hmmmm....The faces on the left are awesome. I occurs to me that we artists are funny about our own art. I mean I thought EVERY version of your painting was amazing. So....I'm no help. :) :) Good luck with the 29 Faces Challenge.

    Happy Paint Party Friday!
    A little late, my Sis went into labor Friday and had her baby Saturday. Yay!

  44. As always, I love your work, even when you don't. I've always believed that "mistakes" are opportunities for innovation/improvement, and Flora Bowley's advice seems to be on par. Blessings!

  45. Lovely amazing work. I love the Valentine pillow with the poem and love how you made the changes in the lady of the wood.

    Annabelle xx


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