
Monday 9 September 2013

Working on my calendar 2014

I don't really want to think about next year already, or even Christmas for that matter. But alas, if I want to publish a new calendar I'll have to ....

So last week I slowly started, and I'm well on my way to get it finished this week! At first I had planned on making a similar calendar as last year, with sketches pasted on a coloured background. But then I decided I wanted something different this time.

So I decided to use parts of my "Flora-paintings", accompanied by a quote (well, yes, naturally , .... ☺)

To be sure the text is readable I had some postcards printed from these. I really like how they came out, so I probably won't change anything anymore.

It's so much fun making these calendars. It's the third year in a row that I do it, but only last year I started selling them on Lulu. I will do the same this year, they'll probably be available from the end of October.

These are the pages for 5 months. I'll show the other 7 months in my Friday-post.

And sweet Rachel Awes, from "All I did was listen", featured me on her blog in this post. Thanks so much Rachel, I really appreciate it! If you don't know Rachel, you should definitely have a look at her blog. Her colourful drawings with the insightful quotes grabbed my heart from the moment I saw them.

Well, that's it for now. I have one more thing to share that is probably of no interest to you, but makes me verrrryy happy: I finished my tax file return today! Yay!

I'll be back on Wednesday with another inspiring artist post. Thanks so much for visiting ♥


  1. Your use of colour and the way you blend them is so beautiful - as of course the faces and creatures. Your calendar will be a bright rainbow of cheerfulness each month when the viewer looks to see what day it is. It will brighten any day.

  2. Oh, it'll come very special and wonderful calender. I love Your paintings so I am sure I love Your calender. Wow!!!

  3. Schiet al aardig op, je mooie kalender!! En ik ben ook even naar Rachel gesurfd. Leuk blog en een hele positieve dame volgens mij.

  4. Hallo Denthe,bijzonder werk jou kalender 2014
    met de kenmerken van Denthe dus prachtig!
    een groetje Christiene.

  5. I love that even though you took flora class your style is distinctly nothing like hers...and your own wonderful self. So often people churn out similar art...but not you! You have honed your beautiful style and I think your calendar will be just gorgeous in completion! Good for you, and thankfully you are using these wonderful paintings that you spend so much time on them. You could probably do up set of cards in this line too!! I could even seen them on tee-shirts down the have a line that's a real treasure here! Thanks for sharing!

    Hugs Giggles


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