
Tuesday 26 November 2013

Art Every Day Month - Day 26

Finished 2 more rocks today, but only now that I see the pictures I notice that they are a bit blurry. And since it's night already, I can't take any other ones, because then you get the glare from the flash. Oh well, I'll make new pics tomorrow, but I'll post these as they are for now:

Working away on my boxes too, so hopefully tomorrow one will be ready ....

I want to start another mosaic as well, but I don't have time, boohoo! Could it be that I try to do too much? I just wish I could create from morning till evening, without having to worry about household duties and other work.... When I got back from holidays, after not having created anything (well, almost) during 4 weeks, I had a really hard time getting into it again. But now that I'm doing this challenge, the ideas flood my brain and I can't keep up with them.

But still, I'd rather have it this way than having no ideas at all. I'm linking this again to AEDM, and hopping over to your blogs now to have a look at your creations. Thanks for your visit and comments! I'll be back tomorrow  ♥


  1. it's hard to get "back in the groove" once you take a break. but glad to see that you are back to creating!!

    i know what you mean about ideas flooding in. i sometimes keep a notebook by my bed at night just to jot things down!!

  2. Adorable rocks!!! This challenge has brought out the creative force in me too... I've started jotting down ideas in a note book because they are flooding in much faster than I can do them and I don't want to forget them....which I know I will if I don't write them down :) I think I"m going to miss this challenge a whole bunch.

  3. Whooo,adorable rocks!!
    i love the drawings and colors,very,very beautiful.
    the sentiments its too wonderful.

  4. Prachtige stenen en heel herkenbaar. Als ik een paar dagen niets doe, is het weer heel erg moeilijk om op gang te komen. Mijn eerste kaartje is dan gewoon een "gevecht" hahaha. Tot morgen :-))
    xxx Marianne

  5. they are both lovely Denthe,
    i love that quote: in a gentle way

  6. wish my brain would flood with ideas!! but I don't sleep well as it is, so I wouldn't want to have too many ideas floating around or I would never sleep.
    Your rocks are cute, love the colors.... I used to paint animals on rocks, 20 years ago, can't do the detail work anymore.
    I've seen a few people burn out trying to do too much....pace yourself, we want to see all your work but not at your health expense!!

  7. These rocks are awesome! Love the colors and don't think they're too blurry at all.

    My creativity has been on overload since art every day month started. I've learned new techniques and am hungry to learn more. I still haven't mastered the origami crane, though - my fingers are crossed I can learn it before Friday is over!! :~)

  8. The second one looks like an Indian Princess! I wish I had more time to paint and play too - Life is too busy with kids/husband/work. I dream of a vacation where I could spend a couple of days all by myself just doing creative things without worrying about cooking/cleaning, etc.

  9. Lovely rocks - love the quotations and artwork! I do think that making art almost every day stimulates more and more ideas! It has been a great month!

  10. Lovely Denise, the blue colour is very striking with the white words - love it!

  11. Hi Denise,
    Thanks for your support, it's really just a brag book, so not sure others would really want to buy it, as it doesn't tell people how to do art, or have any messages/etc..but, I am so proud of how it came out!..x, Julia

  12. I LOVE your rocks! It amazes me how you can create on a small piece with such detail rich colours!

    I haven't done art in years and taking this challenge has been like waking up. I too, have so many ideas and they are continually flowing. I just have to make sure I keep this up after the month.


Thanks for taking the time to comment! I love hearing your thoughts about my work. Because I am getting too many spammer comments, l have to use Captcha, sorry. Hope this is not a problem for you !