
Wednesday 13 November 2013

Art Every Day Month - Day 12 and 13

Last night I was so tired that I didn't turn on the computer anymore, but got into bed very early with my book. So no post yesterday, but that doesn't mean I didn't get anything done. In fact I finished a sketch I had been struggling with since last week. I tried out about 5 different hairstyles, but each time I hated the end result. But yesterday I changed the shape of her face somewhat, and suddenly knew which hairstyle I wanted  for her. Still not sure whether I like it, but it is what it is now and she'll have to do ... ;-)

Today I did all kinds of things. Gave my boxes a second layer of colour,  varnished my mosaic mirror, prepared some mini-canvases for some experiments, even got out my gelliplate. But I really need to do a workshop for that, since I always end up with muddy colours.

And I finished two more rocks, front- and backside. They only need a coat of varnish and then they're really ready ....

In between I´m still working on my mosaic figure. That´s something you can´t do for a very long time, so every now and then I put down some pieces. Should start to work on it for a few hours in a row though, since I need some more mosaic mirrors for the gallery and I don´t want to start those (read: don´t have any room to start those) before I've finished this one. Oh well ...

It's about 60cm high and 40 cm wide (24"x16") so it'll take me a while I guess ;-)

That's it for today. Thanks so much for your continued support and comments,  and for taking the time to visit. I'm off now visiting some of your blogs. Linking this again to AEDM. Go have a look there, there are new links for every new day, and there are some real treasures to be found!

I'll be back tomorrow! ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. wow…you accomplished an awful lot in just a few days!!

    I'm always so impressed by how neat your rocks look. I've tried rock painting and it's not that easy!!

  2. OMG!!!! I love her hair!!!!!!!!!!!! Those rocks are really cool too and I just can't wait to see the finished mosaic project... Hope you are feeling rested up now :)

  3. Zo leuk om te zien waar je allemaal aan bezig bent. Zoveel verschillende dingen en je ziet je mozaiek gewoon groeien. Wat zal die mooi zijn als ze klaar is. Je portret heeft een mooie bos haar gekregen en je stenen zijn weer heel erg mooi. Tot morgen!!
    xxx Marianne

  4. Lovely hair style, curly hair is so difficult but you do it so well.You always match the image and the text so well and I like both, but my heart is with the strange lady, she can see things no-one else can see. Your mosaic lady is really starting to get the WOW factor.

  5. WOW! Really love those rocks! How funky and cool they are. You should sell them. They'd probably sell like hotcakes! The portrait is very beautiful. I love the way you've handled her wavy hair. :)

  6. Lovely work. I love your vibrant colors and I can relate to the faces you sketch as I too am a face sketcher!

  7. Always love your rocks and your vivid work. xox

  8. The colors on the rocks are so beautiful and vibrant! Lovely work!

  9. I agree you should sell those rocks, they are sooo wonderful! Looks like going to bed earlier paid off - I should try that! :) Amazing what you accomplished today and I love it all. Yet again, your work on hair is really something and I think it suites her perfectly.

  10. You are SO creative!!! The mosaic figure looks like it is going to be stunning!



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