
Friday 14 November 2014

and the winner is .......

Thanks so much for all the beautiful comments on my blog and Facebookpost last week! It was a pleasure reading them, and an even bigger pleasure being able to draw a winner out of the almost 100 comments and shares on this blog or on Facebook!

Here's the bowl with the names .... ;-)

I'll keep you in suspense a bit longer, because I first want to clear up something. Have any of you had any trouble commenting on this blog? I got a message that for self-hosted bloggers it would be difficult to leave comments on Blogger-blogs, if the option for "name/URL" was not open.

I had a look at my settings, and the only way to make the complete list of identity options available is to let "anyone" comment on my blog. Which includes anonymous users. And that's the problem for me. When I first started my blog, anyone could comment, but after 1 or 2 years, I started getting so many spam-comments it wasn't funny anymore. So I chose to only let registered users comment. Didn't get any spam after that..... The only other option was to use word verification, which I am not a fan of ....

So my question is: which one do you prefer: always being able to comment, but having to fill in those almost unreadable letters or numbers to prove you're not a robot, or leaving it only for registered users (which is not only google-accounts but also open-ID users) (whatever that is ....). I really would like to know ...

So, now for the results of the giveaway! I had wanted to use Rafflecopter, an online tool that lets you set up giveaways and picks a random winner. Easy, I thought ..... And yes, it was easy to set up, but when I wanted to put it on my blog was when the trouble started. Couldn't get it on there, not even with the html-option. I only got a link, and not the sign-up box I wanted. So in the end I decided to use the old proven method of my previous giveaways: my daughter ..... :-)

Here she is, innocent hand going into the bowl .....

And this is the name she drew:

(the (B) after the name means it was a comment on my blog)

Congratulations to CHRIS! I will send you an email to let you know you won. Just in case, (one has to be prepared for everything, right!?) (well, also because my son wanted to draw a name as well ... ☺) my son drew a second name, which I will use if I'm not able to get in touch with Chris. But hopefully I won't need that.

Thank you all so much for participating, and for those of you who didn't win, I hope I will see you in Soul Food anyway :-)

I cannot believe I am still not ready with sorting things out and getting all my papers where they need to be. I knew moving to another country is a lot of work, but I underestimated the administrative work that goes along with it. As a result I didn't get much art done. Again. Boohoo!

But my daughter and I have taken up the habit again of sitting on her bed together before she goes to sleep, so I managed to get this sketch done:

Feels good to be sketching again ....

Last week I forgot the funny picture at the end of my post. So here's two to make up for it: one funny, and one taken at exactly the right moment ... :-)

That's it for this week! Thanks so much for visiting me and for taking the time to leave wonderful comments. I'm linking this to Paint Party Friday, and I hope to visit all of your blogs this weekend! Have a beautiful day, and enjoy your weekend, wherever you are! ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Love your new sketch, congrats to Chris. I don't like those captcha words or numbers, I think asking for registered users would be better! Valerie

  2. BIG Congratulations to the very lucky Chris!
    Your daughter is so cute...
    I am not crazy about having to type words and numbers that are sometimes hard to read.
    Happy Weekend to you and yours.
    There is a surprise for you over at my Magpie's Nest :-)

  3. Congrats to Chris. As a person with chronic vision problems I am often unable to comment on blogs that use word verification ... after multiple attempts I just can't get it so I don't even try most of the time.

  4. Congrats to Chris B. Lovely sketch. I guess registered users is better...

  5. Congratulations Chris! You are going to LOVE Soul Food! See you there! (and I am happy to type in whatever code I need to. However, I will try twice and if it still yells at me I will not comment).

  6. Congrats to Chris!
    I missed it ;)
    Loved your sketch and the bird flying pic looks so liberating to me :)

    I don't have a problem with word verification as I know how difficult it is with spams!

  7. Congratulations to CHRIS!

    Love the doggie pic.

  8. Love tour beautiful sketch. She has such a beautiful face.

  9. Registered users. I hate word verification and I think it puts people off commenting. Without one or the other spam is insufferable tho. Your sketch is beautiful and the doggie made me smile :)

  10. congrats to Chris! Lovely sketch, and I love the pics you shared this week:)Oh, and congrats to YOU for winning the book on Patty S. giveaway on her blog-a perfect book for you! Happy PPF!

