
Friday 14 March 2014

New painting: Still you pass me by

Yesterday was a really productive day. I finished my painting, put a new layer on the other one, and started 2 brandnew ones. Aahh, wish all days were like that :-)

And guess what? I was in such a flow that I even forgot to make more in-progress pics of the one I fnished. I was looking for them on my camera but I must've forgotten because they were nowhere to be found. I have a lot of pictures up to the point where I was a few days ago, but not after that.
Oh well ...

I wasn't happy with how it looked a few days ago. In fact, I was completely stuck. I didn't like her hair, I didn't like the collaged eye, I didn't know what to do with the background ....
So I just started glueing things down, painting a bit, using my square sponges again etc ...., until finally I had more or less what I wanted.

 This is how it all started:

Another canvas that was used to clean up my leftover paints. Decided I wanted some collage on there ...

Almost all of the collage I used was from my own artwork. I used torn up pieces of old postcards that I didn't like the quality of, and I printed out some of my doodles on greaseproof paper. I LOVE to use that for collage. It just kind of disappears, you don't see the edges, it looks almost like it's been transferred on there but without the hassle ;-)
Don't just stick it in your printer though, tape it to a normal piece of paper and put it through the printer like that. Otherwise I'm afraid your printer will  protest in a very nasty way ...

Used the canvas again to wipe leftover paint on when I was working on another canvas ... And of course I had to drip a little bit of paint ...

I saw a shoulder underneath that one eye so decided to go with that. But then what?

No idea how to proceed, so I started collaging some more and also using some stamps

That's when I saw the lady with the long neck in the back, and decided to bring her out (the face was from a stamp I made a few years ago)

I even added flowers, because it looked to me like she was sniffing something ;-)

It was way too busy, so I toned it down a bit ... Added some splashes of blue and my squares ...

Tried a weird hairdo which was harder than I expected and I didn't like it....

This is where I got to a few days ago, and the last in-progress picture that I have ....

Staring at it for a few days helps..... Yesterday I grabbed it and decided to finish it, no matter what. And I did! I glued on another eye, because it kept bothering me, got rid of that ugly hair, painted some bubbles and started scribbling things on there like on a normal journalpage. And a small part of a poem that I had glued on in the final stages suddenly leaped out to me as the perfect title. Love little finds like that :-)

 "Still you pass me by" - mixed media on canvas - 40x40cm (15,7"x15,7")

You may have noticed that I changed my blogs' sidebar a bit. It was getting too messy, so I decided to make my own buttons to make it look a bit more uniform. Not sure yet whether I'll leave it like this. But I like the idea that it's easier to find everything. It so often happens that I'm on a blog that I really like and want to follow, and I have the hardest time finding how to. I prefer to follow blogs with Bloglovin', because there you can choose to get an email every day with new posts from your favorite blogs. You can also choose to get one every week. I have the hardest time with Wordpress blogs. It seems like there's no way to follow them, except sometimes by email, and I prefer not to, since I get so many emails already. So, all I can say is: if you want people to follow your blog, please make it easy for them ...

Well, that's it for now. Linking this as always to Paint Party Friday. Hope you'll go and take a look there, it's worth it ....

Thanks  so much for visiting and commenting! I hope you're feeling wonderful today, and have a great weekend ahead of you! ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. AWESOME POST Thank you for sharing the process it was just magical watching it come together.

  2. lovely work, you have been productive Denthe!

  3. Oh, I love your way to paint and to follow your creative process.
    Thank you!

  4. I know I keep saying it but your untie work just blows me away. This is gorgeous and I love that you're adding more collage of your own work to the canvas-all the more unique.
    Great top on the greaseproof paper as well.
    This is a beautiful painting. Thea always a touch of melancholy in your pieces, something to really make the viewer wonder about the story behind the subjects. Love it.
    And I recently discovers blog lovin and have to agree it's such a great way to keep up with blogs you want to follow.

  5. Untie was supposed to be intuitive! ! I really need to spellcheck before hitting send -my phone is too smart for its own good! !

    1. Haha! Yes, I know ...A few weeks ago I saw a post on Facebook with all kinds of strange things people messaged eachother without thinking about the automatic spellcheck on their phones .... ;-)

  6. Love the fab canvas Denthe, you are so creative. I follow by email and give that option on my blog, so much easier. Happy PPF, Annette x

  7. Wonderful work Denise, I love the progression pictures

  8. Wow, you had very productive and creative time! well done. Beautiful, magical, colorful and inspiring pieces. Thank you for sharing!

  9. I am always amazed at what you find in your canvases. I also love greaseproof paper, too. it collages down so well and is so cheap! Not many art supplies we can say that about! Most of my gelatin printing is on it, because it is just like when I use organza in my textiles, a transparent layer

  10. marvelous new work. The muse was ever so kind to you to provide such uninterrupted bliss. xox

  11. Beautiful sidebar buttons and it is a treat watching your work progressing through the different stages! Love the final painting!

