
Friday 19 April 2013

May you walk gently through the world

My painting's finished! It may not seem as if much changed since last week, but those last finishing touches often take as much time as making some bigger changes.

When I first started working on bringing out the images, and I found that head near the bottom which reminded me of an old Indian, all the time I was painting I had that saying in my head from Jim Morrisson : "Indian, Indian, what did you die for? Indian says, nothing at all". I'm still not sure whether it's from a song, or even whether it refers to native Americans at all, but I read it somewhere ages ago and it has always stayed with me.

We all know that all over the world terrible crimes have been committed to indigenous people by European settlers, and I'm certainly not going to launch into a political sermon here, but for some reason the native Americans have always fascinated me, because of the way they saw the world and the way their land was taken from them. I once saw a movie about the massacre at Wounded Knee, and boy did I regret that! For years to come those images haunted me and I was horrified by the senseless brutality of it all. Now I simply don't watch movies or documentaries like that anymore. I have a very visual memory, and I don't want my days and nights tantalized by the horrible things humans can do to eachother.

But anyway, since this painting was about Indians for me, I went in search of a title in old sayings and quotes from Indians, and decided to call it "May you walk gently through the world". For me this sums up the spirit of the old native Americans, their connection with the land and the animals, their goals of harmony and balance. Values that the world today is in such need of.

As always when I finish a painting, I'll show you the steps from the very beginning:

I must've had a lot of leftover pinks and reds, because that's all this first layer is. Probably put on there with a foambrush, can't remember ... (I always do several backgronds at the same time)

second layer: cool colours on top (although I seem to have been spraying some yellow too ...)

My favorite part: dripping and dribbling

I felt it was too dark and needed brightening up, so out comes the white, and some black for contrast

another favorite part of the painting process for me: layering transparant colours on top

starting to make random marks and doodles

painting around the marks, keep on turning the canvas

Finding figures in the background. I decided to keep two of the random doodles I made: the bird and the fish
Felt like they belonged there ....

starting to bring out the figures

Finding another fish, and making the Indian's head a bit smaller

Too dark, needed brightening up: dripping again, blue and orange

another tree, because the head was still too domineering

Working on the woman's face

Again brightening up by adding some dots. These are the pictures you saw last week

And this is where I stopped last week. I decided to add some more dots on the left, to bring more balance in the painting

brightening up the colours and finishing the bird inside the other bird

working on the birds, and dripping some more on the left tree, because the colour was too saturated for my liking ...

Almost there ....

the finished painting: "May you walk gently through the world"
40x40cm - 15,7x15,7"

Phew, maybe I take too many pictures, my posts seem to get longer each time I finish a painting ;-)

I'm linking this to Paint Party Friday. I hope you go and take a look there, as there are so many artists linking up every week and showing their beautiful work. 

And don't forget: there's still time to sign up for the Etsy-promotion month in May. 20 people have signed up already, and there's room for many more! Go here to read all about it! You can also sign up if you don't have a blog, but are active on Facebook or Pinterest, any social media where you can post pictures of the shops you promote. I'm not on twitter so I don't know whether you can post pics there. If it is, twitter is okay too!

And today I got a nice surprise: I was featured on a recently started blog about migraine. Here's the link. I'm so happy when people connect with my art and when my art is able to touch people emotionally.

That's it for now! Thanks so much for visiting! I'm overwhelmed by the response I got on last week's post. I really appreciate you sharing your ideas and thoughts with me! Big hugs to all, wishing you a wonderful end of the week, and a lovely weekend walking gently through the world .... ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. I love seeing the progress to the finished piece - no such thing as too many pictures!!

  2. oh, I love everything about this! my favorite is the 'Indian head' at the bottom though...really looks quite Mayan to me. happy PPF! beautiful work!

  3. Wow, great work. Loved the steps. I agree with Dianne, it does look like Mayan work. Happy PPF!

  4. Wow such a spiritually powerful piece of art!! I love your painting...I see the woman of the future and the Indian as the past...His of sadness, hers of hope and gratitude!

    Very impressive, we share the same perspective! Mine for all First Nations people but especially Canadians who have been wronged and continue to be. So sad. Very well done post, I love watching the evolution of this painting...wonderful!!

    Hugs Giggles

  5. Wow dit ziet er geweldig uit, geweldig om al die stappen te zien en al de vormen te zien ontstaan. Het zou inderdaad iets van jim morrison kunnen zijn want die had iets met indianen. Fijn weekend!

  6. Wonderful, wonderful painting so spiritual. Love the way you showed all the steps you made.

  7. This is such a beautiful painting. I loved seeing each and every step. Never too many pictures for me. It is fascinating to watch your work evolve.

