
Wednesday 20 November 2013

Art Every Day Month - Day 20

And now for something completely different ....

This is what I've been doing today .... Probably not really "art", but I created them so I'm counting them as good enough entries for AEDM :-)

When we were in Belgium for a family visit 6 weeks ago, one of the first things I did was run to my favorite fabric store and purchase a whole lot of brightly coloured fabrics. Here in Australia I haven't been able to find a store with that kind of fabric for reasonable prices. And since I usually make my own clothes I've been really frustrated with the lack of choice here.

Look ... :-)

Aren't these fabrics gorgeous? It makes me happy just looking at it.

Summer is around the corner here in Queensland, and I really "needed" some new tops for the coming hot days. So I made 3!

I just love wearing these loose, long tops. Perfect for the hot summer days and evenings.

This is my entry for Art Every Day Month, day 20. Only 10 more days and November is over! Can't believe it. Thanks so much for your visits, I love having you here!


  1. Prachtige stofjes en leuk dat je zelf je kleding kunt maken. En waar haal je de tijd vandaan om zoooo creatief te zijn elke dag. Keep up the good work :-))
    xxx Marianne

  2. Denthe, Summer is around the corner in Brazil too and I feel we'll melt because it is Spring and the temperatures around the country are very high.I love colorful fabrics and we have plenty of them here.I am very fond of flower fabrics. Love long tops too.Wonderful post, my friend.

  3. These are fabulous and you make it look so easy to whip them up. Did you create a pattern for yourself? Or did you find one. xox

    1. Thanks Corrine! I usually make my patterns myself, sometimes from favorite clothes that I bought and that I want more of. And when I take one from a book, I usually adapt it until I like it .... ☺

  4. I think "art" is doing anything creative…be it sewing, painting, writing, cooking, decorating….and the list goes one but I have to say that these tops are as beautiful as any painting and I know you will be very fashionable in them!

  5. It counts! It counts! I can't believe HOW much you are accomplishing every day this month! I have enjoyed looking back at your older posts and am so impressed by what you've done. Your doodle girls are among my favorites - and your shirts here are beautiful. So you sew too? Amazed by you ;) xoxo

  6. You are amazing! you make your own clothes too! I love the fabric also, so colourful and bright - perfect for hot summer Qld days

  7. love the fabric, and the tops, you make art you sew your own clothes, is there anything you cant do

  8. These are most certainly art as far as 'm concerned and I'm sure when you are wearing them they will feel like it too!

  9. LOVE the fabric in your sewing machine and the top you made from it! Reminds me of a Flora Bowley painting - which is what your art already reminds me of. . .

  10. OMG!!!!!! I love those fabrics!!!!!! I haven't sewn in a while but I've been getting the urge to and I'd love to have those fabrics. Once all of the holidays craziness is over here....out come that sewing machine for sure :) and yes it is ART!!!!

  11. I saw these on the run the other day and thought they were simply gorgeous. I was on the way out and couldn't comment so I am back because I love the material so much. Wow, such impressive work. Nothing screams artist more than this material!!

    Hugs Giggles

  12. Your dresses are so beautiful, well made! Love the bright patterns and it looks very comfy too!


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