  12. These are beautiful. It's great to see the progression. I love the finished article but I also liked it right at the beginning with just the little square face in the top left hand corner.

  13. Beautiful painting, Denthe. I love the way it went from blobs of color to the fantastic images. I like the white and black outlining of the figures. And I do like your side bar. It looks very organized.

  14. Wow what a process! You always pull us in your journey, that is wonderful! Your painting is great! I also love the initial splash on stages and your wonderful colors, they sing!

  15. Ik had hem al voobij zien komen en hij is schitterend!! Je nieuwe blogbuttons zijn ook erg leuk.
    Heel fijn weekend!!
    xxx Marianne

  16. Another wonderful finished piece of art! Thanks for the tips about printing on deli paper. I have never even thought about running that stuff through my printer. Now I want to try it!

  17. thanks for telling us your process, I am in love with Still You Pass Me By, I can only wish to someday make such beautiful art

  18. First of all I LOVE your new background!! I hope my blog is easy to follow...your process of layers and layers and the transformation of figures always captivates me.What talent!

  19. Love your process and your colours of course! Sharon

  20. wow het is weer prachtig om te zien hoe een schilderij ontstaat, niet te geloven, schitterend!
    Gezellig weekend!
    Groetjes Karin

  21. How wonderful to see your beautiful canvas progressing! Thanks for sharing!
    Happy PPF!
    Alison x

  22. Beautiful painting, Denthe. Your so right in having an organized side bar, easier to track stuff, something I should address on my sites...later : ) I did like the messy hair on your gal but the finished painting is beautiful and taking time out to study it does help guide you to the next steps., just need to be patient and the final painting works.

    Annabelle : )

  23. Wonderful post the process of your gorgeous pieces! I like how neat and tidy your side bar is! Thanks for sharing so much of yourself!

    Hugs Giggles

  24. Happy Paint Party Friday! You are so creative, thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend :) Tam

  25. hello,

    your paintings are wonderful. I love how you go about them, it is a bit mystical i feel. step after step and whala a gorgeous piece. your blog is looking good!

  26. Gorgeous painting - i love seeing your process - how you see things the i would never have seen! Have a great weekend

  27. I love the new look for your blog! And I completely agree, nothing is worse than when you find a blog you really like but can't find where to follow them. I use Bloglovin a lot too..It's the easiest way for me to keep up with all of the blogs i like. Beautiful work!!

  28. thanks for sharing your progress photos. i am in awe of your paintings. looking at the different steps, is like coming out of the fog until you can see it clearly.

  29. i love the profession shots...beautiful results! happy PPF!

  30. Wow, I love the progress of your work! Thanks for sharing!

    Smiles, Saskia :)

  31. Wow Denthe so much layers and what a joy to see them building up!! Always love your colorchoice ♥ Conny
    Piaroms Art Journaling

  32. Great work once again and I love the process you shared.... I very often forget to take progress shots... I get lost in the actual process and forget everything else.

  33. Denthe I always love to see how your pieces transform! Truly magical! HAPPY PPF!

  34. I love your process, and the painting turned out great!

  35. Really gorgeous Denise, this one is quite different from your previous paintings. i love the little bubbles, the bird and the squares popping up, great stuff! one of my favourite paintings that you've done.

  36. wow,this painting is fabolous,very dreamy and beautiful,the colors and backround are amazing,i love that to much.

    greetings jeannette

  37. Great post and really nice following your process. Beautiful outcome too!

  38. So wonderful, dear Denise! So much fantastic paintings. Indeed, very productive and full of life and emotion.
    Greetings from Erika and have a very fine new week!

  39. Congratulations on the productivity! Always a good thing! The painting is beautiful. I love how you talk about how it happened and how you discover your figures in the paint. It's amazing how it gets from the middle parts to the end! Cool to see how you solved the hair!

  40. Ha Denthe,ik kijk met plezier naar je kunst werken
    en vind ze prachtig !
    lees ook graag wat je schrijft en hoe je kunst werken tot stand komen.
    maar je hebt geen vertaler op je weblog........jammer
    liefs een groetje Christiene.

  41. This is such a fun piece! Love how it kept evolving! And nice that you're using your own drawings for collage.

  42. There is always such depth to your paintings. Each time I look at it I see something different that moves me. Thank you so much for sharing your process. It is so interesting to know how your art comes to be. It is lovely.

  43. I find it fascinating when artists share their process. We literally give birth to our artwork, don't we? Sometimes, it's a painstaking process, but in the end, it's worth all the hard work. :)


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