
Sunday 24 November 2013

Art Every Day Month - Day 24

When I don't have much time to do something creative, I usually make a lyricsgirl or a oneliner. Since it's ages ago I did a oneliner, I chose that for the 24th day of AEDM.

Don't remember how I did the background, I had these pages prepared a long time ago and then forgot all about it. For those new to my blog: oneliners have this name for 2 reasons: the drawing is made out of one line, meaning the marker stays on the page the whole time until the drawing is done. I can go over one line more than once, but I can't lift the marker. Second reason is that they are all accompanied by a oneline quote (well, okay, sometimes two lines ... ☺).

The reason I started making these was because I wanted to learn to draw "ugly". I tend to be a bit too perfectionist when I'm drawing, and with these girls I can't, because I have to work really fast, and when one line isn't good I still need to keep going (I work with ink on watercolour paper, and when I stay too long in one spot I get a big black dot ....).

Anyway, this is my contribution to Art Every Day Month. Thanks so much for visiting, I'll be back tomorrow!


  1. Ja reuze knap gedaan. En telkens weer zo verschillend.

  2. Well, you hit the nail right on the head with that quote, sister! And your little lady looks a bit on the devilish side herself…ha ha!

  3. oh that quote, I love it, and the girl, one line you are gifted sister

  4. I love to see your creativity pouring out every day, it's lovely! I don't have a problem drawing ugly, it's the beautiful face s I struggle with! When I make my mixed media pieces, I tend to paint the face on paper and glue it onto the board. I wish I though of this ages ago. :)

    Jess x x

  5. fun to read about when you began your one liners
    they are fun and not ugly at all ;-)
    so glad that i am not the only one who can not remember how i created my art
    sometimes i write on the back what i used just for this reason
    lovely piece Denthe

  6. Your one-liner girls always make me smile!! Love your sense of humor!

  7. You can definitely be proud of yourself. Both the drawing and the quote are fantastic. SERIOUSLY. Take it from someone who can't draw a straight line!

  8. I always like the one liners, both the drawing and your choice of quotes.


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