
Monday 11 November 2013

Art Every Day Month - Day 11

I finally got up the courage to work on my magnets again. A year ago I bought a pack of canvas-sheets with a magnetic backing, and was all excited about it. But I encountered some serious trouble when writing on there, because the canvas structure was so prominent. The first magnets I made are explained in this post.

This time I wanted to make it easier and faster. And planned to put so many layers of paint on there that it would be smooth as a baby's bottom....

Not so easy I discovered. The first 2 layers of gesso didn't do much to take away the texture of the canvas. So I put some collage on top. And on top of that some more layers of paint, sanding it all down in between. And finally I had a smooth surface. Perfect for what I had in mind.

The canvas-sheet is A4-size, so I decided to cut it into 12 squares.

Purpose of this is to write some quotes on there. I started with a few, but soon discovered that my white paintmarker wasn't very visible on the lighter parts. And I didn't like the black marker so much. So I got out my sprays again and put some darker colours on there.

These are the ones that are finished:

Not sure yet whether I'll leave it like this, or maybe put some shadows around the lettering. The writing went easy, compared to last time. No roughness at all!

That's it for day 11 of AEDM.  Thanks for visiting, I'm going over to the site now to look at the new entries. See you tomorrow ♥


  1. They are great, so full of colour. Kim

  2. These are so inspiring, love how the white pops off the canvas :)

  3. Wonderful. The vibrant colors are a feast for my eyes.

  4. Very nice - love the color and the border of dots!!

  5. Love these Denise!!! Wish I could get handwriting down .... always looks like a child wrote it :(

  6. Prachtig Denise, je hebt ook zo'n mooi handschrift, ze lijken wel gedrukt. Ik hoop dat je er veel van gaat verkopen :-) Oh ja en bedankt voor je leuke reacties op mijn blog. Eén klein dingetje moet ik even rechtzetten; Marianne Design is een nederlands hobbymerk. Zou wel heeeel gaaf zijn als het van mij was LOL. Maar als je geen kaartjes maakt, dan kun je dat natuurlijk niet weten.
    Veel liefs en tot morgen.
    xxx Marianne

  7. Those are fabulous! They'd make great coasters!

  8. They're beautiful! I haven't come across magnet backed canvas before, sounds interesting to use. :)
    Jess xx

  9. how very cool Denise! great idea, so colourful

  10. Great idea and I love the quotes!

  11. These are amazing! A lot of work, but they turned out great ~ love the quotes!



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