
Friday 26 July 2013

Mosaic of Summer of Color, Redbubble and other things ....

I had fun making a mosaic of all the paintings I did for Summer of Color. That's the great thing about these challenges, in the end you suddenly have all these new works that you wouldn't have had if it wasn't for the challenge. I love stepping out of my comfort zone every now and then. And with some of these colours I certainly had to.

And just for the fun of it, I made another mosaic of all the paintings I did for the Summer of Color last year:

Completely different way of working. The ones I did this year were planned. I made a drawing and coloured it in. The ones I did last year were all intuitive. Meaning I just splashed down the colours of that week, and then tried to "find" something in it. Lots of fun too.

So now we'll have to wait a whole year before SOC comes again. But I've decided I'll keep making these little paintings, and just use the colourcombinations that weren't chosen. Thanks so much Kristin for organizing this, I'll be back next year too!

I also finished another doodle:

And finished some of my stones (have to be varnished yet). This is every time the front- and the backside:

Have lots more in progress ... :-)

And, before I forget: I finally opened my Redbubble-shop. Have only 4 items in there for now, but it'll grow in time. I remade some of my oneliners to get them on t-shirts, and to have stickers made of them. Planning om making ipod- and ipad-covers too, probably with my doodles on there.

Here's an example of a shirt:

And the same picture for a sticker:

The nice thing is that you can choose which shirt you want, you can choose the style and the colour. This is a women's shirt in green, but you can also choose a hoodie, or a long-sleeved shirt, or a baseball-shirt like this:

Go have a look here, new things will be added soon!

Linking this as always to Paint Party Friday. Don't forget to check out at least some of the links on that blog, it's worth it! I won't be posting midweek next week, because my sister is staying here for another five days before flying back to Belgium, so I want to enjoy their company as much as I can. But I'll be back for the Paint Party next Friday!

Thanks so much for visiting , enjoy your day and I hope your weekend will be peaceful and restful and enjoyable! ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. I love the two challenge collages!good luck with your t-shirt sales! And now go be with your dear sister! HPPF!

  2. Gorgeous as ever and I simply love your stone art...bright and cheerful !!

  3. I loved seeing your SOC pieces in a mosiac like that and especially seeing them together with the ones from last year - it's so interesting to see the different styles. You've inspired me to do the same - I hope you don't mind!
    Congrats on your redbubble shop. I registered with them and with zazzle ages and ages ago but never really did anything about it - it'll be good to get your feedback on how your shops goes for you to see if it would be worth looking at them again. Enjoy your sister's visit. Oh, your stones are so cute - where do you find such perfectly smooth surfaced stones?

    1. Thnx Nic, I'll keep you up-to-date :-)
      I found the stones at a beach in New South Wales. They were perfect, it was the first time I found stones like that. But someone said you can also find them at garden centres ....

  4. A lot of work this week, great to see the SOC together. Love your doodle and the stones are awesome.

  5. wow you are busy Denthe, great to see both sets of SOC together like this. Love the new doodle of course and those fab rocks; however do you write so perfectly on them? Congrats on your new shop, am sure it will be a success. Have a great time with your sister. Happy PPF, Annette x

  6. Wat ontzettend leuk om al die schilderijtjes van de Summer of color bij elkaar te zien en wat een verschil met die van vorig jaar. Weer zo heel anders. Gelukkig hoef ik geen keuze te maken, want dat zou heel moeilijk zijn: ze zijn echt allemaal erg mooi.
    In je doodle gaan je meisjes al vliegen.... een logische ontwikkeling voor je vrouwen en vogel schilderijtje?? Prachtige tekst ook weer! Ja en je stenen zijn ook weer erg leuk... Goh, je bent zo veelzijdig en ik sta elke keer versteld van de nieuwe creaties. Nu weer T-shirts en stickers; hoop dat het een heel groot succes wordt; ze zijn erg leuk! Geniet van het bezoekje van je zus en tot blogs!!
    xxx Marianne

  7. Your Soc pieces are looking great together, both the new ones and last year's! Those rocks are just adorable, love the lettering and the vibrant colors!
    Congrats on the shop! <3

  8. Fantastic, colourful work as always! Valerie

  9. I love how those mosaics turned out...they are so beautiful and have a similar consistent feel to them!!I am loving those rocks....I think you are inspiring me to try some!!

    Glad you're getting your art out there on shirts!!

    Hugs Giggles

  10. Love the mosaics of your paintings.

  11. love your mosaics. it's nice to see all of your work together. very nice!!

  12. Love love them all. Hope I remember SOC next year want to join in.Happy PPF friend.

  13. I adore your doodle, just amazing! HPPF!

  14. Your mosaic and paintings are so wonderful. I love Your doodle, too. Beautiful and fine lines!

  15. Love how your put your creations together. I think the whole is greater than the sum of the parts! Happy PPF!

  16. It is so much fun to look at your work. Both collages are beautiful and very different. It is interesting to know how you began each piece Your doodle is amazing.

    Have a wonderful week with your sister.

  17. your collage challenges are fabulous!! And those stones...mine could never look this good since I can't do faces but you def. have inspired me to have a go at it (in a much simpler form)whilst collecting shells and stones at the beach next week. You B & W doodle is really amazing just as it is wow. Happy PPF!

  18. Wow! You are a very prolific artist. I love the expressiveness in all your portraits. Blessings!

  19. Love love love all of the color! And especially your quote the "earth" without "art" is just "eh"!
    Haha... I whole heartedly agree!

  20. Love your SOC mosaics!!!
    The way you draw hair gets me every time - amazing!

  21. Beautiful, beautiful art works. good luck and congratulation with redbubble. you are such a busy, inspiring and creative soul. Thank you for sharing

  22. Back again forgot to tell you that you have won 2 of my postcards! So if you like them go to my Postcard page at Art Inspires and choose two. then send me an email with your choices and your snail mail address and I will get them into the post for you. My email address is Oh and enjoy the days you have with your sister and family.

  23. Love the collages you made of both the years. That doodle is fabulous. That face on the blue colored stone is awesome. As usual I love all your projects:)

  24. Love your stones, great work on them. You've been busy, all good.:) Always love your work. Take care and thanks.

  25. Wow - Denise you are so talented - I love your work. That "doodle" is an understatement - it's a gorgeous piece of art. Those stones are just amazing.

  26. OMG what an awesome post!! Everything is beautiful ♥

  27. I love your girls and those stones are magical. :)

  28. Oooh I love your painted stones Denise... I was reminded when I was at the beach almost a year ago of a bag of stones that I collected and brought home to paint... must find them now after seeing your gorgeous creations... and beautiful shirts too... they are wonderful...

    Happy weekend....
    Jenny ♥

  29. I love your rocks. They are beautiful!!

  30. Your works look so great as series, what a wonderful thing to do. And those rocks! Fabulous!

  31. it is always wonderful to see what you are creating
    your collections are awesome
    as is your recent doodle
    wishing you success with your new shop!

  32. I visited on Your Website and the paintings are so wonderful. As You say I couldn't come away without changing. Something came with me. Very important happening.
    Especially I love the painting "a Place away from darkness" but many others, too.
    Thank You very much, Uuna

  33. Grief, they look exactly like mosaics. . . good art. I love the gals. The rocks are fascinating. My daughter loves to paint on rocks. Blessings, Janet PPF


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