
Wednesday 27 November 2013

Art Every Day Month - Day 27

I got very little art done today. Although, in between finally getting up-to-date with all my paperwork and quenching little fires all day long, I managed to work a little bit on my boxes. And one of them is (almost) finished. Still need to do 1 side and the inside, but it's as far as I've gotten today.

I also uploaded some images to my Society6-shop. But it turns out that, although the resolution of my images is big enough for large prints, it is not big enough for pillows and totebags and mugs.... Huh!? I have my camera on the highest resolution setting, I can't make it any bigger, so I really really wonder how the other artists do this. When I scan my images in a really high resolution I can do it too, but I can hardly scan my bigger paintings. Plus a lot of my work is gone already, or is in the gallery so I don't have it with me.

Hmm, a bit frustrating, I'd hoped to get it stocked this week. We'll see, I might be able to get something in there, fingers crossed ....

Linking this as every day to AEDM. Thanks so much for your visits and your comments, it's greatly appreciated ♥


  1. wow, I love that box! Looks like a lot of work and love went into it. Beautiful colors...

  2. I imagine you making all those dots and lines by hand and how much focus that takes. Love the box!

    It's odd that the site says your image resolutions are too low for pillows etc. If your camera is even an 8mp it would do fine and cameras these days are at least 12. Do they require a different type of file other than jpg? Or perhaps your file it too compressed? Just putting that out there as a I used to shoot for a living.

    1. Yes, well, I find it odd too. I have 2 cameras and both are set to the highest resolution. Which is in my eyes perfect quality. But for some products they need more than 5000px or even 6000 pixels. And it´s impossible to do that with a normal camera ....

  3. WOW zo gaaf Denise, deze box. Wat een werk, super mooi met schitterende kleuren.
    lieve groetjes

  4. Geweldige box Denise. Wat een prachtig resultaat en wat een werk. Al die stipjes en streepjes :-)

  5. beautiful and vibrant line / dot work, excellent!!
    I noticed on a site that when I wanted to load a picture that would span 2 pages of a book (which was the signature ability they were promoting) they said the resolution was too I won't be doing that anytime soon!! It's not like they are telling you what resolution or file format to use. Cafe Press was good with that, templates and such, but the prices were too high. So I gave up on that prospect for myself....really applaud others who stick with it and get their works of art out there. Keep with it, you'll find a way. Is there a forum associated with that site??? I know Cafe Press had one and it was very helpful.

  6. You sure put a lot of detail into your work!

  7. This box is so gorgeous on the outside, I am dying to see what you do on the inside

    1. Ehh, I just paint it in one colour ;-) Might put a quote in the lid but not sure yet ....


  9. You don't have to tell me how late I am. I'm not sure that quote of the day is right. The more I do, the less I get to be on the internet.

    Your box is stunning and it looks like you put a LOT of hard work into it. I'm really impressed.

    1. Hmmm, not sure which quote you mean ... It's a link I put up there and a new quote comes up every day without me having any say on what it is .... I guess I missed this one :-)

  10. Denise - your box is stunning. I love how you combine simple marks to create intricate patterns. As for your files, if you're in photoshop, try opening them. Clicking on Image and then image size. Increase the resolution from say 300 to 600 dpi. Then save as a jpg. When the jpg box pops up asking for a number, use 10. I've done this and it's worked.

    1. Thanks so much Jessica. I'm a bit reluctant to do that, since they advice on the site to not manually change anything in the resolution because it will affect the quality of the prints....


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