  11. pretty face! and lucky chris!
    Be happy in your new home!

  12. Beautiful sketch, Denise. And lucky Chris! Interesting photo of the hummingbird. Is that your hand? And I loved the photo of the dog on couch!

    1. Thanks Faye! No, that's not my hand. It's a picture I found on Pinterest. So many beautiful pictures I see there that I needed to share some of these on my blog :-)

  13. I must say I don't like word verification or captcha. Your face is so regal and beautiful. Congrats to Chris. Happy PPF

  14. Glad to hear you feel you are finally getting a little better organized. Very cute "picker" for the prize. I don't mind Captcha if it is numbers because I can usually read those, but the script lettering is really hard. I don't know if I am registered on your site, but must be since I am leaving a comment!
    Your portrait drawings are exquisite.

  15. I don't mind either option for commenting. Lovely, delicate sketch!

  16. Congrats to Chris - lucky person!
    Your sketch is beautiful! I love that you sit with your daughter on her bed before she goes to sleep. These are the moments we will always remember, they are so precious!

  17. good to read your blog - comments for registered users sounds good to me

  18. Your sketch is beautiful :)
    And I love the idea of drawing with your daughter...

  19. Lucky Chris!
    Tell your daughter thank you for being the honorary picker! heehee
    And, is that really your dog? That is highsterical!! xo

    1. no no, not my dog! Just a funny picture I found on Pinterest :-)

  20. I like the way your blog is set up now as far as comments go. I go to blogs through my bloglovin" feed and there are some blogs I am unable to comment on. It is very frustrating because i really want to support bloggers. My two cents worth. I wanted to let you know that I ordered a coffee mug from Society 6 and I absolutely love it!! I am such a fan of your art and having a little of it on my morning coffee cup is just great!!

    1. Thank you so much Janet! I'm really glad you like it. I never know who buys my products, so it's nice to put a name and face next to a sale :-)

  21. Your sketches are always so beautiful and full of grace!

  22. Gefeliciteerd kris...................

    Dente, je hebt goede hulp gehad van je dochter.
    ook al heb je nog zo weinig tijd je schets mag er zijn
    Ik wens je een goed weekend, geniet er van met je gezin......
    Groetjes Christiene............

  23. What a beautiful Lady Luck :) congrats to the winner and so fun to look at your photos and amazing drawings!! Can´t wait to take your class!! ♥ Conny
    Piaroms Art Journaling

  24. Great post and photos... congrats to the winner
    Love your artwork ;D
    Enjoy your weekend

  25. I am so excited that I won. I could not believe it, as I have never won anything before. Thank you so much. This opportunity will help me regain my confidence. I am indeed a very luck lady. Thank you everyone.

  26. Congratulations to Chris!! Love the build up!! I do my comments the same as you for the same reason! I'm not opening up my url to spammers!! I get comments from all over so I'm not worried I do moderate them though. I can't and don't comment on google plus users... But many who have a separate blog it works!
    Wonderful sketch and beautiful daughter!

    Hugs Giggles

  27. yea to the winner
    lovely tradition sitting with your daughter at night and sketching
    that is a fun photo
    and a lovely one of the bird

  28. Your sketching is remarkable. Love the shading and the elongated neck.

  29. Good to see you back in blogland again, and I hope the move has (and is) going well.
    It would be awful to have spam comments and entering letters and numbers after commenting is such a pain (I sometimes scream "I am a robot!" as I do it). I also do not like moderation as I feel as if I have to pass a test before my comment is accepted. So registered users only is my choice.
    Love your portrait, a lovely delicate and detailed drawing.

  30. What a lovely sketch, so elegant and pretty! The photo of the bird flying is incredible too.

  31. Your daughter is adorable! The old-fashioned way always works ;) and your sketch is just gorgeous - I LOVE the fact that you sketch together and LOVE her eyelashes! xoox

  32. Sketch is great. Congrats to Chris. Yep, that's a dog for you (my fave by the way, wish I could have one here). The hummer is adorable. Blessings, Janet PPF


Thanks for taking the time to comment! I love hearing your thoughts about my work. Because I am getting too many spammer comments, l have to use Captcha, sorry. Hope this is not a problem for you !