
Monday 22 April 2013

being busy ....

I have decided that I need to focus on my time-management. I was at a workshop this weekend for creative entrepeneurs, and one of the topics that came up was how you spend your time. When you want to make a business out of making art (or anything else handmade for that matter), you need to find a balance between time IN your business and time ON your business. Time IN your business is the time spent creating stuff; time ON your business is the time you spend networking, blogging, facebooking, researching, administration, listing, photographing etc.... Mostly time spent on the computer basically. Ideally the balance should be about 50/50.

Well, since I lately spend almost all my time in front of the computer, and only a few hours a week creating,  there seems to be a problem. So I took out pen and paper and made an overview of where I spend most of my time and how I can get a better balance. And I set some fixed days and times for creating.

It still needs some work though. But I'll get there. Eventually ... ;-)

Meanwhile, I have been working in my art journal:

This is from my "Rod McKuen-journal, where I want to use (parts of) the poems of Rod McKuen in combination with my drawings.

 In order to get into the habit of art journaling every day, I started a little ritual last week, together with my daughter. Half an hour before she needs to go to sleep we sit together on her bed, me with my art journal and she reading or also drawing. It's really fun and we both look forward to it every day. The half hour is over before we know it, actually, she hasn't gone to sleep in time yet since we started this ☺. We might have to start an hour before bedtime ....

This is another journalpage. Not sure whether it's finished. It's a little experiment with bodyshapes for women.

And I'm also working on 3 mosaic mirrors and 6 boxes! I finished one of the mirrors today:

It's a long time ago that I did some mosaic, and I had so much fun making this. I've sold all my mosaics that I had in the gallery, so I urgently need some new ones. Only have 3 boxes left also, so that's what I'll be doing the next weeks....

Well, getting to bed in time is not really working out yet. Almost midnight again ...

So I'm off, I'll be back on Wednesday with another inspiring artist post. Thanks so much for visiting, I appreciate it so much, and I love reading your comments! ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. That's a lovely thing to do with your daughter each evening, if I could wind back time I'd have done it too! :)
    I've just noticed you have a Facebook link, I shall see you there!xx

  2. Oh, I really would like to have some time-management, too. I'm not organized at all and I also spend too much time on the computer. I should think about that topic.
    Enjoy the time with your daughter before bedtime. I wish my daughter was still so small. I have always read to my daughter before sleeping and I found these evening rituals always so beautiful.
    ♥ Conni

  3. Leuk dat je elke avond wat onderneemt met je dochter!
    Je journaalpage is prachtig en de silhouetten die je gemaakt hebt zijn ook erg mooi!

  4. Love your art journal pages, what a wonderful way to get quality time with your daughter. She will treasure the memories later on. Time management - whats that! Hehehe. Seriously I hope it works for you.

  5. Knap gedaan, je portretje in je art journal. Wat een prachtig haar heb je getekend. Je bodyshapes zijn erg artistiek en je mozaiekspiegel lekker kleurrijk. Zo te lezen gaat het allemaal goed....met de verkoop en het creƫren.
    Lieve groetjes,

  6. Her hair is just breathtaking - love the contrast between it and the stripey background!!!

  7. Wonderful Denise! i so much enjoy your blog posts. I also spend a lot of time in front of the computer. i'm sure you'll be a very successful business woman one of these days selling your wonderful creations all over the place.

  8. Ik heb zo'n bewondering voor je Denise. En je time sharing is noodzakelijk denk ik zo. Wat ben je creatief en veelzijdig. Ook het projectje met je dochter, geweldig. Ik geniet elke keer onwijs van je mooie creaties en wil zoveel van je leren. Ook om een eigen stijl te ontwikkelen. Je art journalpage is fantastisch maar van je silhouetten ben ik helemaal weg. Wat mooi en apart. Mijn grote komplimenten voor alles. Ik las in een paar beschrijvingen dat je met veel materialen werkt. Inkt, acrylverf, water en pen is het niet? Kijk alweer uit naar je volgende bericht.
    lieve groetjes

  9. Awesome page! I can see the wind in the hair!

  10. Denthe, the poetry and art is AMAZING and those human shapes... OMG - very "Picasso-like". i LOVE it. You seem to be taking your art on a whole new level with each piece you create. Such courage. And what a wonderful way to spend a bit of time with your daughter before bedtime... you are creating beautiful memories for both of you by doing this. xox

  11. WOW! Absolutely beautiful work! its special to sit with your daughter before bed and spend time together. That is wonderful! Fantastic work! you're keeping busy!!! :D

  12. LOve, love your work!!! The girl is amazing and the body shape work looks done to me.

    Have an amazing day!

  13. Your graphite sketches are always so inspiring for me!! wish I could just sit and watch you draw - - -


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