
Friday 10 May 2013

Paint Party Friday: finished (well, sort of ...) painting ...

This week I didn't get much art done. I'm working on a photobook for my mother's birthday, and I'm behind already, working against the clock to get it to her in time .... (I have the very annoying habit of always leaving things until the very last minute, and then starting it at a time that any reasonable person would say: "ah, no, I left it too late, can't do it anymore ...".

My boxes are still in various stages of progress, but the birdpainting is almost finished. It needs a few more tweeks here and there, and I might work on the eyes some more and add some embellishments in some places, but for the most part it's done.

Here's a picture of the whole canvas:

It is one meter long (39,4 inches) so not very easy to handle, and certainly not easy to make a good picture of ....

Here are some detailshots:

You can see here how Joyce used this technique in a fabulous way in her art journal (scroll down to the end of the post).

And Kristin is planning on using this technique in her Tuesday Tutorial Try-Out! So looking forward to what she (and others) will be creating :-)

I don't have much more for you, except another sketch in my art journal

and a doodle that I finished a while ago but didn't really like:

Linking this to Paint Party Friday. Don't forget to check out the other participating artists. It takes a while to get through the list, last week there were 124 !! participants. It's getting very popular!

Meanwhile, the Etsy-promotion is in full swing. Check out the different promotion-posts here, it's so interesting to see the different ways people feature the shops. This is also a gentle reminder for the people who have signed up and didn't start promoting yet. Don't be like me (well, in the case of the Etsy-promotion I'm up to schedule ☺) and leave it all till the last minute. The month will be over before you know it ....

Thanks so much for visiting here, I appreciate each and every one of you taking the time. Hope you're having a lovely day, and a wonderful relaxing weekend. ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Hmmm, I would say you got quite a lot done! And all so beautiful. I absolutely LOVE your birds. Very unusual and striking!

  2. Love your painting, sketch and doodle. Wonderful all of them. You are quite talented!! Happy PPF!

  3. Such vibrant colours - lovely painting and I adore that doodle... it's fabbo :-)
    Happy PPF :-)
    IKE xxxxx

  4. These are wonderful pieces to share!! You long canvas turned out excellent, a very distinct piece!! The sketch is wonderful and the doodles are my heart!! Love it all!!

    Hugs Giggles

  5. I love your bird painting Denise, I know how hard it is to get a good photo of something this size but you did a good job:) This would look lovely above a door or window. I would like to try this technique as its so different to my own, I will link up with Kristin on Tuesday. Have a great weekend

  6. Wow, you got a lot done! Love both pieces! Valerie

  7. This format is great... and I love your colors ... I hope really you can manage the mother-birthday project in time denthe!
    fab post again and HAPPY PPF to you !
    keep swimming! LOL!



  8. I love the forms and colour-changes in your bird painting! I might want to try it in a different scale. The journal drawing is wonderful, love that hair!

    Happy PPF
    Ilona :-)

  9. Mooi gedaan !! Wat een prachtig schilderijtje van de vogels... en een hele leuke techniek. En dan die mooie dame met die dromerige ogen in je art journal: TOPPIE! Wat is ze weer schitterend getekend. En dat ik fan ben van je doodles dat wist je al :-)) Ik vind dat je hard hebt gewerkt deze week... Ik zit een klein beetje in een dipje... inspiratie is weg. Maar we blijven doorgaan, dan komt het wel weer :-) In de tussentijd weer even een stapje terug en aan het kaartjesmaken geslagen. Heel fijn weekend!!
    xxx Marianne

  10. wow your box painting is amazing, I would wait for months for a gift like this.
    Your drawings as ever are wonderful. Happy PPF, Annette x

  11. Wow! You had a very productive week and all of your art pieces are gorgeous. Blessings!

  12. Well, it seems like you got a lot done this week!! I absolutely adore that bird painting - I love the shape of the canvas for one thing and the vibrant colours - it's fabulous! The journal page is beautiful - you always create such gorgeous shiny hair on your ladies! And I don't know why you wouldn't like that doodle - it's beautiful and so detailed.

  13. wow beautiful canvas and lovely page!

