
Thursday 19 March 2015

I'm back

Phew, lately I feel as if I'm constantly short on time. I cannot believe how time-consuming making a video-lesson is. It might have something to do with me making it too long, wanting it to be perfect.... And of course, since it's the first time I do this, I still need to learn a lot about editing. But it's a great learning-process, I'm so happy to have been given the chance to do this, and I know I'll be able to use everything I'm learning now in future projects.

I forgot to show you the journalpage I made in preparation for my Soulfood-class. I showed 2 of the faces, but there were many more on the page. Here it is:

I didn't get the chance to celebrate the 4th anniversary of Paint Party Friday last week, but as far as self-portraits go, I guess all of these figures could've been me at one time in my life ;-) (except maybe for the hair colour.....). I really enjoyed visiting the blogs of other participants on PPF and see all the different and unique self-portraits.

As I've been buried in video-editing material over the last 2 weeks, I didn't get a chance to do much else. I've made some sketches though, that I want to use in a new painting of mine. Do you remember this background?

When I unpacked it after our container had arrived, it gave me such a happy feeling because of the bright colours. I can't wait to start painting on a big canvas again. I want to make another painting like this one:

And these are some sketches I've been making in preparation:

Oh, so looking forward to it :-)

I also want to try out some of the other lessons on Soulfood. There are so many different styles, and each single one gives me inspiration. We're approx. halfway now, so still a lot of lessons to come. Can't wait!

Well, I'll go back to putting the finishing touches on my Soulfood class. Hope you're having a wonderful day, thanks so much for visiting! Linking this to Paint Party Friday, the weekly blogparty that has entered its 5th year already!! Take a look over there, it's worth it! ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. You must be very excited for the start if soul food and it is great that you can share your wonderful inspiration with others. I love the way you work white over the background. It creates a wonderful spacious feeling...if that makes sense...can't wait to see where your new background goes.

  2. Great idea with the white background! It is a really nice fresh frame for all of the colours! I love the gestures the girls are making!

    A wonderful learning experience you are having with the video lessons!

  3. Video editing is fun, but oh so much time it takes!!

    That white background is efficient, the poses are from cat walk, cool!

  4. Beautiful work! Happy PPF, Valerie

  5. Oh how exciting, a video lesson!! Good luck with that, I bet it's going to be great :-) I can't wait to see your big canvas paintings too! I'm hoping to take a break from other stuff to work on drawings and lessons that have been left hanging around but I always say that :-P

  6. welcome back Denise - I can imagine it must take up a lot of time making video lessons. I can't wait to see you painting your large canvasses again. Your journal pages and faces challenge are wonderful but your large paintings are my favourite.

  7. Love that white painting with the figures. I'm sure your next painting will be inspired roi. Happy PPF

  8. lovely work and the sketches are coming along nicely!

  9. Ja de tijd vliegt!
    Prachtige creaties weer!
    Gezellig weekend!
    Groetjes Karin

  10. So happy you posted!! I love looking at your art and ooohhing and aaahhhing!! I so can't wait for your class!!
    I'm also happy that you are able to retrieve more of your art things- they are like parts of our beings-it must make your heart sing! xo

  11. I need to learn to do videos. Have fun with it. Love your figures. Lots of great color as always. Good to see your post Denthe. Take care.

  12. I just recently did one little video of me painting - soooo much work with the editing! I can't imagine putting together a whole class... I am in awe of anyone (like you) who does it!! Your paintings are wonderful - can't wait for you to get going again!! xoxo Silke

  13. I can't imagine how time consuming making the video must be so I commend every artist that does this and SO appreciate it. I have no clue how to do it. I'm sure you'll be making more videos-and perhaps even offering your own online classes(hint)? Gorgeous art projects!

  14. Making a video is so beyond my capabilities, that I am in awe of you and others who do that. Loved your art this week, especially the action sketches.

  15. I would imagine making a video and editing it would take ages, not to mention preparing the artwork for it too. Looking forward to your class.
    I love everything here, love how you manage to extract wonderfully composed paintings from your patterned backgrounds. Love the second photo too, interesting how you fade out some of it with white.

  16. I'm so annoyed with myself because not only did I miss the PPF anniversary I also missed enrolling for the Soul Food 2015. I must have been living in a cupboard whilst all this was going on.
    Fantastic colourful artwork which is so delightful to cheer up the day.
    Good luck with the editing... I'm impressed as I know how tricky it can be.
    Happy PPF to you

    1. Thanks Neesie! You can still sign up for Soulfood, the video's are all downloadable to your computer and accessable until the end of this year :-)

  17. Lovely artwork. I cant wait to see the finished background.

  18. glorious art! the sketches are awesome, you have such a fluid way of doing your art that i really love. PS thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog

  19. You were so missed! Love these new ones so much! I feel like you are taking a few new turns since the move!! Awesome in opening up your art spectrum even more!! Good for you!! Always love anything you create and these are no different!! Very special work!! Enjoy the journey!

    Hugs Giggles

  20. Love all your work this week. really like the third piece. Happy PPF

  21. I love the white background painting with the colorful people. Can't wait to see what your piece like it comes out like.

  22. I'm also looking forward to see the girls coming into your lovely peace of art! :)
    And the first one here, I like the way you painted (or wrote) in the parts of the quote on each one of the girls.
    Focus on your tape recording, what is most important to you. And when you're back on the blog, we are here to meet you again. I can have some longer blog breaks (what is it called again.. blog breaks?) But it's all time good to be back again. Wishing you the best with your tape! :)

  23. Peace.. it should be piece of art.. but allright, there is also much peace in you paintings :)

  24. Well you have certainly been busy and I'm sure that your video will turn out great!! Love the art shown today and can't wait to see what you do with the canvas :)

  25. Looking forward to your soul food class and new paintngs. Great sketches. xox

  26. Hallo Dente je hebt niet stil gezetten, en het eene schilderij heb ik bij je gezien
    prachtig jou schilderwerken met je geheel eigen stijl !!
    die ken je terug......................veel kleur en vrolijk!!
    groetjes Christiene.

  27. oh yes, i would think that learning to video a lesson and doing it would take tons of time. I have never done that. you will be a pro in no time at all (if you continue to make them). I love that painting with the white around the figures, enchanting!

  28. Beautiful, colorful and fun!!
    I'm sure the video class will be awesome! :oD

  29. How exciting to start your own videos! I have thought about doing this - but I just haven't taken the leap! I can only imagine how much time it would take to actually do! I always love your colors and the harmony in your work :)

  30. Yes, best wishes with the video lesson (and that pesky editing!)! I'm lovin' all I see here and I'm looking forward to see how that gorgeous background transforms!

  31. How exciting!! Congratulations on your upcoming class. Best of luck with the videos.

  32. Gorgeous and inspiring as always.
    Big hugs Anja

  33. I am so proud of you taking all the time, creativity, and thinking of us. Looking forward to seeing it. Blessings, Janet PPF

  34. Love the quote on your soul food canvas!!


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