
Monday 18 November 2013

Art Every Day Month - day 18

I felt like making a more intuitive painting again. But small this time, since time is limited. So I bought some 13x18cm (5"x 7") canvasboards and started throwing paint at it. Well no, not really .... I used my gelliplate, without much succes, and then tried to get a bit more colour with my spray-inks. This is how this one came out:

The only thing I could see in it was a long neck, shoulders and green hair. But it was enough to start with ...

It went through a few different stages, which I forgot to take pictures of, and ended up like this:

Not much left of the original colours, but, who cares ... ? I had fun creating it. I'm longing to start a bigger canvas again, but alas, that'll have to wait. In the meantime I can make these little ones, lots more are waiting to be finished.

This is my entry for the 18th (whaaat ...!?) day of Art Every Day Month. And today I hope I'll be able to visit some more participating blogs ....

Thanks so much for coming here and leaving comments, I love and treasure every single one of them. I'll be back tomorrow! ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. this is wonderful!! so much going on in such a small space. i love the long neck…it really gives her an attitude :)

  2. I love seeing the process! It's amazing what you started with and what was born out of it. I love love love your faces ! This talks to me of forgiveness. Beautiful.

  3. Gaaf hoor!! 13 x 18 is een leuke afmeting en nog heel goed verstuurbaar vooral als canvasboard. Ik vind het een heel lief en grappig schilderijtje.
    xxx Marianne

  4. It's lovely and I love to see the different stages it goes through. :) This size might be small but when I was working this size I had so many layers, would you believe they actually took me a few months to finish! I did however work on them all at the same time up to a point where I would work on each individually towards the end. I think it's a fun size to use, I look forward to seeing more!
    Jess x x

  5. I really do love how this one turned out ♥♥♥♥♥ She does have such attitude and she appears to have turned his world upside down with it :)

  6. Throwing paint is so theraputic, so is gelli printing for me too, kind of out of mind body in painting. Love your small piece. xox

  7. This is so beautiful and seems that you had lots of fun! I love just throwing paint and letting the paint(ing) letting me know where it wants to go.

    Thank you for sharing the process!

    Have a great day!

  8. I have never done this type of intuitive painting! You have come up with a beautiful design!

  9. It's interesting how a painting can start out as one thing and end up entirely different. It looks great.

  10. Beautiful paintings Denise... lots of lovely layers and fun... and such a wonderful challenge...

    Jenny ♥

  11. I love both - the before and the after.

  12. Lovely result, rather mystical and a touch of surreality, raising the question 'what is happening here'. It's always amazing what emerges from this approach - and until I read your post today I never realised that 'intuitive' referred to the kind of thing I often do. I always wondered what people meant when they used the term. Your 'intuitivity', if there is such a word, always produces great results.

  13. Thanks for your comment on my blog Denthe! I love the commanding prescence of the woman with her long elegant neck combined with a touch of humour :)


Thanks for taking the time to comment! I love hearing your thoughts about my work. Because I am getting too many spammer comments, l have to use Captcha, sorry. Hope this is not a problem for you !