
Friday 20 December 2013

experimenting ....

It has been a bit of a crazy week this week. The holiday-feeling still didn't arrive. We didn't put up the Christmastree yet. I had to get up early every single day of the week. And to top it all off yesterday in a moment of madness I bumped into the car in front of me and got our car badly damaged.

Oh well .... These things happen I guess. But it's very annoying and I'm left with a frustrated "how could you be so stupid"-feeling. And as a result I'm all over the place, working a little bit on this and a little bit on that but too restless to stay with something for very long.

Still, at least I got my Christmascards done ....

I also finished a lyricsgirl:

Lyrics from Heather Nova (again! She's one of my favorite singers ....). Background is done with panpastels.

And this morning something nice also happened: the mugs I ordered from my Society6-shop as a kind of test arrived! Here they are:

I ordered the 2 different sizes, but decided I like the small one better. Mostly because it has the design right through to the bottom. All in al I'm really pleased with them. The images are really crisp and clear. Here's a picture of me showing the sizes of the mugs:

Even the smaller one is more than big enough. Now I'm still waiting for 2 pillowcases and 2 totebags. Exciting ... :-)

I also painted a little bit on my bigger canvas:

Using lots of transparant paint and my favorite fluorescent Golden fluids.

Arriving in the "ugly teenager"-phase. Generally just messing around making marks. Lots of them ...

Working around some of the marks and making new ones.

More of the same ....

And then I went and messed it up completely .... I knew I should've stayed away from it today. Way too enthusiastic with my sprays and covered up too much ....

But there are still some really nice details:

I love using these as backgrounds for my doodlegirls and sketches. Who knows, I might make some pillows out of it :-))

Well, that's it for this week. Linking this as every week to Paint Party Friday. Have a look over at their blog and all the links. It's worth a visit!

And thank YOU for visiting me! I hope your Friday will be lovely, and that the weekend will pass without any accidents or heartbreak. Sometimes that's all we need to hope for ....

And I also want to wish you all very happy merry holidays spent with loved and dear ones. ENJOY! ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. What a lot of wonderful work you have made this week! Valerie

  2. I am loving the colours in you canvas, of course I don't think you messed it up, but that is always the way, isn't it. My hubby made a few messes today and he is beating himself up just like you did. I think he needs to go and play a bit, it helped for you and it usually does

  3. Oh, such a "bad" week and still so much beautiful art. Lots of love and happy PPF

  4. Ahh, het zat je niet mee van de week. Wat vervelend dat je een auto-ongelukje had, maar zo goed dat je het blogbericht toch weer een positieve wending weet te geven. Je mokken zien er prachtig uit en je lyricsgirl ook. Jammer van je schilderij; één stapje te ver, maar wat een prachtige details en kleuren. Het komt vast wel weer goed :-) Heel erg fijn weekend! xxx Marianne

  5. Beautiful, colourful and very expressive works. Thank you for sharing with us. Have a very Merry Christmas!!!!!

  6. Happy PPF Denthe, great to see a picture of you and love all your beautiful artwork. Wishing you a very Happy Christmas, hugs Annette x

  7. Wooww,loove your beautiful colors paintings,esipecally the tea cups.that its realy wonderful what you used on the canvas,realy nice process.

    happy christmas hugs jeannette

  8. Lots of color and fun, sometimes you just need to let it out and paint, splash and play! I love all your color and energy! Your mugs are beautiful, cheers to you!
    Merry Christmas to you too!

  9. Sorry to hear about your car pronging mishap. I know what you mean about being annoyed with yourself but at least no one was hurt which is always the main thing. Your mugs look great. I really want to get in to the society6 thing but I'm not sure my at would lend itself to being printed on things the same way yours does-your beautiful style works perfectly on the mugs. By the way wheni first saw your photo i immediately thought of Helena Christianson-pretty lady!! Wishing you a wonderful Christmas. X

    1. Wow Nic, Helena Christianson .... I wish! ;-) With society6 you can choose which products you want your art on. You don't have to choose the mugs, you can also just choose the prints or the pillows etc .... I think animal-lovers would love to have some dog-pillows .... Or totebags. Or ipadcovers ... Try it! It's fun!

  10. Great cups and paintings. That's a great photo of you too. Hope next week is better for you. Happy Holidays to you.

  11. Wow.... let see where do I start. You are so busy. Sorry about the car, you are right those things happen. Take a deep breath. lyricsgirl is simply amazing. Her face "pops" off the page she is beautiful. I agree on the cups the smaller one seems better. And yes pillows!!! I am in a pillow mode myself. Have a wonderful week and a very Merry Christmas.