  8. It's attractively gorgeoussss <3! full of soul..

  9. What do you use for dripping painting?

    1. Mostly Golden airbrush colors and also acrylic inks ... You need fluid paint with strong pigment.

  10. the step by step paintings are fascinating and I love how adding some darker parts really brings it together...xx

  11. Beautiful, sensitive work with such depth and meaning. The plight of indigenous people is a sad one and it is shameful to think what people are capable of. I think the quote is lyrics from "An American Prayer"

  12. Boah, wow, I love your artwork it is soooo brilliant.

    Happy PPF and have a wonderful weekend

  13. Oh my gosh Denthe! it´s fantastic!

    monthly challengeblog to join:

  14. Hi Denthe, My overwhelming feeling on seeing the finished painting is one of spirit connection. The earth is here in this work and their is wise seeing and knowing. I love this work. Happy PPF...thanks for sharing your process and thoughts about it. xox

  15. Thank you for sharing the process of your painting, it is amazing! I think the title you chose is wonderful!

    Happy PPF and have a nice week end!


  16. Beautiful work and I love seeing the progression! Valerie

  17. Of course it's the faces that do it for me- they are wonderful, what am I saying the whole thing is wonderful... thanks for promoting etsy shops too- you rock gal. Happy PPF.

  18. Tsja die film van Wounded Knee heb ik ook gezien. Ik vond indianen en hun cultuur ook altijd erg interessant en als je dan leest hoe het die mensen allemaal is vergaan in die reservaten; daar wordt je niet vrolijk van. Maar dat geldt ook voor de aboriginals. Maar gelukkig heeft jouw schilderij weer een hele vrolijke en positieve uitstraling en zo moeten we ze in onze herinnering houden en ik vind het een prachtige titel.
    Lieve groetjes,

  19. It so beautiful, it glows and shimmers, it is so tender and delicate! <3

  20. like the way you have been blending the colours it must have taken you ages to paint..happy ppf

  21. This is stunning! I know you feel it's American Indian but I get an Egyptian vibe when I look at it!

    Love seeing the process - it's like being there with you!

  22. I love, love, love this post! I completely agree with your about Nativce American Indians - when I was little watching Westerns with my dad I always rooted for the Indians and growing up I always had a fascination for their culture and beliefs - the respect they had for nature and the animals we share the planet with struck a chord with me. You might like a book called 'She who remembers'. I read it years ago and it was such an interesting read - fiction but full of facts about the Indian tribe it was based on.
    Anyway, your art! I just am fascinated with your process and how your pieces evolve. This is simply beautiful.

  23. Wonderfully creative and colorful painting ~ Divine ~ Fantastic and great post ~ ^_^

  24. I love to see the different stages so thankyou for taking the time to photograph them! I'm starting some new paintings and have no idea which way they're going to go yet. Lots more layers I think!xx

  25. Lovely to see all the different steps in this work and great colours!

  26. Thank you for the great step by step Denthe. The end result, as always is stunning. Happy PPF, Annette x

  27. Lovely painting! I love seeing the process! also, I totally think the guy at the bottom looks egyptian! haha

  28. Thank you for your comment on my blog Denthe! Your blog is FANTASTIC! Looking forward to browsing through it!

  29. I so appreciate all your progress pics of your paintings Denise; I am so fascinated by your gorgeous art!! I love the organic, spiritual quality your paintings behold. Happy PPF!

  30. I so love seeing the progression of your work, so fun to see it come alive! HPPF!

  31. Great to see the finished work, A fantastic feast of colours! Thanks for stopping by my place, Happy PPF :)

  32. wow! turned out so well. The process photos make it look like it was a joy to work on, a conversation of sorts!

  33. What an amazing piece. I love the under story to it with your thoughts and views emerging about Native Americans. As always, I love seeing your progress photos. Such a fun process.

  34. Love going through the process with you - the painting is gorgeous. I love the one bird inside the other. The tree on the right reminds me of a very elderly person's hand (missing a finger - but that's the impression it leaves with me). HPPF

    1. Hey, that's interesting .... Is giving me ideas for my next paintings ....

  35. Beautiful and creative art from beautiful heart. Well done with finishing your painting! have a great PPF!!!

  36. Very gorgeous, Denthe. When you add the white, the paintings begin to come alive for me. I love your step by step process you show.

  37. Loved going through the entire process Denthe.The painting has come out beautiful.

  38. Denthe, your paintings are visual poetry! They are so gorgeous...I feel like the story continues beyond the canvas! Love, love what you paint!

  39. Beautiful painting. I love all of the spiritual elements that connect with the native American culture. Also love to see the progression of the painting in its different stages so thank you for sharing.

