
Monday 13 May 2013

Is it only me ....

or is everybody screaming for the time to not go so fast? I don't know where the days are going. Before I know it it's time to get the kids from school, and my todo-list is staring me in the face with not even half of the things done. I'm getting tired of it. Must be that there's still something seriously wrong with my time-management skills ....

Anyway, didn't get much art done either. Have missed the last couple of days sitting on my daughter's bed and journaling together. We have promised eachother to really get started in time tomorrow, since we both miss it and get a bit cranky when there's no time left.

I've been sketching a bit, drawing ladies with crazy hair :-)

I want to do some more collage, and plan on printing these out and collaging them all over the place ... I don't really like to use magazine-pictures for this, first you have the problem with copyright, and secondly I feel as if it's not really mine. But I really like collage, so I want to make a lot of these sketches and combine it with unrecognizable pics from magazines. If that makes sense ... Still figuring out how though ...

And when I'm short in time, I always go back to my oneliners. Oh, they're so easy and fast, love creating them!

Do you remember when I made those magnets on a canvas with magnetic backing? Here's the picture of the whole canvas:

I finally listed the magnets in my Etsyshop today. Phew, that has taken me more than enough time .... You can find the listings here.

One last thing: Sarah from A Cat-Like Curiosity has taken a wonderful initiative on her blog. She is planning on promoting links to handmade goodies in social media over the course of this week. You can link blogposts, items and stores and she will do a free sponsor-type promotion for it. Isn't that a wonderful idea! We could all help each other so much, reaching out to our readers and followers and at the same time discover some new blogs or shops that we didn't know before. It's a win-win for all involved. So if you want Sarah to promote some of your stuff, hop on over to her blog and link up!

Well, that's it for now. I'll be back on Wednesday with my third Etsyshop to promote! Thanks so much for being here! ♥


  1. About the time management part. Are you sure you are not overscheduling? Sometimes we have this loooooong list of things we want to get done and don´t have a real perspective of the time each takes. Prioritize, schedule and let go of the rest (at least till next week ;) ).
    Lovely crazy hair girls!

    1. oh yes, I'm definitely overscheduling .... and always underestimating the time it takes to get something done ....

  2. Ja het is niet te geloven.... de tijd vliegt om en ik krijg niets uit mijn handen. Wil zoveel dingen doen en kom tot niets. Daarom sta ik versteld dat het jou allemaal beter lukt dan hier. Jij hebt weer wat leuke portretten getekend en magneetcanvasjes in je winkeltje gezet. Zien er echt heel leuk uit.
    Lieve groetjes,

  3. It's not only you! Time goes crazy fast. I try to slow it down as often as possible! Lovely sketches.

  4. ondanks dat de tijd snel is gegaan heb je toch weer erg veel mooie dingen gemnaakt! Die schetsen met dat wilde haar vind ik gaaf!
    Groetjes karin

  5. your girls always have such lovely hair :)

  6. Pink! Perfect!!
    AND your drawings are just gorgeous - I love the circle cheeks and the hair is so fab. I love the one on the top - and yes, I know what you mean about time management. Funny, I was having that conversation with myself today - is it me? Do I EVER accomplish anything? I feel like a chicken with my head cut off running around in circles with a to-do list clutched to my hands most days . . . sigh . . . xoxo

    1. hihi, that's an image that I'm all too familiar with ...

  7. I never can estimate how long it takes to do things either, and I am always hard on myself for not getting through the list too, especially at work.

    I love your idea of making a bunch of your own sketches and using them for collage. I am with you on the magazine thing about not really being your own.

    The girls with the crazy hair could easily be embassadors of the crazy hair ladies here in Southern Alberta. With the really warm summer like temperatures, we have had some really wicked wind. It was so windy a couple of weeks ago, that my scalp hurt from my hair whipping around while watching my son playing football. I am sure that I missed most of the game because of my hair in my eyes. I thought to myself, "Now I know where Denthe gets her hair ideas from, my hair is doing the "Denthe hair side flap"!"

    1. hahaha! "the denthe hair side flap"! Have to remember that one! Can't believe you thought of my crazy haired girls :-) You should've let someone take pictures and send them to me, 'cause my inspiration is getting a bit low ... ;-)

  8. I know what you mean, time flies by so fast, its crazy. i think many of us are in the same boat! nice hair!

  9. The days ARE shorter and I'm moving slower TOO ♥♥♥♥♥ Love the art :)

  10. Ha Denthe,wat een heerlijke bonte kleuren.Tijd is kostbaar je wil zo veel mogelijk doen.....
    Maar juist met de dingen waar je met liefde en plezier aan werkt vliegt de tijd.
    Heel herkenbaar.
    Groetjes Christiene

  11. Your sketches are really great! I love the energy in their hair. It makes the compositions amazingly dynamic. I also love the curious birds, who are popping their heads in to admire the beautiful ladies!

  12. I adore your ladies. :) Wonderful painting as well. So full of life and energy. :)

  13. denthe i totally understand about time management. its hard to get things done myself. i have my two girls and my father, keeping house and trying to do art and read books? i guess that's why nothing is finished! lol
    I love your work and your magnets! love!!! I faved them all on etsy! :D i'm looking forward to doing your feature next. :D so excited!!! oh and i love the whole canvas!! WOW! brilliant! have a great rest of the week!!

  14. you speak out of my soul with your timemanagement problem...I ALWAYS have todolists, that will never get smaller...but I think its because I will do everything and I am interisted in everything and the whole time of the world would be not enough to fill my curiosity of life :) love you sketches with the wild hair :) and your magnets are enchanting ♥ Conny

  15. i always enjoy seeing your sketches and paintings.
    speaking of time management, i must turn this computer off! ;-)


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