
Friday 3 May 2013

painting technique, mosaicmirrors and wooden boxes in progress ...

Still working on the same things as last week, but they should all be finished by the end of next week. This is the phase I like most about projects: the middle phase, where it's all coming together and it only needs a few (well, sometimes a bit more than a few ...) finishing touches.

The mirrors are done, they only need the hanging system in the back and then they're ready to go to the gallery.

The boxes are all painted, but need a second coat and then of course the finishing touches ;-). And, oh yes, the inside. And the bottom. And the varnish ....

The painting is coming along nicely. I go from one box to the next to the canvas and back to the boxes. I love painting more things at the same time, because it can dry in between and then suddenly they're all finished and you have a whole bunch of new art.

I promised I would share that painting technique I used for this painting and the one I showed last week. It's a technique I read about in a book from the library years ago. No idea who wrote it or even what the book was called.

Anyway, I made my own version of it, as I usually do. In the book it was a painting of a still life, but, well, you know me, I need to paint living things otherwise I get bored ...

So you make a drawing with more than 1 thing on it, it doesn't matter if it's a drawing with some flowers and vases (I think that was the original example in the book), or a landscape, or people, or birds, like I did in this painting.

Sorry, it's a very long small canvas so I have to show it to you in bits and pieces ...

When you've drawn whatever you want, you start to put geometrical figures on top of it. Quadrangles, circles, triangles, etc ... I only use quadrangles and circles. Different sizes, and don't forget to also let them go off your canvas in some places.

 It's also interesting if they overlap in some places.

And then you just start colouring in. Every time you come to a line, you stop and take another colour. Even if it's only a teeny tiny bit, it needs to be in a different colour.

Don't worry about how it looks, it'll need more layers anyway. In the book they said you should put warm colours next to cold colours, (reds, yellows, oranges, ... are warm colours, blues and greens are cold colours). I haven't done that, for the simple reason that I first use up one colour all over the canvas, and then start with another colour. So sometimes there are 2 warm colours next to eachother, but that doesn't bother me. And it's not always possible either to keep them separate. But it's something to keep in mind.

How you finish it is up to you. I like to define the figures a bit more by adding some shadows. But that is something for next week, first I have to get all the colours and layers on there.

That's it! Try it out, it's a lot of fun!

I'm linking this up with Paint Party Friday. Hop on over there to see lots of interesting art.

This week I also started the Etsy-promotion. I have 5 different shops that I will be promoting each Wednesday during the month of May. The first shop I promoted was TwiceAsNiceBaby, a cute shop full with adorable clothing and other stuff for babies and little kids. Here's the post about it. And on this page you can see the links from all the posts the other participants have done already. Do have a look, there's so much variety and so many wonderful items to see.

Well, thanks so much for visiting and leaving those lovely comments. I treasure them ♥

Hope you're having a lovely day, and that your weekend, as always, will be filled with joy. ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Wow what a beautiful body of work! The boxes are very cool, love the mosaics and thank you for the tutorial...I'm excited to try that one!!

    I like to do a few pieces at once too!! I'm on my way to check out those etsy bloggers!! Have a great weekend!!

    Hugs Giggles

  2. Wow wat een leuke fleurige doosjes,
    En wat een gave techniek heb je gebruikt
    Voor dat canvas, het ziet er allemaal weer
    Schitterend uit!

  3. You have been very busy, love the painting, and those mirrors and boxes are great. Happy PPF, Valerie

  4. What gloriously colourful work!

  5. Your mosaic work is stunning!
    Sue xx

  6. You always stunning Denthe! Rock on with your awesomeness :)

  7. Great blog post Denise, thanks! I especially love the first mosaic mirrow, so gorgeous. And i really want to try your painting techniques with the geometric shapes - have seen others on your website and really love them. thanks for sharing and also for leaving a comment on my blog today! I also would like to do a lettering workshop!

  8. I love all of this and your step by step guide is great. In also need to work on lot s of things at once,because I get impatient waiting for the paint to dry!

  9. what a great post. I love that no matter what you create - be it mirrors, boxes or canvasses they have your distinct style and wonderful vibrant colour palette. It's a god idea about having several pieces on the go at one time - I think I will start to do that and have a t least 2 canvasses to work on because although acrylic does dry quickly sometimes it us still possible to overwork it and muddy the colours and then you have to leave it and go back over it again later anyway. At least I could alternate between two canvasses that way. I love the geometric art work and thanks for the tutorial on how you do it - it looks wonderful.

  10. Wow Denise, you have been so busy! I love your work, its always so colourful and dramatic, in a romantic way. Thanks for sharing your technique, the canvas looks amazing.

  11. 5 that takes some organising. Love your mosaics and boxes.
    Happy PPF, Annette x

  12. Wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing with us, I love your bright colorful art!

  13. I love your bright beautiful work. I am so impressed by the way you are able to create so many different things at one time.

    Thank you so much for the tutorial. I am definitely going to try this technique this week. It will be fun doing something so different than what I usually do.

