
Monday 6 May 2013

Journalpages and a question ....

Well, it's been weekend and in the weekend I never get to do much art. Just some journaling when I'm sitting together with my daughter at night.

But I sold one of my mirrors already on Saturday! So happy ....

Here's some things I've been doing in my art journal:

I had some fun in Photoshop with this one. It's a sketch I did in my journal with coloured pencils. I scanned it and pasted it over one of my paintings-backgrounds, and then played a bit with a quote from Bhartrhari. There are so many possibilities to play around in Photoshop, I haven't explored even half of them. 

This is just a quick sketch with watercolour pencil. The paper in my journal is not really good for that, it just dries so quick before I can spread it out. For the background I wrote part of the poem in watercolour pencil, and I had meant for it to dissolve in water, but it didn't, no matter how often I went back over it. This is clearly something that I should do on watercolour paper. I glued (part of) the poem from Rod McKuen over it. I am so in love with his work, I can just keep reading those poems over and over again ...

And this is a graphite sketch. Will probably turn it into a card, or use it for a calendar ...

Thanks so much for all the lovely comments on my Friday-post! Remember I explained the technique with the geometrical figures? Well, Joyce from Joyful Art Stuff tried it out already. Look at this:
I love it! I kept finding geometrical figures when I looked at it. It's very subtle but gives such a great effect!

Sooo, if you have tried it out too, I would LOVE to see it! And I'll show it on my blog! Just send me the picture or a link.

And now I have one question for you, maybe someone can help me with that. I would like to start selling my paintings online, but I have no idea how to pack it. I asked at the post office and they told me to just put lots and lots of bubble wrap around it. But still ... They're a little bit my babies, I wouldn't want anything to happen to them ... I know some of you sell online, even very big paintings sometimes. Do you have any tips, do you use the post or do you use a courier service, how do you pack it, have you had any "accidents" already? Etc ..... So if anyone can help me with this, I'd be very grateful :-)

That's it for now. I'll be back on Wednesday with a new Etsy-shop-promotion. It's going great, check out the links on the promotion-page, lots of goodies to see!

Thanks so much for being here, hope you're having a wonderful day / evening / night ... ♥


  1. Leuke art journal pagina's. Ik ken niets van photoshop, dus ik weet niet hoe je het gedaan hebt, maar het is heel erg mooi geworden. En ik heb inderdaad ook altijd ruzie met het papier.... dan zuigt het te hard, dan kun je er niet met promarkers op werken of het bubbelt als een gek als het nat wordt. Maar al doende leert men hè. Je grafiet meisje is heel erg knap gedaan!! En op je vraag van verpakken.... mijn man pakt (gelukkig) alles netjes voor me in. Meestal in bubbeltjesplastic EN enkele lagen karton. Alles goed dichtgetaped met van die brede plakband en er is nog nooit iets mee gebeurd. Tot een bepaalde afmeting kan hier alles gewoon met TNT post.
    Lieve groetjes,
    PS. Nog proficiat met de snelle verkoop van de spiegel!!

  2. A specific manner of portrait painting. The last one reminds me about Ukraine. I like it. I have some high school students who paint nice paintings. You may see in my blog. Thank you.

  3. Mooie pagina's! Prachtig die zwart wit tekening en leuk he dat photoshop!
    Ik heb helaas geen ervaring met het verpakken van schilderijen.
    Groetjes karin

  4. wow what a nice work you inspired Joyce to create:)
    I really like the first photo above. I love the colors and your handwriting is wonderful!

  5. Lots of beautiful work here Denthe and love your geometric painting, well really I love them all, but then I always do.......... hugs Annette x

  6. Lovely paintings, as always! =) Each day I look on the calendar you made, and it pleases me not only every month, but every day! :)

    I haven't sold anything, but I wonder if hard cardboard could do the work? I hope someone will give you a good reply..

  7. You draw deserve to sell. Congratulations.

  8. Yes, I agree with Jo! Your graphite sketch is just gorgeous and I'm awed by what you did while hanging with your daughter. Having just started (kind of) my Etsy, I have some of the same questions. I imagine that bubble wrap is what we all go for - but other options would be good to know.
    AND how did I miss the Etsy link / promotion!? Ugh, me. I have to check it out, such a great idea!
    Thank you for your comment and YAY - SO happy you'll be playing along again this year!! xoxo

  9. thanks Denise for adding my bit of art, totally inspired by your art. Your faces are perfect. sorry i have never shipped art on canvas, so can't help you. but you could see what "Pack & Send" offer, cause i have used them before to ship glass trophies overseas, but they are quite expensive, but the packing was very good - no damage to glass.

  10. When I sell a painting online, I build a box, that fits exactly for that painting, from a moving box. Bubble wrap doesn't keep the transport sufficiently.

  11. Wow.beautifuly pages you created,wonderful colors and spread,love it to much!!!

  12. i have no idea how to pack painting or drawings but I know one thing, when you start to sell, you will do well, because your art is beautiful

  13. I love your layering effects, the text works so well with the other image.:) I find the possibilities of Photoshop a little over whelming and these days just tend to use it for tidying up!
    The question about posting canvas paintings, I sandwich the painting in cardboard (often cut from a box) and this is incased by bubblewrap around the whole thing. The final layer of wrapping could be plastic (cut from a bag) or parcel paper. I hope this helps!xx

  14. FAbulous art! Love how you combine sketches with photoshoped backgrounds. As for packaging, I bubble wrap smaller paintings and put them between two cardstock and mail in a bubble envelope. If it's a paper and not canvas than I just put it between cardstock and mail in a bubble envelope. For bigger pieces bubble wrap and a box. Jane Desrosier aka Gritty Jane shared a video one time how she custom makes her boxes for larger pieces.

    I loved your tutorial last time so much I sent the link to Kristin for her Tuesday tutorial try-outs challenge and it's going to be featured next week. I'm definitely giving it a go. :)

    1. Oooh great! Looking forward to seeing everyone's work!

  15. I am in love with your sketch...she looks so beautiful and kind, and her hair rocks!! ♥ Conny

  16. so much creativity! you are so talented and skilled with many art forms. i love seeing all that you make.

  17. BEAUTIFUL work Denise... you are very talented. ~xx

    ** love your style. :]


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