
Saturday 14 December 2013

Relax .....

Yesterday the school summer holidays started. Now that my market is finished, I have the feeling that the holidays have started for me as well. Even though I’d planned to be all zen about the market it was quite a stressful week, trying to get everything ready in time.

About the market: it was a beter experience than last year. But I’m still not sure whether I like doing markets or not. It seems to be quite a lot of work for not that much outcome. But I’m glad I tried it again and it was nice to actually meet the people who like my art.

Here are some more things I finished this week:

I’d planned on making a small mosaic mirror but didn’t get around to finishing it. But these were 2 leftover pieces of wood that I decided to paint and put a quote on. They both sold within the hour. And they were such fun to make. Ideal to do when there’s not much time. I’m sure more of these will follow … ;-)

This is the only box I sold last night:

People always seem to need more time when deciding about the boxes. So I’ll bring the leftover ones to the galery this weekend.

The mini-paintings were quite popular, and since I love doing them more of these will certainly come. These are some of the ones that sold yesterday:

(don't know why the image is so small here. If you click on it it'll be bigger....)

I started making them on canvasboard instead of box canvas, because I also want to sell them online, and the shipping costs of the box canvases are horrendous. Until now I didn’t use canvasboard because I had no idea how to hang these. But then when I visited Marianne’s blog a few months ago she showed how she did the back of her canvasboards, and a lightbulb went off in my head. Of course, Marianne is a cardmaker (and also a very gifted painter btw) so the backs of her canvasboards are little artworks in themselves. Mine aren’t nearly as pretty, but they do the trick and it gives me the chance to put a little information on the back. I even had a woman in my stall last night who didn’t buy the box canvas because she liked the thinner ones much better….

So thanks heaps Marianne :-)

My rocks were also quite popular, these are some that have found a new owner:

Sold some magnets too, some cards, and a notepad (the first time I have these for sale), so all in all it was a good night.

And now I’m going to relax and enjoy some familytime. It has been a very busy few weeks, also with school and gymnastics for my daughter, but now the holidays started and I’m so ready for that!

I’m linking this to Paint Party Friday, even though it’s Saturday already :-)
Thanks for visiting! Wishing you a lovely weekend as always! ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Ik ben echt blij voor je dat de verkoop van je kunstwerkjes zo goed is gegaan. Natuurlijk kan het altijd beter, maar het is een goed begin. Volgend jaar komen er vast mensen terug die je kunst al herkennen en hoe leuk is het als je zo persoonlijk contact hebt met je "klanten". Bedankt dat je mijn blogje noemt in je blogpost en je noemt me zelfs een talentvol schilder .......bloos bloos. Maar ik ben heel blij dat ik je een ideetje aan de hand hebt gedaan en je hebt het heel mooi opgelost. Leuk ook met de titel van het schilderijtje aan de achterkant!
    Geniet nu maar lekker van je welverdiende vakantie!!
    xxx Marianne

  2. Congrats on your sales, your work is really beautiful. Love the quotes with mosaic frames, too. Hugs, Valerie

  3. Congratulations on the results of the market - it would be so nice if one could sell everything on the stall! When I used to do the equivalent of markets many, many years ago, the number of potential customers was always balanced by the people who saw the event as entertainment. Still, you seem to have done well, and it will help you to make a decision about the future markets.
    I wish you and your family a peaceful and enjoyable holiday period, and a happy Christmas and New Year.

  4. Congratulations on your sales, sounds quite successful! :) Lovely items you sold! <3

  5. Wow, Denthe, congratulations on your success! Your work, as usual, is beautiful. I love the idea about the canvas board backs. I never knew how to hang them either. What a fantastic idea!

  6. More congrats on the sales. I love your art it is so thoughtful and beautiful.

  7. Yes, markets are a lot of work, but it is good to be out there and deal with people one to one. I used to do it, but have trouble driving now, so can't. Congrats on your sales. I'm surprised about the boxes, they are so beautiful.

  8. Fabulous idea about the flat canvases Denise! Glad you sold a box and love those quotes! I wish someone would come along and license your work...then you could just create instead of worrying so much about the business end of it!! You have gorgeous pieces with such a good message!!

    Hugs Giggles

  9. Markets are a huge amount of work. But glad you sold some work.....Relax and enjoy. xox

  10. Congrats on your sale. Your art works are gorgeous and I think now you need that well deserved time to rest and relax

  11. congrats on your sales, lovely assortment of work. We are in the dead of winter here in Canada. it is COLD and snowy. Enjoy your summer.

  12. Sounds like your sale were pretty good. Markets are a lot of work but the more you do the more your work is recognized and sales increase accordingly. It is always a plus to have that one on one with the buyer too. Enjoy your Holidays and relax.

  13. Love the variety of pieces that you had available. Seems like if you don't have much people will walk away from your booth but even if you have loads of things there is no guarantee of sales. Glad you had a better experience than last year. LOVE your rocks!!

  14. Congrats on the sales! Lovely art ♥
    Merry Christmas!

  15. Congrats on the sales markets are hard. Thanks for the tip on the canvas boards, the only thing stopping me from opening an etsy shop was the cost of posting canvases as most sales would be to overseas peops. Love your quote boards and that box is gorgeous!

  16. wow you sold quite a few pieces at the market, congratulations! I can see why too, your art is always so pretty and original! xo

  17. I know what you mean about the markets which is why I've done very few. I'm still considering another go for next year after skipping this one. It looks like you had quite a lot of sales-congrats!! You have so many unique and wonderful things to offer. I have always preferred arting on the canvas board and do similar on the back except that I glue the loop for hanging in the center back so it can still be hung but if not the loop won't show.

    1. Yes, I wanted to do that first, but then I tried it out and even if you only use a small nail it hangs a bit funny. I like it more when it hangs flat against the wall. If they don't want to hang it they can fold it to the back I guess ....

  18. Congrats on selling at the market! It seems as though you sold quite a few things. I've never tried one myself but plan on it one day. It seems like so much work though! I can see why your art sold since it all looks wonderful to me. I love the little paintings with quotes. They're fabulous and fun!

  19. You've been busy and it will be great to slow down for a while! Your art is always so lovely, enjoy some holiday time now!

  20. I am so glad that you sold some things! It does take a while to find out what people will buy and at what price. Everything you sold is wonderful!

    lovely holidays to you and yours~

  21. Wow! So much wonderful art! I am glad you sold some works, they are lovely!

  22. It is a good feeling to sell your work after all the effort to create it. Congratulatons.

  23. Beautiful art Denise... and so happy to hear that the market went well.... hope you are now enjoying a more relaxed pace...

    Jenny ♥

  24. It looks like you did well at the market. I can see why. Your art is very sweet. Who wouldn't want it?

  25. Your work is awesome. Good luck in your future sales. Happy holidays.


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