
Friday 2 August 2013

Painting again ....

August already! Can't believe we're halfway through the year. So many things I still want to do before the holiday season starts. I'm afraid August will be a really busy month ....

Thanks so much for visiting and leaving your lovely comments. I was a bit late this week to get back to you, but now I'm going to try and visit all the participants on PPF again.

My sister and her family flew back to Belgium on Wednesday night, so I was feeling a bit lost and lonely yesterday, and what better way to beat that than painting? I finished some more rocks, and worked on my painting that I started during Summer of Color.

Here's what I have so far:

Not having painted like this since so long really made me rusty. I wonder what will come out of this .... But I had a lot of fun trying out some new paints and colours.

And here are some more painted rocks, front- and backside:

Ready to be varnished ....

I'm thinking about starting to sell my smaller paintings online, but am struggling with the shipping costs. So I'm curious which option you prefer when you buy online: fixed price and separate shipping costs, or fixed price with free shipping. It always bothers me when I buy something online and the shipping costs are really high. It would be interesting to know what you think ....

And then to finish: a picture of all of us (2 families) on the last day in beautiful Rainbow Beach:

We had such a great time, it was so much fun having them here. We surely miss them ....

Well, that's it for this week. Linking this as always to Paint Party Friday, the weekly paint party hosted by Kristin and Eva. More than 100 artists join every week, go have a look, it's worth it!

Thanks so much for your visit! I hope your Friday and weekend will be filled with laughter and fun and harmony ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Hi Denthe. Love that family picture of all your family. Very nice. Your rocks are awesome and now you have me wanting to try it. I never look for rock but perhaps I will. It looks like a lot of fun. Your canvas is looking great too. Take care and be well.

  2. That is an awesome family photo Denise... very creative... and LOVE your painted rocks especially with having quotes on the back... happy and fun weekend to you too :)

    Jenny ♥

  3. I can't believe its August either! I think I somehow misplaced July. Not sure where it went actually. Love the stones- especially the last too.

  4. cool familiy!
    I love your paianted rocks and the canvas in progress is also on my taste of colors and style!
    Happy PPF!

    xxx Susi


  5. i am so happy that you had a wonderful time with your family, but of course you did. the shadow photo is so gorgeous.

    your stones are wonderful as well, i love the quotes/thoughts.

    i am so practical, that either way, separate shipping or included - if the total i like then i buy....

  6. Love the shadow should try to do a color painting of your rocks they are gorgeous, wonderful with the quotes too!! Glad you got some quality time with your family!! I look forward to seeing what will come of your new painting.... have you thought of trying to sell your pieces in a small gift shop...take a few by and ask a few proprietors...All they can say is No room, or not looking for that at this time. Take your rocks too.... so cute. Or find their websites and send them a few photos of your pieces! Make prints of your work then shipping won't be so high! Just a few suggestions!!

    Have a great weekend!!

    Hugs Giggles

  7. I LOVE your painted rocks!! I cannot even tell which one I like best since they're all perfect! And what a fantastic idea to add quotes at the back. This really inspired me!
    Thanks for sharing! :)

  8. What a great start! Painting sounds sooo fun. I really enjoyed SOC because of that.Happy PPF!

  9. Family ist great! Wonderful Pictures from your art and your Family ♥
    Happy PPF

  10. Love those stones, and a great photo! Valerie

  11. I'm delighted to see your intuitive paintings back again - i always love seeing how these progress. I know what you mean about shipping costs. I've just recently amended all mine on my Etsy shop after spending tome on the Royal Mail price finder website and getting different options all for signed on delivery mail for UK and International depending on how much the item weighs and the value of it. The shipping does seem to be quite expensive and that's not even including packaging as I'll always try to recycle packaging where possible. I've just found that when I estimated shipping before I always ended up undercharging and then with Etsy commission and Paypal commission it really means you are practically selling the items for nothing! It's a real minefield this selling on line business!

  12. Wat een leuke foto Denise en een heel mooi idee!!Ook je stenen zien er weer perfect uit. Leuke quote van de dag heb je vandaag (viel me weer op :-)) en ik ben heel erg benieuwd wat er uit dat schilderij gaat komen. Wat de verzendkosten betreft: Ik zou een vast bedrag voor mijn schilderijen willen en de verzendkosten komen voor de koper. Mensen die dan dichter bij wonen hoeven dan niet mee te betalen aan stukken die je overzee moet verzenden. Maar misschien zie jij het anders. Veel wijsheid !
    Vandaag wordt het hier 35 graden, dus ik ga mijn gemakje houden. Liefs,

  13. Lovely and heart warming post and beautiful and expressive painting. Thank you Denthe for sharing.

  14. Love your stones and cant wait to see how the new painting progresses. That photo of your family is awesome. I am thinking seriously about opening an etsy shop and was earlier this week costing the postage, so expensive! I noticed that quite a few artists sell their work on panels which would be a lot cheaper, but then do people really want them as they would have to frame them. Sigh its so hard when we are so far away.

  15. What great, these decorations are wonderful stones. Saludos

  16. Me back again, your gift is on its way, well almost, I will post it Monday. Sharon

  17. Oh, I am loving your painting. Please let us see how it progresses. Your family rainbow is wonderful and memorable for all of you I am sure.

  18. I love your painting, the colors and the lines!
    The stones are beautiful with the quotes.
    Great to see your photo with your family!

    Happy PPF
    Ilona xx

  19. I love your blue stones! they are so ...positive :)

  20. great family fun!!

    when it comes to shipping, i always like "free" shipping. It's a psychological thing, I know.