  12. Lovely mugs and a great idea. Love your progress on the painting, lovew that 'ugly teenager' phase, must remember that when I get frustrated with my art! Wishing you a great Christmas and a beautiful 2014!

  13. It's lovely to see a pic of you with your mugs! I prefer the smaller one, it looks the perfect size for me! Happy Friday Denise. :)
    Jess xx

  14. Your colors and designs are always gorgeous and intriguing. I like your new mugs and the photo is beautiful.

  15. Your mugs look great, and I'm loving the colorful painting in progress.

  16. First of all I 'm so glad no one was hurt even though it is such a pain in the butt to get repairs done. Your beautiful art always makes me smile. I love the portrait with the words from the song. Your mugs look great along with your lovely smile and those background paintings are gorgeous! They make me so happy. Thanks for all the fab projects you shared today. best wishes for a beautiful Christmas!

  17. Oh I am so sorry about your car boo boo...that sucks!! Hopefully it's fixed quickly and you can have a loaner car!! Cut yourself a break it's a difficult first Christmas for you!! Love your mugs, they're fabulous!! I like the bigger one it's my favourite...I love a big mug at my desk...then I don't have to go for too many refills!! Love how the canvases look...they would make gorgeous pillows!! Have the best kind of Christmas that you can!! Wishing you better days ahead!!

    Hugs Giggles

  18. Argh for the bump... and the resulting lingering feelings and hassle:-/ Love your mugs, however! And such a cute picture with you holding them! I love seeing the faces of my bloggin friends (though I have never shown my own:-0) May the Xmas feelings come this weekend... eat some chocolate... or a lot of chocolate... I find it appropriate medicine for any situation;-)

  19. Nice to see a photo of you, now I can think of it when I look at your work. The mugs looks great....large and the printing looks quite good too. Can't wait to see totes an how they come out. xox

  20. I want one of those mugs! Really are a cutie too.
    Happy Christmas and Happy PPF!

  21. Glad you weren't hurt in the car bang up. Your mugs look great. And your Lyricsgirl is lovely. Thanks for sharing your painting process, too. Mistakes are the seeds of the next great painting.

  22. wow schitterende creaties heb je ons weer getoond!
    Dat canvas is werkelijk schitterend, zo mooi als die kleuren en die bekers een plezier om uit
    te drinken volgens mij, daar word je vrolijk van!

    Fijne feestdagen!
    Groetjes Karin

  23. Lovely paintings and mugs, you're so pretty Denthe! Merry Christmas, you have been through a lot this year.

  24. Totally awesome! I have the small mug, too, and find it quite big. I'm glad I'm not the only one waiting for the tote bag. It's weird that one package comes faster than the other one even though they're supposed to be shipped at the same time.

  25. Your painting has come along quite well. . . Yikes, I have the same tendency. . .and mess it up! Sometimes they can be saved. . . .! I love the larger cup, the colors and coffee would fit it better for me, the smaller for tea. You are a beautiful lady. Blessings, Janet PPF

  26. OH I love the Lyrics girl and those mugs are awesome :) On my wishlist of things to buy myself when things are settled with the husbands job. Love that you shared a picture of yourself too. The painting is coming along and I so love the colors.. it will get there. Have a Merry Christmas if I don't chat with you again before then....and I don't have a tree up either and don't think I will this year.

  27. Wonderful work Denise, i loooove the mugs and lyrics girl and the background turned out really great, bit different to what you usually do! Hope things settle down for you this holiday season and that you and your family have a happy Christmas and New Year!

  28. Love your work and those mugs are awesome! Hope things calm down - you haven't had time for the Christmas spirit to arrive. I pray that happens now!

  29. I admire so much your use of colour, the colours sing so loudly. The fluid acrylic is so vibrant. Like you I often fiddle a little to much when the grumpy teenage stage arrives. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not. I think yours has def worked out well. I like the pieces as finished abstract works, they are so beautiful!!

  30. Forgot to say, a very Happy Christmas to you ;)

  31. love each and every piece in this post!!!! wishing you all the best for a wonderful and Blessed Christmas!!!

  32. You got a good choice of taking the lil is my favorite size too :) They look really exciting! Hope you soon have the time to relax and enjoy the holidays :) I love your progress painting and don´t even feel you messed it ;) Love the details very much, especcially the last one :) Wish you a Merry Christmas and all the best for the new year to come ♥ Conny
    Piaroms Art Journaling


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