
Tuesday 11 February 2014

29 faces: face 11 and 12

Ooops, I've been playing all night with Photoshop and all of a sudden it's midnight again ...

Need to get to bed, so here's a short post with 2 new faces :-)

There wasn't much time to draw today, and when I was sitting with my daughter we only had a little bit of time before she had to go to sleep. So I decided to just doodle a little bit in my brown-page-journal with a marker, so I wouldn't be able to erase anything and try to make it pretty.

Here's face nr 11:

Well, actually it's two faces, but that is only because her shoulder looked like a perfect place to put a chin, and before I knew it there was another face peeking over her shoulder.... ;-)

Here's face nr 12:

And do you know what? I've been trying out all kinds of things in Photoshop, and had something that I liked, and now Blogger doesn't want to upload it ..... Grrrr :-(  Technology is great IF it works ....

So here's just the plain sketch like it is in my journal, hopefully by the time I give an overview of this week I'll have found where the problem is ....

Okay, off to bed now. Thanks so much for visiting, I'll get back to your blogs tomorrow!


  1. I love face 12 -what a fantastic quote!

  2. So different. Love the double face - almost raggedy doll like yet so contemporary. xox

  3. Leuke gedaan met die twee hoofden en de tweede tekening heeft weer zo'n prachtig haar!!
    xxx Marianne

  4. Girl and her doll, that I see in the first image, lovely lines, so much expression in their faces.

    Face 12 is perfect, the waves of her hair, those sad eyes, beautiful.

  5. I really like the hair on the second image combined with the coloring technique of the face!

  6. i love this quote. And those dreamy eyes. Both are great, really!

    i wonder why blogger wouldn't upload your image? Maybe they have a file size limit and your image is not optimized for web?? who knows? Good luck figuring that one out!!

    1. Thanks! I'll need that luck I'm afraid ... I always make my images smaller for the web, and with this one I did the same as with all the other ones that I had no problems with. So it must be something else ...

  7. I just love, love, love your hair! I have seen a lot of drawings on brown paper and newspaper lately and am so intrigued by it. Also, I love the way you made the tears (?) on the main face in #11.

  8. Wow your faces are astounding! Love love no 11.

  9. these are both quite wonderful
    the pen piece with the extra face is fab
    and the other one i love her hair and the quote too
    i wonder if your PS had the right ending, jpeg?

    1. Yes, it does .... Still haven't found out what's wrong ....

    2. Face 12 is very very fabolous, I love the hair. Both faces are a good work.

  10. I love yourfirst one. It has lots of detail and interest

  11. wow ze zien er weer prachtig uit, die eerste met de 2 hoofden is fantastisch!
    Groetjes Karin

  12. the first face is very different from what you usually sketch, and i like it. the second face is oh so cute and love how the quote is on her torso and neck. Hope you get that photoshop version uploaded, i really want to see it

  13. Oh! I'm especially drawn to #11. Love the unexpected interest in it.

  14. Wonderful details in the first face(s) and spectacular hair in #12! I also love the black turtleneck and the way you used it for the text. I hope you find a way to make Blogger behave!

    And isn't is just ridiculous how midnight sneaks up on a person!

  15. Love both of your beautiful portraits and such a fab quote. Annette x

  16. Love them both. I really like that quote as well. Very nice work.:)

  17. Face 11 is not just pretty, it is individual and hauntingly sad, especially with the face on the shoulder. So much depends on the viewer's state of mind, doesn't it. The second face is more than lovely too and the quote so true.
    About the blogger being awkward, could you perhaps print out your artwork, then photograph or scan it, and then offer it up to Blogger, and perhaps you might sidestep it.

  18. Love both faces but the second is my favourite.

  19. LOVE that sketch on the brown paper - the raw immediacy of it really appeals to me!
    With the second girl I am, as usual, in awe of your hair drawing skills!!


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