
Monday 9 December 2013

painted boxes

Still busy preparing for the Christmasmarket on Friday. Painted all my boxes on the inside, put varnish on my magnets and mini-paintings, and finished some more boxes that were still in progress.

Here are two that I finished today:

Also scored some lighting today, since it's the first time I'm participating in a night market. I really wonder how it's going to be. Last year's Christmas market left me with mixed feelings, as I described here in this post. It made me almost give up on the whole market thing. And indeed I didn't do one for a whole year. But I can't help it, at a certain point I start to feel like it again and usually just at that time an opportunity comes along....

For those of you who are in Brisbane: the market will be on on Friday the 13th of December at King George Square in the heart of Brisbane from 4-9pm. Hope to see you there! I'll be up on the deck!

Well, better get in bed now, almost midnight again .... Thanks for visiting, I'll be back in a few days ♥


  1. Your boxes are really pretty and colorful! I especially love the one with the birds. I hope they sell well for you!

  2. Weer hele mooie doosjes, vooral die met die vogeltjes vind ik erg leuk.
    Alvast veel succes op de kerstmarkt!! Liefs, Marianne
    PS Helaas ken ik die man niet die 75 jaar wordt. Zijn dochter woont in Belgie en die bestelt regelmatig kaarten bij me en daar ben ik heel erg blij mee. :-)))

  3. your bird box made me chuckle.
    I wish you a market that thrills you. They are so much work, but if you make enough sales then it is worth it, i think.

  4. Oh these are so precious!! I LOVE them!! They should sell for sure!! The bird one is just so happy and hopeful!! The other is such an powerful message!! You got to believe!! Thanks for sharing and have faith!!

    Hugs Giggles

  5. I hope you have a great night on Friday.....would love to be there to see your beautiful work.....

  6. These are beautiful! good luck with the market!

  7. Both of these are great. Those birds are so fun!!!

  8. It can be disheartening when sales aren't as you'd like and I feel the same sometimes but this year, a couple of my art pieces will be christmas gifts for family members. Unique gifts that you won't be able to buy in the mall. ;)
    Good luck with the market!
    Jess xx

  9. Love the boxes! The birds are my fav :) Best of luck at your market!!!!!

  10. I wish you every success on Friday at the market. Certainly everything you make has that original stamp that makes it stand out from the crowd, and I just wish I could be at the market to enjoy the buzz and excitement and see your colourful stall. Your first box has a motto that rings so true and is so important to live by, and I love your cheeky little birds around the lid of the second box. Good luck.

  11. These are wonderful - especially the birds!! May you be encouraged at the market with compliments and sales:-)


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