
Wednesday 4 December 2013

Still creating ...

although not every day ..... I really had to catch up with all my paperwork. I'd left everything that wasn't extremely urgent in a pile that grew bigger by the day. I've also been trying things out in my Society6-shop. Really enjoying the different possibilities there. I've taken advantage of the free shipping they had to order some products and see for myself what the quality is. Can't wait to receive them! These are some of the products in my shop:

 iphone- and ipod-skins
 throw pillows
 mugs, 2 different sizes

But I've also been sitting with my daughter on her bed every evening to draw and sketch while she's reading. Here's a finished sketch:

I love making weird hairdo's ;-)

That's it for today. I'll be back on Friday for the Paint Party! Thanks for visiting ♥


  1. i really like the iPhone skin….i'm due for a new phone after Christmas…maybe i should get the skin so i'll have it ready for the new phone???

  2. Beautiful! Glad you are well! Love the hair and the pillow looks beautiful! He mug is amazing! Big hugs!

  3. Ziet er allemaal prachtig uit! Ik hoop dat je veel verkoopt. Ondertussen maak je gewoon nog even een mooie tekening, terwijl je op het bed zit bij je dochter. Zo kanp gedaan!! xxx Marianne

  4. Nice would never lose your phone with these! xox

  5. wow prachtige creaties, vooral die Iphonehoes!!
    Groetjes karin

  6. My favourite is the mug. The sketch of your daughter is amazing

    1. Ooops, it's not my daughter... I was sitting on her bed when I drew this, but my daughter is only 11 and doesn't really look like this ;-)

  7. Your products look fabulous!! Really colourfil and bright! Society6 quality is pretty good. I ordered one of my t-shirts from them and it turned out well. I also sell at Society6 but do much better at Zazzle.

  8. Your designs look amazing on products. :) I'm waiting on my order as well.

  9. hello,
    your products look wonderful with your art on it!
    such a charming sketch. love that you sketch while your daughter reads.....


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