
Friday 28 November 2014

yes! Paint on my fingers :-)

Yesterday I spent the day with a good friend of mine, and we did some artjournaling together. Aaahh, the feeling of paint on my fingers again, the sound of the paintbrush rinsing in the water, the stickiness of the gel medium, the dripping and splashing and scraping paint around on my pages..... heaven ....

Even with the limited supplies that I had I had the greatest time. It forced me to be creative and find new ways of getting the results that I wanted. I'm not sure it is finished, I might change things or add to it, but I'll share it anyway :-)

I can't wait to get all of my materials here and start a canvas again. But for now I'm hooked on my artjournal. It's a long time ago that I worked in my artjournal, and I had forgotten how much fun it is to just play and not think about what will come out of it.

First it was hard seeing figures, but then I left it for a while and came back to it later, and one by one the figures started to emerge. This is the whole spread:

The weather is very dark and gloomy here, and it was not easy to make a good picture. Can't get the colours right, but it's the best I can do at the moment.

I also made a sketch this week:

She looks a bit sad, but at the start of the week I was having a hard time getting used to the cold and dark weather again and I guess it showed through in my drawing ...

But yesterday I got such a lovely gift in the mail. A few weeks ago, around the time I was doing my giveaway for a free spot in Soul Food, I also participated in a giveaway at Magpie's Nest. And lucky me: I won!! There were a few prices to win, and I got the one that I really wanted:

"Quotes Illustrated", a wonderful book full of art from different people and with different mediums, each combined with a quote. The perfect gift for me, since I'm crazy about the combination of images and words. So thank you so much, dear Patty, I will always treasure it!

There are a lot of promotions in my Society6-shop this week. Today it's free worldwide shipping and you get discounts if you buy for a certain amount. Go have a look!

 And last but not least: my funny for this week :-)

Enjoy your day! Thanks so much for visiting, and I wish you a wonderful relaxing weekend! Linking this to Paint Party Friday ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Great post! Congrats on your win from Patty, and enjoy your painting! Valerie

  2. Your art journals must be amazing. These samples are lovely and your laugh for the week is SO true. Happy PPF

  3. Congratulations on your fab win. I love your work as you know. Good to be back blogging again and am pleased to hear you have arrived at your new home. Happy PPF, Annette x

  4. Love your description of painting, makes me want to rush away and start getting painty.
    Your painting is super, it's funny with that technique how people and creatures can emerge, as if they were hiding, although sometimes, if you're not quick, they can disappear again. Love what you've "found" in your painting here, it has a great sense of mystery.

  5. Lovely work . Its nice to hear that you are settling in. I have seen that book online and toyed with the idea of purchasing it. You have ignited my interest again.

  6. Wow Denise I see so much in your journal page. A woman in pensive thought on the brink of anger, the larger one so vulnerable and then there is much hope... really beautiful emotional work. Even though your sketch looks sad she is also so beautiful in her vulnerability! Wonderful prize you won!! Good to hear you're settling into creating again!

    Hugs Giggles

  7. Pleased that you were able to get painty fingers again! Love love your journal spread and the drawing is wonderful. That book looks interesting, I just love quotes and art combined too.

  8. Congrats on your win! Your journal spread looks awesome:)
    I love the process of painting too...I think every artist would agree here.
    Love your sketch too.

  9. I love your intuitive art journal pages. The rich colors are beautiful, and the images you pulled out are magical. Happy PPF and Blessings!

  10. Yea! Settling in & Paint on the fingers (plus an AWESOME journal page AND play time with a friend!)
    So happy for you, and love your pics as usual!!

    Happy PPF

  11. Glad you've been able to insists some colour back into your life-i know how frustrating it was for me when we moved to Scotland and i didn't have my paints for several weeks so i can appreciate how much you long to get painting again. I can also totally empathise with the lack of light as it's the same here-makes it difficult to get a decent photo of a painting! Congrats on winning the book-what a perfect prize for you.

  12. And I thought I was the only one that loved the sound of a brush being rinsed!
    I know exactly how your feeling with the doom and gloom because it's just the same here this week,
    It's so hard to work and to take photographs. Hopefully the sun will remember us soon.
    Beautiful artwork and that sketch is brilliant.
    Had a giggle at the funny too but thankfully my pooch is only a mini shih tzu but she can be very insistant when she wants a spot! ^..^
    Have a wonderful weekend... Happy belated PPF to you

  13. Glad you are journaling and getty messy. That's abput where I was all of Autumn. Now to find my cradles panels and get some art going...soon. Lovely stuff. xox

  14. Your journal page is ever so gorgeous! As is your sketch!! And sometimes our smiles have to rest so they may be big again- so maybe she isn't sad! I love her!
    and that funny? yup, that's my Golden Retriever Chum- he thinks hes a lapdog too! heehee

  15. Fab sketch! Your art journal spread is just AMAZING! I love having to get creative with limited media / space / conditions. I don't know why, but sometimes, limitations can be phenomenally liberating! So happy for you that you got to reconnect with paint in the company of a friend, too! That's the best!

  16. Sounds like such a lovely time with your friend! Terrific work, I particularly love those women in profile. And your sketched girl does look sad but so pretty! Love the hair. I always love the hair!

  17. It's indeed heaven, and it's also a paradise sometimes to work beside a friend, since creating is such a hermit-thing.

    Joy is seen in your work!

  18. Your art is outstanding even without all your materials. Hope you are well. Love from Brazil!

  19. I would love to leaf through your journals. The depth of colour and layers are beautiful.

  20. I love the wonderful color harmony in your paintings! There is such a magical mood in all that you do! Really fabulous! Happy PPF!

  21. Absolute stunning pages in your art journal. It probably is a challenging and interesting experience to create with limited supplies, and probably very fun as well!
    Oh, the cold... I sure don't miss that. I do miss the rain, but at the moment we have a lot of storms coming through, so we're good for right now.

  22. Love the pages!!!! Congrats on the win too... looks like a fantastic book... Love your funny for the day also :)

  23. Your art is dynamic. I enjoy it so much. Blessings, Janet PPF

  24. The figures in your art journal pages are beautiful. I really like this idea of looking for the figures in your background pages--I hadn't thought to do something like that. What a wonderful exploration!


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