  14. how vibrant and full of energy! love your painting style! happy PPF

  15. Denise,these are all so very lovely and stunning works of art!!!
    You are one prolific artist!
    My favourite is the doodle, detail, colour, provoking thought....all of it!

    Thanks for sharing,
    Annabelle O,O

  16. LOVE your sketch and doodle, fabulous!! Hppf!

  17. Everything is fantastic!!!! That doodle is so cool!!! I wish that I could get so little done these days :)

  18. Love the canvas and all of your fantastic doodles. You are number one Doodle Woman. Great work! I think you've gotten a lot completed and hope you finish your Mom's gift in time for her b/day. Have a wonderful weekend.

  19. Just your doodle alone and all that work. I just don't have it in me to do the bright birds. Happy PPF.....xox

  20. hello,

    it is wonderful to see these pieces. wishing you the best with your mother's gift.

    i hope you don't mind me leaving a link here, if you do, just delete it. I saw the video in this post and thought of you because of your one line drawings. thought you might like to see someone else who does them:

    1. Not at all! Very interesting artist, thnx for sharing!

  21. Denthe, what you have accomplished art-wise this week is so delightful. I love the colors in the first one, and your sketched face is gorgeous. Oh to be that lovely! Wonderful doodling - very intricate and complex.

  22. Awesome canvas, unique and beautiful! Love you sketchbook page too - lovely, clear eyes- and that doodle! :) You are getting a whole lot done, when you think you are not! :)

  23. I love your bird painting! Had a look at your earlier post, so interesting! My mind is beining to buzzz with a little idea you have sparked! This technique is so well suited to your colourful style, Thank you so much for your comments btw, much appreciated as always. x

  24. I love visiting you and looking at your wonderful art, that top piece is quite something, it's fascinating and captures the eyes! Your sketch and doodles are also great, so much to see and enjoy here, many thanks for sharing! xx

  25. I think you got lots done this week. And all good. Happy PPF.

  26. You still manage to get quite a bit done in a week... and the weather is so fabulous for working at the moment isn't it... love your painting but your drawing is stunning... fab tonal work...xx

  27. Gorgeous doodle. A beautiful style and technique. Thank you very much for sharing with us. Have a creative week!

  28. wow I just love that painting! thanks for showing all the different views:)
    ALSO thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a nice note:) Fran T

  29. love the hair in your drawing, I wish mine looked like that! Love the doodle and painting too.

  30. "If it wasn't for the last minute, nothing would ever get done." I don't remember who said that, but it's true for so many of us. I think you did remarkable amounts of work and I'm glad you shared the doodle that you didn't like because I like it a lot. I also like the sketch and the bird painting is so bright and fun. You're doing great!

  31. I love all of this! I've been trying to work more 'zentangle-y' doodles into my paintings--I'm just seeing pattern everywhere!

  32. Loving your geometric painting - I need to try that over the weekend!

  33. That's a big one! Such awesome colors, very energetic! The portrait is gorgeous! ♥

  34. Love all the wonderful work for this week. I'm sure your mom will love her gift. Tried the geometric shape thing in some journal pages. Think they might lead to a nice painting. HPPF

  35. Awesome creations as always! :) I can't wait to start with your tutorial. It's going to be fun. :)

  36. I always look at your work, read your post, and then go back and look at paintings again and again. Each piece is so different and amazing. I am so glad that you shared you doodle. I love it.

  37. Wowness!! everything here you shared is so beautiful! The bird art is stunning..captivating shapes and colors combined...pure poetry!! the portrait is so fabulous..the way you did the hair is magical..every tress of hair looks so real..and her face of course is a real beauty! the is so visually energy-art..the dreaming body and soul's energy shining out loudly!! Love it!

  38. I am enjoying this so much. Keep going, it's fun to watch. Blessings, Janet PPF

  39. Your geometric paint-overs are very cool and so colorful and fun! Great work with the Etsy links, too. I tried Etsy a couple of times and couldn't get the hang of it?? I never ever saw my work on the front page and felt no one came to my shop! So I guess there are tricks to every trade. Thanks for sharing!


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