  21. How wonderful to have been visiting with family, I love the photo!
    Oh the stones... they are beautiful!
    About the shipping.... how about charging enough to cover for part of the shipping? I have seen some doll makers offer that, since it is quite a bit of bulk for a doll to be mailed. They offer to cover part of the shipping. Maybe that would work as a promotion?

  22. As I live on the other side of the world to most of the artists I like I prefer art+ real shipping as I feel I´m a big problem if not. :D
    Fun family picture!
    What a lovely handwriting you have. So clear and cute.

  23. What a creative photo to capture memories! Beautiful start on your painting and cute rocks! Yes, the postage is a real problem. Perhaps it's better to embed the cost into the work. Yes, that's a great idea now that I think of it.

  24. LOVE the start of this painting, colors are gorgeous. I'm a little rusty too and you've inspired me to pick up the brush again!

  25. I hate that empty feeling after loved ones leave after a fun visit. However, I'm glad to see you turned your negative energy around by creating beautiful artwork. Blessings!

  26. Love your playful colorful canvas.....and your rocks, well they just rock! Happy PPF xox

  27. What wonderful art again this week. I love the rocks with faces, and can't wait to see how your background colors "speak to you" and direct the next steps in your painting. The shadow picture of your family is so cool, you are even an artist when arranging a photo...I guess this week your visiting family is like the photo, only shadows. If you check my post, #68 is the correct one. I made a mistake when I posted around midnight last night so the earlier post is an old one.

  28. Love your stones, the green girl is my favorite, so cute! <3

  29. Wonderful painting. I love it so much. It is so colorful and artistic. I could sit down many ours and only look at it. There is so much, my imagination starts to find...

  30. Great painting and I love the stones :)

  31. All good things end -sigh! But then all bad things end too yay!Love these new stones.Happy PPF.

  32. Beautiful artwork! Love the painted rocks.

  33. I really love your artwork! That painting looks lively and the rocks are so perfect. Really wanting to know what varnish you use? As far as shipping, that's an interesting question - LOL - like you, I despise paying for shipping so whenever I can get away w/ not doing it, I don't. Probably the best thing to do is to offer free shipping above a certain dollar of sales (IE $200) - you'd be surprised how many people are willing to pay more to avoid shipping charges! As far as selling, i used to offer free shipping (on ebay) until people began to complain about the packaging. So then I was like 'you are so interested in fancy packaging you will have to bloody PAY!' anyway, ebay is frustrating for many reasons, ha ha! sorry for the novel :D

    1. Thanks Alicia! I always use waterbased varnish: matte varnish for paintings and satin finish for rocks and boxes.

  34. I love the colors you use in your new painting. I am looking forward to what you do next.

    I just want to know the total cost when I buy something. If the shipping is almost as much or more than the painting, I probably will not buy it. But if you give me one price, I don't question it. Writing this out I don't sound too bright but I thought if I think like this so do other people. I agree with Christine I would embed the cost if that is possible.

  35. I know you miss your sister. It is always such a letdown when houseguests go back home. Your colorful background is begging for some of the special Denthe outlining and finding images. Beautiful start. And I love your painted rocks, especially the faces. Personally, there have been times I have changed my mind about ordering something because of the high shipping and handling costs. I think that's where many companies make their profit.

    1. Also, thanks for the good wishes for the surgery. I had cataract surgery Wednesday and it looks like it worked. I did have unusual visual disturbances not connected to eyes. It was more like ocular migraine but didn't go away till more than 24 hours after the surgery. The ocular migraines only last abour 30 minutes and that's it. These went on and on. I think it may have been the anesthesia.

  36. Denthe, I love your wip.... some beautiful color combos there. The rocks are FABULOUS! What a novel idea... Love them!

  37. Love your colourful background! Can't wait to see what you do with it.
    Your rocks are gorgeous - and the messages are wonderful.
    Not sure what to say about shipping - I know it is always higher for me because I live in Canada.

  38. Hi Denise, beautiful work! those stones are really something special, do you use acrylic paint on them? As for shipping costs when i buy on-line, i don't mind either way if the goods i am buying are what i want. That photo of your family on beach is ingenious - love it! glad you had a wonderful time with your family

    1. Thanks Joyce! Yes, I use acrylic paints and acrylic inks on my stones. And sometimes Indian ink too. And then seal them with waterbased varnish...

  39. Wow, love those painted rocks!!

  40. Ha Dente,je stenen zijn prachtig ik kan geen keus maken.
    schilderen daar word je lekker rustig van.
    en wat fijn even zo dicht bij elkaar te zijn.
    En je foto op het strand is zo mooi!
    Een weekend groet

  41. Hello Denthe it's great to see what you've been up to again, all your stone collections are so lovely, I love your bright colors and spontaneous forms!

  42. Hi Denthe...Love that you are here and active again. You sound good and strong. Your stones...breathtaking. Colors - passion - love - alive. You feel blessed! xox samara

  43. Love your stones, and the writing on them is so beautiful! Also love your family photo. I'm looking forward to see how your painting evolves, it has such a vibrant, energetic feel to it at this stage.

  44. i'm crazy about your rocks + your art rocks!

  45. I adore your painting! Love all those colours and the shapes and blending are fabulous.

    That photo is super cute too, love that idea.

    I'm scrolling back up now to pin your painting - love, love, love it!!

  46. Your background painting is so colourful, and has lots of shapes ready to be discovered and highlighted. I really do want to see it when it's finishedvto see what you find in it. Your pebbles are beautiful and so perfectly painted. Your work is always wonderful.

  47. I love all the color it your painting. The rocks are such a delight. Thanks for stopping by.

  48. Love the rocks. . . and the Rainbow Beach picture. Blessings, Janet PPF


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