  40. No- not too many photos! It is amazing to see the process!

  41. It is always such a wonder to see your work grow. And the endresult is soooooo beautiful. Denise ik ben echt gek op je werk en vind het zo enorm knap wat je elke keer neerzet en zo echt Denthe.
    lieve groetjes en fijn weekend

  42. I LOVE that you take so many pictures and share the evolution of the painting. This is one of my favorite pieces it has such depth and so much feeling. I feel a connection to it ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Your work just keeps getting better and better!!!!

  43. Gorgeous and mesmerizing colors.. wonderful to see your process and feel the journey of your painting come to life so magically and spiritually! Deeply peaceful..beautiful and soul-stirring energy flowing all throughout this piece! Brilliant work!

  44. These are just beautiful! And thanks for the step by step. I bookmarked to come back later. Happy PPF!

  45. Each detail you show seems a wonderful composition by itself, then when I see the whole piece, it's quite amazing. Love that you share the details and process. It's so gratifying to see such thoughtful and colorful art.

  46. Your post can´t be too is a feast to look to the whole progress! Love the story of the native around it!! What a great piece of art you did!!! Love the bird in the bird ;) ♥ Conny

  47. So beautiful! Like made out of clouds!

  48. That is unbelievable! I have been here 45 minutes going from "you might also be interested in..." to "you might also be interested in" ! lol Your work is beyond beautiful. It is breathtaking! Denthe, your work is just amazing - I don't know how to describe the depth of feeling that comes when I see your work. It is magical - it is organic, it is soulful. Your sketches are incredible and the work of today - I am SO GLAD you showed your process with it. It is so great to see how another person gets where they are going - not where they KNOW where they are going! lol I thoroughly enjoyed myself {heart} lovies, Samara

  49. I look forward every week to see your art. It makes me happy.

  50. SO beautiful! I love your style, your colors and all the WIP shots - thanks for sharing your process. Oh! And I love the new look of your blog too - SO pretty! xoox

  51. oh absolutely lovely!! i love to see the process! :D do you use acrylics? do you use any other material? :D Have wonderful weekend!!

    1. Thanks Maria! Yes, acrylics all the way. Sometimes I spray some acrylic ink on there as well, but that's it. And, oh yes, for the dripping I often use Golden paintbrush colors, because they're so highly pigmented and they drip lovely ... ;-)

  52. These progress shots are so insightful. THANKS for sharing! The end result is amazing.

  53. Adore the evolution of your painting and the trees fit in perfectly with the faces.
    Thanks for the Etsy promo.

  54. Absolutely stunning! What a beautiful combination of soul and expression!

  55. Thank you so much for sharing so many process pics!
    I love seeing how other people work, and I loved coming back again to see how this beautiful painting ended up.
    It's truly lovely, and you're truly talented, Denthe <3

  56. I love seeing all the progress photos. I am amazed how you pick out what is in each painting! I love this one and i love the sentiment behind it x

  57. Marvellouzs, I'm fascinated as always. Thanks for sharing that we can see directly how the images are created.
    Hugs Anja

  58. I love what you are doing with your hands and brain (soul)!! How fantastic! and it must indeed take a lot of time to fulfill that piece of art!! =) so fun to see your work step by step! I like the colors and the lines and circles and figures that you make! and you even able to make a 3D piece of art! I would like to learn what you're doing, I'm so impressed! :)

    And yes, there are evil things going on in world. It's awful. but I hope there are many more of us wanting to work for peace.. when I read what you write about old Native Americans, you touched something deep inside of me.. I do believe you're right. I have been thinking much the same as you.. and still am.. :)

  59. and I forgot to say.. when I look at the human and birds and fish you've painted, it is as I can find the same soul in them.. :)

  60. Denthe - you are hilarious: "you are a womyn" (re changing our minds.) and you are right! i keep warning my 15 year old about 27 year old already has found out from his 24 year old sister and his wife! lol Denthe do you teach? I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to take a workshop from you on ANYTHING! Please let me know. {excitement!} lovies, samara

    1. lol ... thnx Samara ;-) I don't teach, yet ... But I'm thinking about organizing a workshop in the future, since a few people have asked me already. Only time seems to be going too fast at the moment .... I'm working on my time-management though, once I have that figured out I should be able to get my head around making teaching videos etc ... It's a learning curve I guess ... :-)

  61. Never too many photos! I LOVE seeing how your beautiful work progresses... it's so inspiring!

    Karen x

  62. It's fascinating to follow your work progress step by step. Just like last week, this painting amazes me. Your choice of colors is gorgeous, and I love the vitality this painting has. Wonderful work!

  63. Wonderful evolution of the painting. :) Love the face!

  64. Visiting from Rinda at Gallo Organico. I am in awe at your painting and to see step by step is fantastic. I am going to give this technique a try. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful talent.

  65. That's a fascinating process. Love the finished piece.

  66. This is incredible work, loved watching the whole process :)


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