  14. Your art makes me so happy, each time I look at much bold colors and is something I really love!! ♥ Conny

  15. I can't wait to try this! Yours is wonderful. I always like clean and bold design.

  16. Geeesss Louise you are busy. Each piece is wonderful and I will try this big bold style. I have a very long canvas that will work perfectly. I hope I can achieve the bright color and balance that you do. Wish me luck.LOL

  17. Het begint al op te schieten, zie ik. Wat een gave doosjes worden het en ook het doekje met de vogels vordert al. Leuk om de voortgang telkens te zien. EN de spiegels al af... je bent goed bezig geweest :-)
    Hopelijk krijg je wat kopers in je etsyshop met al die reklame!! Fijn weekend!
    xxx Marianne

  18. Deine Farbenpracht ist immer wieder beeindruckend. Die Farben sind kräftig und machen gute Laune. Tolle Teile hast Du verschönt.
    LG Anja

  19. Thank you for the step by step explanation. I would love to give it a try.The boxes and the mirrors look so colorful.

  20. Lovely, colorful pieces! Thank you for the interesting tutorial! <3

  21. Thanks for sharing how you do that technique. Your paintings have such fun results!

  22. enjoyed hearing about the process...beautiful boxes & mirrors! I love your color sense! happy PPF!

  23. Oh JOY! Your colorful art makes me smile.

  24. What a really great idea - I will definitely try. Your shapes technique and I love your vibrant colours.

  25. amazing artistic abilities Denise-love your colorful style to it all!!! Happy PPF!

  26. Your mirrors are magnificent! I love the over lapping technique and how your painting turned out! Happy PPF!

  27. Oh, I love mosaics and mirrors, this is fab!! HPPF!

  28. Thank you for the step by step. Very fun and interesting. Love the mirrors and boxes. It would be fun to try it out. Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend and Happy PPF!

  29. great to see that step by step... and the boxes are going to be wonderful... and the mirrors... well it is all wonderful actually...xx

  30. Thanks!!!! I'll have to give this method a shot..that's me this year...trying what everyone else is doing cause nothing is flowing in my brain at all :( Love those boxes ♥♥♥♥♥

  31. Hi Denise,

    Your colours are just so intensely vibrant. I enjoyed your overlapping technique,very pretty design.

    Take care,
    Annabelle O,O

  32. You've made great progress this week! Nice work.

  33. This screams of Spring and Summer.. so awesome! I love the fun feeling of the patterns! :oD happy PPF

  34. Those mirrors just sing with colour! Love your vibrant work!

  35. So intricate and so pretty, love what you do. Happy PPF and have a great weekend.

  36. your mirrors and boxes are really lovely. I love that technique of painting and will have to try it. I did something like that from 21 Secrets last year - but I love the geometric shapes in this technique! HPPF

  37. Oh grief, I love how it turned out. What fun this looks like and so creative. . .you definitely know if you have a creative bone in your body with this test. Blessings, Janet PPF

  38. How bright and colorful your work is! :)

  39. The mirrors and boxes are so colorful and would add so much to a whatever room their placed in. I loved looking at your baby things and hope your promo goes well. And thanks for the inspiration to try some geometric work -- what a great post!

  40. Fantastic post!! :]
    I ABSOLUTELY love reading about an artists' process... thank you for sharing. ~xx

    ** I really like those mirrors!

  41. Oh Denthe, I love the piece you are working on. So far it looks awesome, I can't wait to see the end result. I bet it will be stunning!...and what can i say about your boxes and mirrors... GORGEOUS!!

    Have a great day!

  42. Your artwork will be a big hit ~ love the colors and style ~ lovely work ~ ^_^

    Thanks for visiting .

  43. Thanks for sharing the technique for the painting you are working on, that looks like a good one for when I'm in the mood for something different. I love seeing the progress you've made on your boxes and mirrors. I bet they willbe best sellers x

  44. wow I like that you showed your steps! Great colors:)

  45. That's awesome...thanks for the info.

  46. Wat is dit weer schitterend Denise. En ook wederom weer geheel jouw handschrift. Zulk knap werk. Prachtig.
    lieve groetjes Marja

  47. Beautiful, beautiful colours and fantastic wooden boxes. Very creative and inspiring pieces. Have a lovely week. Love and blessing to you.

  48. Dear Denthe, beautiful as ever and with strengh in Color and Expression. Thank you for sour WIP.
    Late HPPF and hugs

  49. Aww, I love your little boxes, they are so cute! And the mirrors are wonderful too. Thank you for sharing the technique you're using for that painting. It's a very interesting idea, I love what you're doing with it!

  50. This is fabulous Denthe! Great tutorial. This would be great for Kristin's Tuesday tutorial try outs. :)

  51. Lovely mirrors, boxes and birds! it's such a fun to see all the things you are able to get out of your hands! :)

  52. Oh Denthe, you are so amazingly creative and talented. I have not seen one thing you have done that I have not LOVED LOVED LOVED!!!!! Samara xox

  53. I tried your tutorial and had so much fun.Thank you for sharing...Here is the link:

  54. Wow is just the simple word that may explain that how much I liked it. It was nicely stuffed with the material I was looking for. It’s great to be here though by chance.
    Mosaic products


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