
Sunday 16 February 2014

29 faces challenge: face 16

I'm not sure what I was thinking when I was doodling this girl. I'm also not sure how I feel about her....  But since she´s the only face I´ve got she´ll have to do. Well, actually, when you want to be strict about it it´s 6 faces at once. But I won´t count the small ones ...  Unless of course I get in trouble this week and won't be able to make any more faces ;-)

And here's an overview of this weeks' faces:

Day 10: sketch
Day 11: sketch in coloured pencil. And YES! I finally managed to upload it by changing the extension from jpeg to gif. Weird, isn't it ...?

Day 12: quick sketch with marker
Day 13: oneliner
Day 14: mini-painting
Day 15: painted rock

I'll post the faces for the next 2 days tomorrow (if I manage to finish 2 ...)

Thanks for visiting and for those lovely comments! I cherish each and every one of them ... ♥


  1. That Face 16 looks familiar, it's like I, me and myself talking...!

    A stunning and effective drawing!

  2. Love all your past stunning portraits but this one is totally fab. I keep going back to have yet another look. Annette x

  3. Heb je ook moeite om bij te houden?? Ik wel. Ik heb vandaag 2 schetsen gemaakt van elk een half uur om maar niet achter te geraken. Toen zag ik je laatste doodle van vandaag en dacht niet meteen aan jou hahaha. Echt heel anders dan ik van je gewend ben. Maar heel artistiek! Veel succes voor morgen!
    xxx Marianne

  4. It's very different from your usual style but its still very you somehow. I love your painted rocks. How do you get the wiring so neat?

    1. Thanks Nic! For the writing I use acrylic paint markers. I wouldn't be able to do this with paint and a brush .... And I make sure to choose rocks with a very smooth surface ...

  5. I often feel like your gal, too many faces sharing my head with too many different directions to go....LOL xox

  6. You certainly have ot a lot done this week. All so different and all wonderful

  7. I absolutely LOVE today's face. so much to look at!!

    the first day of the challenge I did a painting that had 7 faces on it and decided not to count it at all.. lol!

  8. It's a terrific face doodle! Always cool to see something unexpected and different. Wonderful week of faces and I have once again borrowed the idea. :)

  9. I absolutely love the new doodle!!!!!! Another great week for you :)

  10. Deep sigh. . .you rock! (hehe)


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